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System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by joffrso on 9 November 2021

PRG IJG - Sections for Material Deprivation ( etc) are not displayed

Below are the steps you need to take in order to add a Dedicated priority for Material Deprivation:


In Section 1 / Table 1 – Select the ‘ESF+ Dedicated Priority’ option (1) and from the drop-down list choose one of the dedicated priorities for Material Deprivation (2):




Once added, go to Section 2 – Add a new priority, making sure you choose the ‘Dedicated priority type’ for Material Deprivation (4):




Once you have saved go to Section 2.1.1 for this newly saved priority – add a new Specific Objective (the ESF+ / ESO.13 will be automatically displayed), and save:




The menu options for Material Deprivation Priorities will then become available:




Please note, when adding the indicators, that the Priority for ESO4.13 Addressing Material Deprivation (Support of the most deprived) doesn't have milestone and target fields. Also there is no section " : Breakdown by type of intervention" for Priority, Specific Objective combinations covering ESF+