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System for Fund Management in the European Union


According to CPR Art.13.1. the methodology for establishing the performance framework shall include: "(a) the criteria applied by the Member State to select indicators". Is there a list of recommended criteria for the selection of indicators?

The methodological document should explain, for each SO, the reasons behind selecting the indicators proposed. The RACER criteria are frequently used in selecting indicators. 

There should be a clear connection between the types of actions, the budget and the proposed indicators. Where specific indicators are proposed, there should be an explanation of why the common indicators were not relevant (on the basis of the definitions provided in the indicator fiches). The methodological document should also explain whether any lessons were learned from the use of indicators during the 2014-2020 programming period, which may support the decision to use or avoid using certain indicators.

This is essential for programmes that are planning to include many programme-specific indicators and/or few common ones. 

On which basis should target values of common indicators be calculated: in relation to the budget or identified needs?

A good intervention logic starts with identifying the needs, their corresponding objectives and how the available budget can be allocated to the various objectives/actions. Once the budgeting has been done, the available budget can be used in calculating the targets.

How should "population covered by projects” be defined in RCO74 and what calculation method is recommended for this indicator, as well as RCO75?

The population covered depends on the strategy, its geographic area and any criteria included in the strategy that may restrict the categories of people targeted (otherwise, it will be the entire population living in that geographic area or administrative unit).


Could common output indicator RCO74 be used as a result indicator (even if, as a programme-specific indicator)?

Common output indicators cannot be turned into programme-specific result indicators - this applies to all Policy Objectives, as a matter of principle. Furthermore, result indicators should measure the effects of the interventions supported, with particular reference to the direct addressees, population targeted or users of infrastructure.  Output indicators do not measure results.
In addition, in PO5, a wide array of common result indicators from PO1-4 can be used when relevant to the type of action envisaged in the given strategy. We encourage the use of common result indicators wherever possible, however, if it is deemed necessary due to the nature of the given action, programme-specific result indicators can be used. These will need to be accompanied with a justification in the Methodological Documents.

N’est ce pas l’AG qui va estimer ses cibles [indicateurs de resultat]? Ou alors cet organisme/source est par exemple : un institut de statistique ? une instance régionale sur la thématique en question ?

Nous laissons libre choix à l’autorité de gestion de mentionner dans le programme quel organisme prépare ou agrège les données, tout en notant que par cette possibilité l’AG ne peut pas se délester de sa responsabilité de fournir des données de qualité auprès de la Commission. 
La définition des indicateurs et l’estimation des cibles sont naturellement du ressort de l’Autorité  de Gestion.

Result indicators for each SO should refer to “sources of data”. Could you explain what it means? The value communicated at PO level will be estimations based on potential selected projects and amounts dedicated to the SO?

‘Source of data’ shall describe the organisation/institution that produced/aggregated the data for the given result indicator.
Explanations on the method of estimation of indicator data are among the elements that should be found in the methodological document prepared by the managing authority in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 (2) CPR.

Quelles sont les modalités de modification des cibles en cours de programmation ?

Les valeurs cibles peuvent être modifiées dans le cadre d’une modification d’un programme selon les conditions définies par l’Article 19 du projet de RPDC. L’examen à mi-parcours offre une autre possibilité de modification des valeurs cibles selon les conditions définies par l’Article 14 du projet de RPDC.