Automatic notifications for accounts – only to those programmes for which the Accounts are expected to be sent SFC2021 sends automatic notifications to MS in the following situations:
- on 31 January to all MS authorities (except the ones who have already sent their assurance package or requested an extension of deadline or ‘zero/no accounts’) to remind them of the 15 February deadline;
- on 16 February to the MS authorities that didn’t request extension of deadline before 15 February and didn’t send yet their assurance package (except in case of ‘zero/no accounts’ or requested an extension of deadline)
- In case the accounts are not submitted by 1 March (except ‘zero/no accounts’ cases), notification that payment applications are admissible only once the assurance is submitted, in line with Article 91(2) CPR.
MS request for extension of deadline: MS should send the request for extension of deadline for submission of the assurance package (by 1 March) directly via Accounts module in SFC2021. It means that MS authorities should submit their request by creating an assurance package in SFC2021 FO (status “open”) and upload a request by using the document type “MS request for extension of deadline”.
- Using the correct document types in SFC for this request is relevant because SFC2021 will know that a request has been submitted and so the notification on the 16/01 will not be sent to those programmes.