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System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by joffrso on 19 April 2022 | Modified by joffrso on 2 May 2024

Standalone & Referring Documents for MS

    (980.17 KB - PDF)

    Standalone & Referring Documents (MS)



    This document describes the specifications and details related to the management of Standalone and Referring documents. Standalone documents exist by themselves and do not refer to any other object in the system. Referring documents also exist by themselves but refer to a CCI. Both documents never exist under any versioned object in the system, they are independent and therefore never integral.



    More detail regarding the regulation of the Standalone or Referring Documents can be found in the "About SFC2021" section of the portal.


    Document Types & Workflow

    There exist many different types of Standalone & Referring documents. Depending on the document type, additional metadata fields can be added by the system. The links below provide an overview for the different Standalone and Referring Document types available, the extra metadata fields, and the roles and funds required to create, upload and send each document type:



    Visibility, Transparency & Communication

    Brexit Adjustment Reserve

    CPS Notifications



    Enabling Conditions

    Monitoring Committee

    Performance review

    List of Selected Operations

    Annual review meeting



    Financial management

    Debit note



    Interreg common sample

    EC audit report

    Annual coordination meeting

    Audit communications



    Evaluation plan

    Evaluation documents







    1. The user wants to create a standalone or a referring Document in the system and clicks the Create button under the relevant menu item.

    2. The system displays a form related to Document information and the user selects the Document Type to be uploaded.

    3. Depending on the type, additional metadata fields are added by the system that the user must complete.

    4. The user adds one or more Attachments.

    5. When the document type is a Referring Document, the user adds one or more Links.

    6. The user clicks the Create button.

    7. The system saves the data.

    8. The user clicks on the Send Document button and confirms the send with the Confirm button.

    9. The system sets the sent by and sent date for the Document and sends the information.

    10. The notification system will inform the addressee(s) of the sending of the Document.



    Additional Information

    To consult a Standalone Document, the Member State user belongs to a Node on the consultation hierarchy path of the Document. For referring Documents, the user has view permission (VIW) on one of the linked Objects, and when the linked Object is of type CCIRequest, the user’s Profile Node Country equals the Country of the Documents.

    Member State Documents can be consulted by a Commission user only when sent. Commission Documents can be consulted by a Member State user only when sent. Member State users can consult Member State Documents even before they are sent.



    Create a Standalone or Referring Document



    Each Document Type will have its own roles involved in order to be able to create, update and send the Standalone or Referring Documents.

    The user has the roles to update and send and belongs to the Fund allowing him to upload and send this type of Document.

    Updating and deleting is only allowed by the creator of the Document and only when the Document is not yet sent to the Commission.

    The user can at any time save the data and come back later to complete and send the Document.



    1. To upload a document click on the MENU button (1) and then go to the relevant Menu (2) and select the relevant Menu item (3), e.g:



    1. In the search screen click on the Create button to create a new document



    You are redirected to the Create Document Wizard:



    Depending on the selected Document type, the type and amounts of fields will change accordingly.



    1. Enter or select the following information:

    (1) Select the Document Type.

    The Document Type List contains all non-System MS to EC Document Types from the related Document Group for which the user has the update permission, except MS to EC Document Types that reply to other Document types (These will only be available via the reply button on the original EC to MS Document).

    (2) Select the Document date.

    The system automatically fills the field with todays date, but this can be modified.

    (3) Enter the Document title.

    (4) Enter the Local Reference if needed.

    (5) Click on the Add button to add the attachments.

    • You can add multiple attachments by clicking on the Add button.

    • You can remove unwanted attachments by selecting the attachment and clicking on the Remove button.



    Adding attachments


    • You can add multiple attachments by clicking on the Add button . This will open a new row in the Attached files table, allowing entering a Title, selecting an Attachment Type (Defaults to MAIN), selecting a Language (Defaults to language of user) and selecting a File to upload.

    • Clicking on the Edit icon will allow you to modify the attachment information.

    • Clicking on the Delete icon in an attachment row will allow you to delete the attachements.



    1. Click on the Add button to add a new attachment.



    The Attached files window becomes editable:



    1. Enter or select the following information:

    (1) Enter a Title for your attachment.

    (2) Select the Type of the document.

    It is possible to select from these 4 types: Annex, Cover Letter, Main or Translation.

    (3) Select the Language of the document.

    (4) Click on Browse to select the file that you want to add as an attachment.

    (5) After the attachments are uploaded click on Create.



    The user can at any time save the data and come back later to complete and send the Document. A Standalone document can be modified or deleted as long as it has not been sent to the EC yet.

    Clicking the Create button in the Documents modal update/edit window updates the data and closes the window to return to display mode.



    Adding Links for Referential Documents


    Only Referring documents must be linked to a CCI.Therefore the Links section will not exist for Standalone Documents, only for Referential documents.


    • You can select a single CCI link by clicking on the Add button .

    • You can add multiple CCI link by clicking on the Add Multiple button .

    • You can remove unwanted CCI link by clicking on the Remove button .



    Adding a single Link


    1. Click on the Add button to add a new CCI link:



    1. Select the CCI from the drop down list:



    1. Once you have selected the CCI the Title field will be completed automatically. Click on Create to save the document:




    The CCI Title in the Links section comes from either:

    • the last version of the Object if the document type is linked to a versioned object type,

    • the CCI Request if the document type is linked to the CCI Request.



    Adding multiple Links



    If the document type should only have 1 link then the Add multiple button will not be shown.


    1. To add multiple CCI links by clicking on the Add multiple button:



    The Edit pop up window appears:



    1. Slect the following information:

    (1) Select the CCI(s) from the Available CCIs list.

    (2) Click on the right arrow to transfer your selection to the Selected CCIs list.

    (2) Click on the Upload button.


    1. Once you have selected the CCI, the Object Title field will be completed automatically. Click on Create to save the document:




    The CCI Title in the Links section comes from either:

    • the last version of the Object if the document type is linked to a versioned object type,

    • the CCI Request if the document type is linked to the CCI Request.



    Send a Standalone or Referring Document



    A row containing a standalone or referring document that has not yet been sent to the commission will display in RED in the Search screen:

    Select the row and click on the Show button to enter the in the Document update/edit window:



    1. In the display mode of the Document click on the Send Document button:



    1. When the confirmation screen appears click on the Confirm button:



    1. Click on the OK button to confirm the redirection:



    1. You are redirected to EU Login. In the Sign Transaction screen enter your EU Login password and click on the Sign button:



    The document is sent and the send date is visible.



    Acknowledge reception of a Document

    This occurs when a user needs to acknowledge the reception of a sent Document (only applicable to certain document types). Each Document Type requiring acknowledgement of receipt, will have its own set of Actors allowed to perform this action (set by the Commission user who uploaded the document).


    1. Select and open (show) the relevant document from the search screen:



    1. Click on the Acknowledge reception button:



    The confirmation pop up window appears:



    1. Click on Confirm to confirm the acknowledgement of receipt. The acknowledgement information is added to the document details:



    Reply to a received Document

    This occurs when a user wants to reply to a received Document. Each Document Type will have its own set of Actors allowed to perform this action (set by the EC user on creation of the sent document).



    1. Select and open (show) the relevant document from the search screen:



    1. Click on the Reply button:



    The Attached files window becomes editable:



    1. Enter or select the following information:

    (1) Enter a Title for your Document.

    (2) Click on Add to add new attachments.

    (3) Enter a Title for the attachment.

    (4) Click on Browse to select the file that you want to add as an attachment.

    (5) After the attachments are uploaded click on Save or Save & Send.



    Delete a document

    Sent documents can not be deleted. Unsent documents will appear in the search screen highlighted in red and without Sent date or Sent by information:




    1. To delete the document:

    (1) Select the row in the search screen.

    (2) Click on the Show button to display the document information


    1. Click the Delete button:



    1. Click the Confirm button to confirm deletion of the document:




    Notifications for Standalone & Referring documents


    • The notification of the sending to the addressee is quite different from other objects in the system, because there are no Officials in Charge defined against a Document:

    • For standalone Member State Documents, the notification cannot directly be sent to someone at the Commission. Therefore, subscription to receive such kind of notification will be done via the notification self-registration. EC subscribers will receive a notification for each standalone Member State Document sent, possibly filtered by Member State.

    • For standalone Commission Documents, the notification cannot directly be sent to someone in the Member State(s). Therefore, subscription to receive such kind of notification will be done via the notification self-registration. MS subscribers will receive a notification for each standalone Commission Document sent to their Member State.

    • For referring Member State Documents, the notification will directly be sent to the Commission Officials in Charge of the object(s) linked to the Document. Additionally, via the self-registration, EC subscribers will receive a notification for each referring Member State Document sent, possibly filtered by Member State and/or Fund and/or Budget Source and/or Object Type.

    • For referring Commission Documents, the notification will directly be sent to the Member State Officials in Charge of the object(s) linked to the Document. Additionally, via the self-registration, MS subscribers will receive a notification for each referring Commission Document sent, filtered by Member State and possibly by Fund and/or Budget Source and/or Object Type.

    • For Document types LET.AA (Audit Authority), LET.MA (Managing Authority), LET.ALL (Audit Authority, Managing Authority), a notification will also be sent to the specific authority(-ies) as can be found in the last Programme version available at EC level or in the last Programme version.