Programme - How do I Withdraw my programme?
The Member State must request to withdraw the Programme by uploading a document called MS Request to withdraw programme version.
Withdrawals are subject to confirmation by the Commission. After the document is /sent it is up to the Commission User to perform the withdrawal action and stop the amendment procedure. On success, the Programme version status will be set to Withdrawn at the Request of the MS.
OP - REACT-EU modifications and validation rule 2.7.3
If you have added a REACT-EU dedicated Priority Axis to your Programme you will need to change the eligibility years by increasing the "Last year" of the Programme to 2021 or 2022, which is needed to be able to encode amounts for those years in Table 17.
RDP - Documents - Documents are not copied from previous versions
When creating a new version of a Rural Devolpment Programme, documents are not copied automatically from the previous version.
It is possible to force this copy afterwards by clicking on the button highlighted in the screenshot below:
General - Why can't I see a link to Delete an Object (OP, Payment, etc.)?
- The Object has been sent to the Commission already which means you cannot delete it anymore.
- The Object has not been sent to the Commission yet but it contains a document of type 'Other MS document' which has already been sent to the Commission. In this case you cannot delete the Object anymore.