Please consider these points first:
- Only Users with the role of MS Managing Authority, Body entrusted with the accounting function or MS Audit Authority with Update rights (MSMAu/MSAFu/MSAAu) can create the Accounts.
- The CCI list contains all adopted Programmes managed at the User’s Node and which only cover Funds for which the User is registered and for which a required Annual Accounts is missing.
Besides these points, be aware that SFC2021 only allows to create the Accounts when there is at least one non-zero Payment Application (PAP) submitted for the accounting year.
A zero-PAP is defined as having a Grand Total of Total amount of eligible expenditure (B) in the Expenditure table equal to 0.
Below is an example of a Programme IJG covering two Funds (ERDF and ESF+) for which the User wants to create the 2023-2024 Accounts. There is no PAP for ERDF and the PAP for ESF+ has no eligible expenditure in column (B), but it has some Union contribution in column (C). Following the requirements, SFC doesn’t allow the User to create the 2023-2024 Accounts :