CSP - What are the rules for budget code creation?
An extra (new) budget code is created when an extra (new) PUA is created which creates a new line in the financial table of section 12 (for RD interventions; section 11 for DP interventions; section 5.2 or 9 for Sectoral interventions);
CSP - How create a new version while the previous one is submitted to EC?
You have the possibility to prepare a new Cap Strategic Plan version (for instance 1.1) while the previous one (1.0) is submitted to EC.
However, you can't send this new version to the EC until the previous one is 'Returned for modification by EC' or 'Adopted'.
CSP - Why is table 2.3.2 not included in the report?
Table 2.3.2 will not be included inside the pdf report (print/snapshot) because this table is very big.
Users can consult this table 2.3.2 directly in SFC2021 and export the table into excel by right-clicking on the table as shown below: