The new module ‘Data on LAGs for LEADER’ is now available for testing in SFC2021 Acceptance environment under the menu ‘MONITORING> Data on Monitoring and Evaluation> Data on LAGs for LEADER (EAFRD)’:
We would like to invite the Member States’ Managing Authorities, the Paying Agencies, the Coordinating Bodies and the Entities authorised by the Member States for the encoding of data on LAGs (new role in SFC2021), to test the introduction of the information in structured format, by uploading of XML files in the system as well as to provide us with their feedback.
Examples of XML files that need to be adapted and uploaded in the Data on LAGs for LEADER Module are available as follows:
The XSD file, that defines the structure of this XMLs, is also available under the same link.
To create the Data on LAGs for LEADER, upload the XML file for the LAGs identification (under section ‘General > Documents’) and submit the data to the European Commission. For the submission of data, the Member States’ users must have the MS Managing Authority (MA), MS Paying Agency (MSPA) or MS Coordinating Body (MSCB) role for EAFRD.
Please note, that there are to be used 2 xml files, one for the LAGs identification (to be used in production starting 2024) and the second one, to report on LAGs activities, finances, and their contribution to the selected result indicators (to be used in production starting 2026).
Please be aware that this is only a testing environment. No data entered here will be transferred to the production environment.
The activation of the module in Production is expected for the beginning of 2024.
We encourage the Member States to test the entire functionality and to send any feedback or comments to the SFC2021 Support Team:
Thank you!