This release fixes the bug which was causing an error upon the import & export of excel files. The release note below contains all the Changes and Fixed Defects.
Annual Performance Report (EAGF/EAFRD)
AGRI APR (12683) - CATEGORY table to be enhanced with other Type of INTERVENTIONS.
AGRI APR (12669) - section 2.4, error for sectoral F&V fixed.
Certification Body Report & Audit Opinion (AGF/EAFRD)
AGRI CBRN (multiple tickets) – multiple small changes.
Defects Fixed
PRG IJG (12825) - Dimension and Indicator tables - On add/edit a record, the status of the programme was not updated. This is fixed.
PRG TJTP (12817) - Section 2 - On add/edit a territory, the Table Of Content was not refreshed.
Transmission of Data
TOD ALL (12630) - Table 12 Type list boxes did not enable and generated an error. This is fixed.
TOD ALL (12807 ) - Table 2 - There was a 500 error on importing data from excel. This is fixed.
Event Registration
EVNT REG (12813) - Navigating to the section, the Table Of Content was not loaded and the 'add' button was hidden. This is fixed.
REPRTS (12814) - Navigating to the section, the Table Of Content was not loaded and the 'add' button was hidden. This is fixed.
GEN SRCH (12808) - Searchlist - On export to excel, a 500 error was given. This is fixed.
STDOC (12841) - during creation of Letters in Financial management system a 500 HTTP error was given. This is fixed.