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System for Fund Management in the European Union


Why can’t I create the Accounts (CCI number is not available)?

Please consider these points first:

  • Only Users with the role of MS Managing Authority, Body entrusted with the accounting function or MS Audit Authority with Update rights (MSMAu/MSAFu/MSAAu) can create the Accounts.
  • The CCI list contains all adopted Programmes managed at the User’s Node and which only cover Funds for which the User is registered and for which a required Annual Accounts is missing.


Modified on
3 months 2 weeks ago

ACA - Deletion & re-upload of XML files

If you have already uploaded the Annual Declaration XML and the Difference Explanation XML files and you delete or re-upload only the Annual Declaration XML file (or only the Difference Explanation XML file), then the data of the related Difference Explanation XML file (Annual Declaration XML file) will also be deleted in the system (even if the XML file is still shown on screen).