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SFC Support Portal
System for Fund Management in the European Union

SFC2021 Access

Access - SFC2021
SFC2021 - Exclusive Roles

For MS Roles, exclusivity is only imposed on the “Send” roles between different Roles for all Funds. 

a. An Audit Authority can only be an Audit Authority:

  • MSAAS and MSAS
  • MSAS and MSAAS

b. A Body entrusted with the accounting function cannot be a Member State Authority:

  • MSAFS and MSAS
  • MSAS and MSAFS

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SFC2021 - I'm new to SFC2021, what do I need to do?

You can read about SFC2021 and the regulations governing the application in our section About SFC2021.

If you are a Member State user and you require access to SFC2021, you should contact your Member State Liaison (MSL) Officer who is responsible for authorising access to SFC2021.

  • If you do not know who your Liaison Officer is, you can contact the SFC2021 Support Team ( requesting the email address of your Liaison and mentioning the Country and Fund(s) for which you require access.
  • When requesting access to your MSL you…

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SFC2021 - I have an SFC2014 account, do I automatically have access to SFC2021?

No. Existing users of SFC2014 must explicitly request access to SFC2021 by providing their Unique identifier at the Commission (uid)​ to their MS Liaison.


This Unique identifier at the Commission (uid)​ is the same one that is used for the SFC2014 account and can be found accessing and logging into EU Login and clicking on the gear at the top right corner to display the menu and select 'My Account' -> 'My EU Login Account Details' -> 'Unique identifier at the Commission (uid)'


Alternatively if a user already has an SFC2014 account they can login to SFC2014 and find their Unique identifier at the Commission (uid)​ on the top-left of the screen:

Once the access request sent…

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Access - EU Login
EU Login - Sign in using Mobile Phone + SMS (SOON DEPRECATED)

Note that this verification method was assessed as not secure enough, and will therefore be removed in the near future. Refer here for more information about the alternative Two-Factor Authentication methods.

In order to increase security for access to the SFC Portal and SFC2021 (and many other Commission sites), the way in which…

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EU Login - How to create an EU Login account & find your Unique identifier (uid)

1. Copy and paste in your Internet browser bar in order to connect to EU Login to create a new account.


2. Click on Create an account. There is no need to fill in the "Use your email address" field 

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EU Login - Sign in with an EU Login account using EU Login mobile phone app (QR or PIN)

Once you have downloaded the EU Login Mobile App on your device, open it and tap on the "Initialise" option.

Follow the instructions on the screen: open a browser on your PC and go to the following URL:
You are requested to authenticate.

Then click on "Add a mobile device" in the browser on your PC.

In the "Your device name" field, provide a name that will allow you to remember to which device it refers to. You can pick any name that suits you, such as "My Android tablet", "My iPhone" or "My blue Windows phone".

Select a PIN code composed of 4 digits and enter it in the "Your 4 digit PIN code" and in the "Confirm your PIN code" fields to make sure you did not mistype it.

You will be prompted to provide the PIN code when authenticating so make sure you select one  that you can easily remember. However, avoid PIN codes that can be easily guessed, such as your birth year or birth day and month. Once you are done, click "Submit" and then "Next" on your mobile device.

The QR code scanner starts on your mobile device and a QR code is displayed on the screen of your PC. Point the camera of your mobile phone to your PC screen until the QR code is recognised.

Enter the PIN code you have just chosen on your mobile device and tap "Authenticate".
If the app is active (in the foreground) it will automatically redirect you to the browser selector.
If the app is in the background, a notification is displayed on your device. Please accept this notification to be redirected successfully.

Your EU Login Mobile app is successfully initialised and can be used for authenticating. Click on ‘’Continue’’ to be redirected to the Welcome screen. If your device is equipped with Fingerprint recognition, an automatic pop up will be displayed to Enable…

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EU Login - Sign in with an EU Login account using a Trusted Platform or Security Key

In order to increase security for access to all SFC applications (and many other Commission sites), the way in which users can login has been modified.

You can find more information about the different types of authentication by clicking here


Security Keys (SK)

A security key is a small physical device that looks like a USB thumb drive, and works in addition to your password.


Trusted Platforms (TP)

You can use Windows Sign-in options in order to verify your access to SFC.

1. To do so, you will first need to set up one of the ‘Windows Hello’ options, by going to your Windows settings -> Sign-in Options and set up one of the below methods:

*please request to your IT department if you do not have the administrative rights to activate these options.


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EU Login - What happens if I don't receive an e-mail containing a link to reset my password?

An email containing a URL to reactivate your password will be sent to the email address linked to your EU Login account. Passwords are managed by EU Login, not by the SFC2021 Support Team, and it happens that the email sent by EU Login doesn't reach the user's mailbox because he uses filters (ex.:spam filter) or the email linked to his account is no longer valid.

Please refer to the instructions in this FAQ.

If you have tried to reset your password but this has not solved your problem and you believe there's an issue with your registration or your username/password in EU Login, register an incident with the EU Login External Support for the 'ACCESS-RIGHTS' team. Refer to Contact support for assistance.

You can find more information via the Help link on the bottom of the login page  . 

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EU Login - How can I change the email address of my EU login (ECAS) account?

To change your email address of your EU Login (ECAS) account, please follow the steps as described below. To do so, you will have to sign in. If you do not remember your password, please go to step 2) below.


1) Procedure to change the email address of your EU Login account

Click on the URL to open the EU Login screen. Enter your email address and click Next:


Enter your password and click on the Sign in button:


You’re now logged into EU Login. Go to the wheel on the top right corner of the screen and open My Account.


Go to 'Configure my account':


Enter your EU Login password, choose a verification method and click on the Sign in button:


Enter your new email address in the email address field and click Submit:


A confirmation message appears on the screen and a confirmation…

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Access Issues
Access - SFC2021 - Why am I getting an Error 403 message?

If you are sure you have an SFC2021 account, make sure you are logging in with the correct email/userid and the correct URL:

If you do not have an account, follow the instructions in the FAQ: SFC2021 - I'm new to SFC2021, what do I need to do? | SFC Support Portal (

If you require further assistance contact the SFC SUPPORT TEAM via the contact form on the portal.

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Access - SFC2021 - Issues connecting with Microsoft Edge

If you are accessing SFC2021 with an active SFC2021 user account and are having problems with the display/connection using Edge then we recommend connecting using Chrome or Firefox browser instead.

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Access - EU Login - cannot receive SMS for mobile phone challenge/phone number not accepted

Note that this verification method was assessed as not secure enough, and will therefore be removed in the near future. Refer here for more information about the alternative Two-Factor Authentication methods.

You will need to erase all registered phone numbers and devices.               …

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Description Document Date

Node list

This document shows the current list of nodes and hierarchies

(299.37 KB - PDF)

SFC2021 MS Roles & Permissions

This document shows the MS roles & permissions for the functionalities currently available in SFC2021.

SFC2021 MS Roles & Permissions
(109.85 KB - XLSX)
Description Preview Date
request access to SFC2021
Instructions on how to request access to SFC2021: Creating your EU Login account & finding your Unique identifier at the Commission (uid).
(14.52 MB - MP4)
Adding 2 Factor Authentication to your EU Login Account
Instructions on how to Add 2 Factor Authentication to your EU Login Account
(13.21 MB - MP4)
How to find your Unique identifier
Instructions on how to find your Unique identifier at the Commission (uid) when you already have access to SFC2021.
(4.4 MB - MP4)
Reset password 2021
Instructions on how reset your password in the SFC2021 system