In this section you will find specific content corresponding to your access profile in SFC2014, such as reports, documents and guides related to your programmes, your funds, your country, your DG, etc.
To continue, please log on with your ECAS account.
SFC2014 access for EC users is granted by EC Liaison Officers in the different DGs involved in SFC2014, or via your Local Helpdesk.
You should specify the Fund(s) to which you require access.
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Note that this verification method was assessed as not secure enough, and will therefore be removed in the near future. Refer here for more information about the alternative Two-Factor Authentication methods.
In order to increase security for access to the SFC Portal (and many other Commission…
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To change your email address of your EU Login (ECAS) account, please follow the steps as described below. To do so, you will have to sign in. If you do not remember your password, please go to step 2) below.
1) Procedure to change the email address of your EU Login account
Click on the URL https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/cas to open the EU Login screen. Enter your email address and click Next:
Enter your password and click on the Sign in button:
You’re now logged into EU Login. Go to the wheel on the top right corner of the screen and open My Account.
Go to 'Configure my account':
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