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SFC Support Portal
System for Fund Management in the European Union

Implementation report (FEAD I) | 2014 Support Materials EC

SFC2014 - General
General - How can I be sure that my data is submitted/sent to the Commission?
  • When data is sent to the Commission, the sender receives an automatic notification from SFC2014
  • On the search screen list of Programmes, Payment Applications etc, and in the 'General' section of the object under 'version information', check that the "current node" column is "Commission" and the "status" is "sent".
  • In each object (excluding Standalone/referring documents) a snapshot document is added to the 'associated documents' section of the object.
  • For single documents, check that the "sent date" is not empty.

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General - Why can't I see a link to Delete an Object (OP, Payment, etc.)?

- The Object has been sent to the Commission already which means you cannot delete it anymore.

- The Object has not been sent to the Commission yet but it contains a document of type 'Other MS document' which has already been sent to the Commission. In this case you cannot delete the Object anymore.


An Object can only be deleted if:

1) its status is 'Open', 'Validated', 'Ready to send' or 'Returned for modification by MS';


2) it has never been sent to the Commission before;


3) it has no sent documents attached.

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General - I cannot fit my text within the character limit of the text box, what can I do?

The text boxes provided in SFC2014 follow the official templates. The limits are defined by the Commission implementing act and cannot be extended.

You can provide additional information in other documents which may help the Commission in its assessment of the programme by adding an 'Other Member State document' type in the document section. However, according to article 2(2) of Commission implementing regulation 184/2014 you cannot make references to this in the programme and the additional information will not form part of the programme covered by the Commission decision.


Article 2

Content of electronic data exchange system

1. The electronic data exchange system (hereinafter referred to as ‘SFC2014’) shall contain at least information specified in the models, formats and templates established in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013, Regulation (EU) No 1299/2013, Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council ( 3 ) and the future Union legal act establishing the conditions for the financial support for maritime and fisheries policy for the programming period 2014-2020 (the ‘EMFF Regulation’).

2. The information provided in the electronic forms embedded in SFC2014 (hereinafter referred to as ‘structured data’) may not be replaced by non-structured data, including the use of hyperlinks or other types of non-structured data such as attachment of documents or images. Where a Member State transmits the same information in the form of structured data and non-structured data, the structured data shall be used in case of inconsistencies.

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SFC2014 - Documents
Documents - What is the document Size Limit and restrictions for file formats in SFC2014?

The size limit per file is 500MB.

There is no limit on the number of files or the total size of all files in an object.

The following file extensions are allowed:

".7z",".bmp",".csv",".docm",".docx", ".jpeg",".jpg",".msg",".ods",".odt",".pdf",".png",".ppt",".pptx,".rar", ".rtf",".tif",".tiff",".txt",".xlsb",".xlsm",".xlsx",".zip",".gif"



Compression formats will be removed from the whitelist and will not be allowed as attachments anymore. This includes formats such as .zip, .z01, .z02, .7zip, .rar, .tar, .gz …

GIS file formats, as well as the following formats, are added to the whitelist and will be allowed: .asice, .adoc, .bdoc, .cdoc, .ddoc, .edoc.

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Documents - I have sent a document by mistake, can I delete it?

Once a document has been sent (there is a date visible in the 'sent date' column) it cannot be deleted.

However, if you are the sender of the document you may choose to 'hide' a sent document so that it is no longer visible within your programme by following the steps below:

1. In the Documents section of your OP (1) select the document from the list (2) and click the Edit button (3):


2. In the Document Details pop-up select the document you wish to hide (1)

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Description Document Date

Types of Documents for EC Users

Information on types of documents that can be uploaded and sent by Commission Users.

Type of Documents for EC users_0.pdf
(403.94 KB - PDF)