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System for Fund Management in the European Union

Programming | 2021 Support Materials EC

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Specifications and details related to the Commission Decision
There exist many different types of Standalone & Referring documents , and this guide provides an overview for the different document types available.
Programme ETC

PRG IJG - Appendixes

Appendix 1 - A Summary - Content discrepancy between the Snapshot document and the Programme

Only the Priorities with SCO applicable (box not ticked in the last column) will be shown in the Snapshot document:


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DOC - General

Documents - What is the difference between a Standalone or Referring document?

Documents can either be Standalone documents or Referring documents. A Standalone document doesn't refer to anything. A Referring document refers to a CCI number or to an object existing in SFC2021.

For referential documents, when a CCI link is available it means that the document can be linked to a CCI number related to the type of document. CCI numbers are allocated before the related object is encoded in SFC2021. When a Programme (PRG) link is available it means that the document can be linked to a Programme already encoded in SFC2021.  

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Documents - What is the difference between a Standalone or Referring document?

Documents can either be Standalone documents or Referring documents. A Standalone document doesn't refer to anything. A Referring document refers to a CCI number or to an object existing in SFC2021.

For referential documents, when a CCI link is available it means that the document can be linked to a CCI number related to the type of document. CCI numbers are allocated before the related object is encoded in SFC2021. When a Programme (PRG) link is available it means that the document can be linked to a Programme already encoded in SFC2021.  

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Documents - What is the difference between a Standalone or Referring document?

Documents can either be Standalone documents or Referring documents. A Standalone document doesn't refer to anything. A Referring document refers to a CCI number or to an object existing in SFC2021.

For referential documents, when a CCI link is available it means that the document can be linked to a CCI number related to the type of document. CCI numbers are allocated before the related object is encoded in SFC2021. When a Programme (PRG) link is available it means that the document can be linked to a Programme already encoded in SFC2021.  

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Standalone Documents - Why does SFC only allow the creator to send a document?

Documents and more specifically the Standalone/Referring documents don't have a workflow and without transaction between MS nodes, because this is more flexible and more convenient for users and best reflects how document transmission in most organizations work.

The only type of status is sent or not sent, so a creator cannot indicate that he finished editing the document, that he uploaded all the necessary files, and that the document is ready to be sent. If we would allow someone other than the creator to send, this person could send incomplete documents.

A user gets a task to upload a document to the Commission or to the Member State. There's no need for someone else to verify his job, because only documents previously approved by the organization will be requested to be submitted. The sending of Standalone/Referring documents is considered a purely administrative task, like putting a letter into an envelope and bringing it to the mailbox. That's why for Standalone/Referring documents only, it is also foreseen that the Send Document permission is included for Update users (MSMA Update, MSAA Update, ...). Like that the creator can create, update and send the document having only the Update Roles and not the Send Roles. Having the Send Role would allow such administrative user to send also workflow Objects (such as the Programme, Payment Applications etc), which are much more sensitive, and which definitely need to be verified before being sent.

Another restriction of the Standalone/Referring documents is that the system cannot always determine which Funds are involved. Since Roles are attributed per Fund, this would mean that a user with MSMA Send for AMIF could send a document dealing with only ERDF. Especially for sensitive audit documents this needs to be avoided.

Our current implementation is a tradeoff taking into account flexibility and security, and therefore will not always suit all organisations/users, but we think it…

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Text boxes

SFC2021 Text boxes - how does SFC2021 count characters?

SFC2021 accepts a limited HTML formatting either when inputting the text or when a copy and paste is done. In order to count the characters, SFC2021 removes all HTML formatting tags, whitespaces, special characters that are non visible (like carriage return, tabulation/indentation, new line….) and only counts the remaining characters.

The rich text fields have no limitation concerning spaces. What needs to be respected is the number of characters without spaces.

Tip: Tools such as Word can be used to approximate as much as possible the SFC2021 character counting, only if the formatting is removed (I.e. save as plain text, format Unicode). 

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SFC2021 Text boxes - how does SFC2021 count characters?

SFC2021 accepts a limited HTML formatting either when inputting the text or when a copy and paste is done. In order to count the characters, SFC2021 removes all HTML formatting tags, whitespaces, special characters that are non visible (like carriage return, tabulation/indentation, new line….) and only counts the remaining characters.

The rich text fields have no limitation concerning spaces. What needs to be respected is the number of characters without spaces.

Tip: Tools such as Word can be used to approximate as much as possible the SFC2021 character counting, only if the formatting is removed (I.e. save as plain text, format Unicode). 

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SFC2021 Text boxes - how does SFC2021 count characters?

SFC2021 accepts a limited HTML formatting either when inputting the text or when a copy and paste is done. In order to count the characters, SFC2021 removes all HTML formatting tags, whitespaces, special characters that are non visible (like carriage return, tabulation/indentation, new line….) and only counts the remaining characters.

The rich text fields have no limitation concerning spaces. What needs to be respected is the number of characters without spaces.

Tip: Tools such as Word can be used to approximate as much as possible the SFC2021 character counting, only if the formatting is removed (I.e. save as plain text, format Unicode). 

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SFC2021 Text boxes - how does SFC2021 count characters?

SFC2021 accepts a limited HTML formatting either when inputting the text or when a copy and paste is done. In order to count the characters, SFC2021 removes all HTML formatting tags, whitespaces, special characters that are non visible (like carriage return, tabulation/indentation, new line….) and only counts the remaining characters.

The rich text fields have no limitation concerning spaces. What needs to be respected is the number of characters without spaces.

Tip: Tools such as Word can be used to approximate as much as possible the SFC2021 character counting, only if the formatting is removed (I.e. save as plain text, format Unicode). 

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SFC2021 Text boxes - how does SFC2021 count characters?

SFC2021 accepts a limited HTML formatting either when inputting the text or when a copy and paste is done. In order to count the characters, SFC2021 removes all HTML formatting tags, whitespaces, special characters that are non visible (like carriage return, tabulation/indentation, new line….) and only counts the remaining characters.

The rich text fields have no limitation concerning spaces. What needs to be respected is the number of characters without spaces.

Tip: Tools such as Word can be used to approximate as much as possible the SFC2021 character counting, only if the formatting is removed (I.e. save as plain text, format Unicode). 

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General - Is it possible to compare two versions of an object?

COMPARE is currently available for a limited number of objects.


To compare 2 versions, enter one of the versions you wish to compare and click on the compare icon on the top right-hand side of the screen:


Select the version you wish to compare it with:


The Table of Content indicates the sections and /or subsections that contain changes. Information that has been added is marked in green and information removed is marked in red strikethrough:


You can tell when you are in compare mode when the orange icons are visible in the Table of Contents:


! Note that you cannot edit or navigate away from the object when in compare mode.


To exit compare mode click on the the Exit Compare icon:

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General - What is the document Size Limit & file format restrictions in SFC2021?

The size limit per file is 500MB.

There is no limit on the number of files or the total size of all files in an object.

The following file extensions are allowed:

".7z",".bmp",".csv",".docm",".docx", ".jpeg",".jpg",".msg",".ods",".odt",".pdf",".png",".ppt",".pptx,".rar", ".rtf",".tif",".tiff",".txt",".xlsb",".xlsm",".xlsx",".zip",".gif"



Compression formats will be removed from the whitelist and will not be allowed as attachments anymore. This includes formats such as .zip, .z01, .z02, .7zip, .rar, .tar, .gz …

GIS file formats, as well as the following formats, are added to the whitelist and will be allowed: .asice, .adoc, .bdoc, .cdoc, .ddoc, .edoc.

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Status changes & actions

General - The Object is Validated (in status 'Ready to Send') but it is not possible to Send it

SFC2021 enforces the "four-eyes" principle, which means that the user who last validated the Object cannot submit it. Two different users are required; one to validate and another to send.

According to Article 69(9) of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/1060 regarding the electronic data exchange system between the Member States and the Commission, one of the responsibilities of the Member State is “Ensuring the verification of information submitted by a person other than the person who entered the data for that transmission

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General - The Object is Validated (in status 'Ready to Send') but it is not possible to Send it

SFC2021 enforces the "four-eyes" principle, which means that the user who last validated the Object cannot submit it. Two different users are required; one to validate and another to send.

According to Article 69(9) of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/1060 regarding the electronic data exchange system between the Member States and the Commission, one of the responsibilities of the Member State is “Ensuring the verification of information submitted by a person other than the person who entered the data for that transmission

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General - The Object is Validated (in status 'Ready to Send') but it is not possible to Send it

SFC2021 enforces the "four-eyes" principle, which means that the user who last validated the Object cannot submit it. Two different users are required; one to validate and another to send.

According to Article 69(9) of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/1060 regarding the electronic data exchange system between the Member States and the Commission, one of the responsibilities of the Member State is “Ensuring the verification of information submitted by a person other than the person who entered the data for that transmission

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General - The Object is Validated (in status 'Ready to Send') but it is not possible to Send it

SFC2021 enforces the "four-eyes" principle, which means that the user who last validated the Object cannot submit it. Two different users are required; one to validate and another to send.

According to Article 69(9) of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/1060 regarding the electronic data exchange system between the Member States and the Commission, one of the responsibilities of the Member State is “Ensuring the verification of information submitted by a person other than the person who entered the data for that transmission

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General - The Object is Validated (in status 'Ready to Send') but it is not possible to Send it

SFC2021 enforces the "four-eyes" principle, which means that the user who last validated the Object cannot submit it. Two different users are required; one to validate and another to send.

According to Article 69(9) of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/1060 regarding the electronic data exchange system between the Member States and the Commission, one of the responsibilities of the Member State is “Ensuring the verification of information submitted by a person other than the person who entered the data for that transmission

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General - The Object is Validated (in status 'Ready to Send') but it is not possible to Send it

SFC2021 enforces the "four-eyes" principle, which means that the user who last validated the Object cannot submit it. Two different users are required; one to validate and another to send.

According to Article 69(9) of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/1060 regarding the electronic data exchange system between the Member States and the Commission, one of the responsibilities of the Member State is “Ensuring the verification of information submitted by a person other than the person who entered the data for that transmission

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Access Issues

General - Access - Issues connecting with Internet Explorer

If you are accessing SFC2021 with an active SFC2021 user account and are having problems with the display/connection using Internet Explorer / Edge then we recommend connecting using Chrome or Firefox browser instead.

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General - Access - Issues connecting with Internet Explorer

If you are accessing SFC2021 with an active SFC2021 user account and are having problems with the display/connection using Internet Explorer / Edge then we recommend connecting using Chrome or Firefox browser instead.

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General - Access - Issues connecting with Internet Explorer

If you are accessing SFC2021 with an active SFC2021 user account and are having problems with the display/connection using Internet Explorer / Edge then we recommend connecting using Chrome or Firefox browser instead.

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General - Access - Issues connecting with Internet Explorer

If you are accessing SFC2021 with an active SFC2021 user account and are having problems with the display/connection using Internet Explorer / Edge then we recommend connecting using Chrome or Firefox browser instead.

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General - Access - Issues connecting with Internet Explorer

If you are accessing SFC2021 with an active SFC2021 user account and are having problems with the display/connection using Internet Explorer / Edge then we recommend connecting using Chrome or Firefox browser instead.

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CAP Strategic Plan

CSP - Budget Codes

CSP - What are the rules for budget code creation?

An extra (new) budget code is created when an extra (new) PUA is created which creates a new line in the financial table of section 12 (for RD interventions; section 11 for DP interventions; section 5.2 or 9 for Sectoral interventions);       

Modifications to the PUA in heading 12, or to the PUA yearly values in heading 13 (for rural development interventions), have no influence on the existing budget code that is linked to the PUA.

Changes to the “type” or the “title” of the PUA are allowed, as long as no expenditure has been declared yet for the PUA.

If the Member State considers that it needs a separate budget code for the future expenditure linked to a “modified” PUA(*), then it does not need to modify the existing PUA, but it has to create a new PUA with a PUA code different from the already existing one.

(*) for example for an easier identification of the expenditure linked to each “type” (uniform/medium).

An extra (new) budget code is created when:

  • an extra (new) PUA is created = new line in the financial table of heading 12 (for rural development interventions), section 11 (for direct payments interventions), section 5.2 or 9 for sectoral interventions;
  • an extra payment reduction tranche or the application of 100% capping is added (section in the CSP), for the BISS direct payment;

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CSP - Creation of a new version

CSP - How create a new version while the previous one is submitted to EC?

You have the possibility to prepare a new Cap Strategic Plan version (for instance 1.1) while the previous one (1.0) is submitted to EC.

However, you can't send this new version to the EC until the previous one is 'Returned for modification by EC' or 'Adopted'.

If the previous one 1.0 is 'Returned for modification by EC', then you can send this prepared version 1.1.

If the previous one 1.0 is 'Adopted', then you have to:

1) Cancel version 1.1

2) Create new version 2.0 based on either 1.1 or on 1.0 (by opening the desired version and by clicking on 'Create new version').


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CSP - S2 Assessments of needs...

CSP - Why is table 2.3.2 not included in the report?

Table 2.3.2 will not be included inside the pdf report (print/snapshot) because this table is very big.

Users can consult this table 2.3.2 directly in SFC2021 and export the table into excel by right-clicking on the table as shown below:

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Programme IJG

PRG IJG - Appendixes

Appendix 1 - A Summary - Content discrepancy between the Snapshot document and the Programme

Only the Priorities with SCO applicable (box not ticked in the last column) will be shown in the Snapshot document:

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Description Preview Date
SFC2021 video guide for Standalone and Referring documents
SFC2021 video guide for Standalone and Referring documents
(13.59 MB - MP4)
SFC2021 video guide for Standalone and Referring documents
SFC2021 video guide for Standalone and Referring documents
(13.59 MB - MP4)
SFC2021 video guide for Standalone and Referring documents
SFC2021 video guide for Standalone and Referring documents
(13.59 MB - MP4)