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System for Fund Management in the European Union

ESF Monitoring FAQ | 2021 Support Materials EC

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Background note on target setting

The aim of the note is to promote a common understanding of target-setting methodologies for ESF+ programmes. It also seeks to encourage discussion and shared learning in the process of identifying relevant indicators for which a target should be set as well as methodological choices to be applied in defining them.
It includes some examples and advice for managing authorities on how to ensure the use of sound methodologies to set realistic targets as well as suitably document them.

(564.69 KB - PDF)

Background note on programme-specific indicators

The note aims to support building a common understanding of programme-specific indicators for ESF+ programmes. It provides some practical indications on when and how to select such indicators.
It builds on the requirements set by the Common Provision Regulationand the ESF+ Regulation, further explained in the Common Indicator Toolbox, as well as on the experience gained through the Data Support Centre. It includes some examples and advice for managing authorities on how to ensure that programme-specific indicators are fit for purpose.

(547.1 KB - PDF)