WTO Notification
This document describes the actions related to the data reporting by the Member States for the purposes of the EU notification to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) on domestic support (DS) for programming period 2023-2027 in SFC2021.
The main function of the new WTO module in SFC2021 is to allow Member States’ Paying Agencies (and/or Coordinating Bodies) to report (transmit ) to the Commission the data on the amounts paid from national sources for all expenditures related to the Funds as indicated in Article 32(1), points (b) and (c) of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/128.
Each Member State should transmit the WTO related data to the Commission, once a year, before 15 of February.
More details regarding the reporting obligations and the exchange of data between the European Commission and the Member States (MS) can be found in the "About SFC2021" section of the portal.
Roles involved in the WTO Notification are:
MS Paying Agency (MSPA) MS Coordination Body (MSCB) | Record WTO Notification Upload WTO Notification Documents Consult WTO Notification Delete WTO Notification Validate WTO Notification Prepare WTO Notification for send to EC Send WTO Notification Request for Revised WTO Notification by MS Cancel WTO Notification |
This section shows the lifecycle to create and manage a WTO Notification.
Click here to see the WTO Notification workflow diagram in high resolution.
Create a WTO Notification
Remark | The User is an identified User and has the role of MS Paying Agency or MS Coordination Body with Update rights (MSPAu/MSCBu) for EAGF and/or EAFRD funds. When creating a new WTO Notification, all existing versions (last working version) for the same CCI and Fund must be Sent to the Commission, Cancelled, Request for Revision by EC. The CSP should be adopted and managed on the User's Node. Only one WTO Notification per CSP and Financial Period can be created. For this WTO Notification, several versions (=work_version) could be created when a previous version has been requested for revision by EC. The submission of the first version of the WTO Notification to EC must occur before the end of the corresponding Declaration Period. In case the WTO Notification is returned for modification by EC, a new version can be resubmitted by MS to EC even after the end of the corresponding Declaration Period. |
To create the WTO Notification, go to the Execution menu and select the WTO Notification option:
In the search screen click on the Create button to create a new WTO Notification:
You are redirected to the WTO Notification Creation Wizard:
Select or enter the following information:
(1) Select the CCI Number.
The CCI list contains all adopted CSP (last adopted version present at the last date of the financial period) managed at the User's Node, and which contain Funds for which the User is registered. The list returns the CCI, the CSP Title in English, and the CSP version.
(2) Select the Version.
The Version and Financial Period are linked to each other: for instance Version ‘2023’ is for the Financial period ‘16/10/2022 to 15/10/2023’ and this Financial year ‘2023’ will be used as ‘Version’ for this WTO notification.
(3) Select the Financial period.
For the financial period YYYY (16/10/YYYY-1 to 15/10/YYYY), the first version of the WTO notification can only be created during the Declaration period which could be theoretically defined as the day following the financial period (in practice it is set to 01/01/YYYY) until the 15/02/YYYY.
(4) Enter a National reference if applicable.
(5) Select the Source language.
The source language will be used to automatically translate the PDF report generated during the ‘Prepare for send action’.
(6) Click on Create.
The status of the WTO Notification is Open.
Remark | On Create, when the preconditions are met, the initial WTO Notifications structure is created and a Table of Content (ToC)/Navigation Tree is presented, so the User can continue to populate the structured data of the the WTO Notification. |
Record/Edit the WTO Notification
Remark | The User is an identified User and has the role of MS Paying Agency or MS Coordination Body with Update rights (MSPAu/MSCBu). When editing a version of a WTO Notification, its status is Open, Validated, Ready to send or Sent at the level of the Member State or Revision requested by MS and currently resides on the User's Node. The editing of the WTO Notification is only possible through the upload of an XML file by MS. |
Version Information
Note | The Version Information contains information on the identification and status of the WTO Notification Version like the CCI, the Fund, the Version Number, the Accounting Period, the Status, the Node where it currently resides, the Title in English, the National reference and information from the linked CAP Strategic Plan like its Commission decision number and date, the Eligibility period and the Programme version number. Only the National reference and the Source language can be updated. The Source language is mandatory. |
The Edit details pop-up window appears:
Enter or modify the following information if needed:
(1) Enter or modify the National reference.
(2) Modify the Source language.
(3) Click on Save to save the information.
Officials in Charge
Note | Officials in Charge can be updated at any time, independent from the status of the WTO Notification. Commission Officials (email domain "ec.europa.eu") can only be created/updated/deleted by Commission Users. The officials in charge are copied from the previous WTO Notification version of the same Programme, when existing. |
Click on the Add button
to add a new official in charge.
Clicking on the Edit icon
of a row will allow you to modify the information of this official.
Clicking on the Delete icon
of a row will allow you to delete the official in charge selected.
Click on the Add button to add a new Official in Charge:
The Edit details pop-up window appears:
Enter or select the following information:
(1) Enter the Name.
(2) Enter the Email.
The format of the Email address will be validated by the system and should be unique.
(3) Enter the Phone number.
(4) Select the Language.
(5) Enter the Valid from and Valid until dates.
The Valid until date should be greater than the Valid from date.
(6) Click on Save to save the information.
This section shows all the actions that have been taken on the WTO Notification since it was created, for example:
Note | The Documents list shows all documents uploaded against this version of the WTO Notification by Member State and by Commission. Member State Users see all their own Documents and the sent Commission Documents. Commission Users see all their own Documents, unsent Integral Member State Documents and sent Member State Documents. |
The following documents will be foreseen:
Description | Internal Code | Non-Integral (1) | Integral (2) | System (3) | Required (4) | Structured |
WTO notification in XML | WTO.NOT |
| X |
Other Member State Document | WTO.OM | X |
Snapshot of data before send | SNP.WTOSNT |
| X | X | X |
(1) Document can be sent at any time
(2) Document will be automatically sent when the Object is sent
(3) Document automatically created by the system
(4) Document required in the system before a next action can be executed
Uploading & Sending Documents
Multiple documents can be uploaded in the WTO Notification.
Clicking on the Add button
will open a pop-up window allowing you to add a new document type with attachments.
Selecting a document row and clicking on the View icon
will allow you to view the document information.
Selecting a document row and clicking on the Edit icon
will allow you to modify the document information. If a document of type 'Other Member State Document' must be sent, you can select the edit icon in order to send the document.
Selecting a document row and clicking on the Delete icon
will allow you to delete the document and all attachements.
Remark | Integral Documents (Official Proposal etc) are only sent - together with the encoded data – once the WTO Notification is sent to the EC. Referential/non-integral Documents (ie. 'Other Member State Document') can be sent at any time independently of the status of the WTO Notification. The 'Other Member State Document' type demands a manual submission (they are NOT sent automatically when the object is sent to the EC). A non-integral document is only visible to the Commission when the SENT DATE is visible. |
Click on the Add button to add a new document:
The Edit document details pop-up window appears:
Enter or select the following information:
(1) Enter a Document Title for your Document.
(2) Select a Document Type.
(3) Enter a Document Date.
The system automatically fills the field with todays date, but this can be modified.
(4) Enter a Local reference.
(5) Click on the Add button to add a new attachment:
You can add multiple attachments by clicking on the Add button.
You can remove unwanted attachments by selecting the attachment and clicking on the Remove button.
The Attached files window becomes editable:
Enter or select the following information:
(1) Enter a Title for your attachment.
(2) Select the Type of the document.
It is possible to select from these 4 types: Annex, Cover Letter, Main or Translation.
(3) Select the Language of the document.
(4) Click on Browse to select the file that you want to add as an attachment.
(5) After the attachments are uploaded click on Save.
Remark | Integral document types will only display the Save button and will be sent when the WTO Notification is sent to the Commission. Non-integral document types (such as ‘Other Member State Documents’) will display the Save button and a Save & Send button, and must be sent independently of the WTO Notification. |
Sending an unsent non-integral document
Once the document and attachment(s) have been uploaded click on the Send icon in the row containing the unsent document:
Click on Confirm to send the document to the Commission:
Remark | The Save & Send button will only be shown for documents which are not integral part of the Object and after at least one attachment was added. |
Deletion of an unsent document
Remark | Only unsent documents can be deleted. |
In the row of a previously uploaded unsent document click on the Delete icont to delete the document and associated attachments:
A confirmation window appears:
Click on OK to confirm deletion. Click on Cancel to return to the document section.
Validate an uploaded XML document
Remark | The system automatically validates the XML documents during the upload phase. XML file(s) in status Error (E) cannot be submitted to the Commission. MS must correct these errors by uploading a new, corrected file (or by deleting it, if necessary). |
Find the list of all XML business rules that apply when a User upload an XML file in the system:
All XML files (Document type = WTO.NOT) | |||
Declaration | |||
Code | Severity | Description | Error Message |
WTO_XML_000 | Error | Validate file structure | XML file structure NOT correct, please upload a correct file |
WTO_XML_010 | Error | Validate notification type | The notification type is not correct, please upload a corrected file |
WTO_XML_020 | Error | Validate file syntax (validate that all mandatory elements of the declaration are included in the XML file) | XML file structure NOT correct, please upload a correct file |
WTO_XML_030 | Error | Validate amount format | Amount format NOT correct. Amount format ({{arg0}}) NOT correct. The format should be [N(15,2)](=Number 15/, or ./Number 2), please upload a corrected file. |
WTO Notification in XML (Document type = WTO.NOT) | |||
Header | |||
Code | Severity | Description | Error Message |
WTO_XML_040 | Error | Validate Financial period | Financial period “{{arg0}}” is not valid |
WTO_XML_050 | Error | Validate CCI (CAP Plan identifier) | CCI “{{arg0}}” is not valid |
WTO_XML_070 | Error | Validate Currency code | Currency code should be ‘EUR’ |
Inside CAP Strategic Plan | |||
Code | Severity | Description | Error Message |
WTO_XML_080 | Error | Validate Budget code () | In the table ‘Inside CAP Strategic Plan’, the Budget code “{{arg0}}” |
WTO_XML_090 | Error | Validate that the Budget code is unique | In the table ‘Inside CAP Strategic Plan’, the Budget code “{{arg0}}” is not unique |
WTO_XML_100 | Error | Validate that the type of intervention is valid for this Budget Code and is part of the ones expected in the WTO Annex 2 | In the table ‘Inside CAP Strategic Plan’, for Budget code “{{arg0}}” , the type of Intervention is not the one of the CAP plan for this intervention, or is not part of the ones expected in WTO Annex 2 (we need in some cases the ‘Sub-type of intervention’ |
Outside CAP Strategic Plan | |||
Code | Severity | Description | Error Message |
WTO_XML_080 | Error | Validate Budget code Take the ones in AGREX with AGREX declaration period = YYYYMM withYYYYMM= SFC financial period FROM_DATE year and month. Valid budget codes are the ones that start by 08 02 03; 08 02 05, 08 02 06 or 08 02 99 | In the table ‘Outside CAP Strategic Plan’, the Budget code “{{arg0}}” is not valid for this financial period. It should also start by 08 02 03; 08 02 05, 08 02 06 or 08 02 99 |
WTO_XML_090 | Error | Validate that the Budget code is unique | In the table ‘Outside CAP Strategic Plan’, the Budget code “{{arg0}}” is not unique |
Consult an uploaded XML document
Note | For the XML file displayed on the screen, the number of Errors (E) and Warnings (W) that occurred during the execution of the XML business rules validation will be displayed. |
Click on the arrow to consult the details of the uploaded document:
The file details now appear:
Different actions are possible based on the File Status (OK or ERROR):
(1) View the file.
(2) View the list of Errors and Warnings detected in the file.
In case of Warnings only, the File Status will be OK.
(3) View the file with the Errors and Warnings on the corresponding lines.
(4) Delete the file. This feature is useful if a file is used for testing purposes or to delete a file with errors.
WTO Notification
Note | This section will be available whenever an XML file has been uploaded beforehand and is free of errors. The User can download the XML file in all corresponding subsections. |
Interventions inside CAP Strategic Plan
Note | This section is not editable. Data are populated from the XML file upload. |
Interventions outside CAP Strategic Plan
Note | This section is not editable. Data are populated from the XML file upload. |
Validate the WTO Notification
Remark | The WTO Notification can be validated at any time, when the current version is in status Open and resides at the User’s Node. The User must have the role of MS Paying Agency or MS Coordination Body with Update or Send rights (MSPAu/s or MSCBu/s). |
Click on the Validate button to validate the WTO Notification:
Remark | An Error will block you from sending the WTO Notification. The error(s) should be resolved and the WTO Notification must be revalidated. Note that a Warning does not block you from sending the WTO Notification. |
The system validates the following information:
Code | Severity | Validation Rule |
001 | Warning | Validate that at least one official in charge of the Member State exists. |
002 | Error | Validate that the CCI code matches the following regular expression: 2023CC06AFSPNNN (Implicit in web). |
003 | Error | Validate that the WTO notification is linked to the last adopted CAP Strategic Plan before the end of the financial period for this CCI (Implicit in web). |
004 | Error | Validate that all integral documents have at least one attachment with a length > 0. |
005 | Error | Validate that no XML documents are in status ERROR |
An example of a validation window:
You can check the list of validation results at any time throughout the WTO Notification:
To see the last validation results:
(1) Click on one of the 4 categories: All results, Passed, Warning, Error.
(2) The list of latest validation results for the chosen category is displayed.
After all errors have been resolved the status of the WTO Notification becomes Validated.
Prepare WTO Notification for send to EC
Remark | The Prepare for Send can occur when a User on the highest MS Node wants to indicate that the WTO Notification version can be prepared for sending to the Commission, once the Validation Errors have been removed and the status is Validated or Sent (from a lower Node). The User must have the role of MS Paying Agency or MS Coordination Body with Update or Send rights (MSPAu/s or MSCBu/s). |
Click on the Prepare for send to EC button to prepare to send the WTO Notification to the Commission:
The system will ask you to confirm the send action:
Click on Confirm to confirm.
The status of the WTO Notification is set to Preparing for send to EC.
Send the WTO Notification
Remark | The Send can occur when a User wants to send its recorded data on a WTO Notification version to the Commission or to an upper Node. The WTO Notification can only be sent once the Validation Errors have been removed and the status is Ready To Send or Sent (from a lower node). The "4 eyes principle" must be respected. Therefore, the User sending must be different from the User who last validated. The User must have the role of MS Paying Agency or MS Coordination Body with Send rights (MSPAs/MSCBs). |
Click on the Send button to send the WTO Notification to the Commission or to an upper Node:
The system will ask you to confirm the send action:
Click on Confirm to confirm. For completing this action, the User will be redirected to the EU Login signature page.
On success, the WTO Notification version has been sent to the Commission or to an upper Node. When sent, the status is set to Sent.
Remark | When on the highest MS node, different versions of the generated “Snapshot before send” document will be available so that the sender can first verify what will be sent to the Commission:
Request for Revised WTO Notification by MS
Remark | The WTO Notification can only be revised by MS when a lower Node exists and the status is Sent (to a higher MS node), Open, Validated, Ready to Send or Revision requested by MS. This action can be used when a User wants to request a revision for the WTO Notification version sent by the Member State/Region because it is incomplete or incorrect. The User must have the role of MS Paying Agency or MS Coordination Body with Update rights (MSPAu/MSCBu). |
Follow the steps to request for revised WTO Notification by MS:
Select the following:
(1) Select the icon with 3 vertical dots.
(2) Click on the Request revision button to request revision from the lower Node.
The system will ask you to confirm the request for revision:
Enter the following:
(1) Enter the Reason in the text box provided.
(2) Click on Confirm to save the information.
On success, the status of the WTO Notification will be changed to Revision requested by MS and the sender is notified of the action and its reason.
Delete the WTO Notification
Remark | The WTO Notification can only be deleted when:
The User must have the role of MS Paying Agency or MS Coordination Body with Update rights (MSPAu/MSCBu). The delete is a physical delete and cannot be recovered! |
Follow the steps to remove the WTO Notification from the system:
Select the following:
(1) Select the icon with 3 vertical dots.
(2) Click on the Delete button to remove the WTO Notification from the system.
The system will ask you to confirm the delete action:
Click on Confirm to confirm or click on Cancel to return to the WTO Notification.
Cancel the WTO Notification
Remark | The WTO Notification can only be cancelled when a WTO Notification version with documents was sent to the Commission and without any previous work version in status Revision requested by EC. The notification utility will be called to notify the Commission of the cancel of the version. The WTO Notification version must currently reside on the User's Node and its status is Open, Validated, Ready to send or Revision requested by MS and contains a sent Document and has no previous working version of the same major version in status Revision requested by EC. The User must have the role of MS Paying Agency or MS Coordination Body with Update rights (MSPAu/MSCBu). |
Follow the steps to cancel the WTO Notification from the system:
Select the following:
(1) Select the icon with 3 vertical dots.
(2) Click on the Cancel button to cancel the WTO Notification from the system.
The system will ask you to confirm the cancel action:
Click on Confirm to confirm or click on Cancel to return to the WTO Notification.
On success, the status of the WTO Notification will be changed to Cancelled.
Create a New Version of the WTO Notification
Remark | A new version of the WTO Notification needs to be created when on the last version a revision was requested by the Commission, or can be created when the Member State feels the need to send a revised version. A new version of the WTO Notification can only be created when the last working version for the submission period of the WTO Notification is in status Revision requested by EC, Cancelled or Sent to the Commission. The User must have the role of MS Paying Agency or MS Coordination Body with Update rights (MSPAu/MSCBu). |
Click on the Create button to create a new version of the WTO Notification:
The system will ask you to confirm the creation of a new version:
Click on Confirm to confirm. Click on Cancel to return to the WTO Notification.
On success, a new version of the WTO Notification has been created as a copy of the last version, with a version number identical to the previous and a working version number incremented by one. Its status is set to Open.