We are pleased to announce that the Survey module to input aggregated structured survey results on material deprivation and reporting of it to the EC is now available via the Evaluation module of SFC2021 or by using the following link: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/sfc2021/sfc-fo/evaluation/survey/list.
A technical guide to assist you is available here : https://sfc.ec.europa.eu/en/2021/support-ms/survey?qt_support_pages=0.
The first such report of the aggregated survey results shall be submitted by 30 June 2025 and the second by 30 June 2028 following Article 23(3) of the ESF+ Regulation (EU) 2021/1057.
Further voluntary survey results may also be submitted in SFC2021.
For general explanations of the structured survey process refer to the ‘Explanatory note’ uploaded in CIRCABC under this link.
For any questions regarding this declaration, please contact the SFC Support team (EC-SFC2021-INFO@ec.europa.eu).