Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD)
This document describes the specifications for the Cap Strategic Plan (CSP) for the European agricultural guarantee fund (EAGF) and European agricultural fund for rural development (EAFRD).
Only the basic workflow and General information of the CAP Strategic Plan is covered in this guide. For more detailed information on completing the different sections refer to the Technical Guidelines for the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) available on CircaBC or on the SFC Portal.
More detail regarding the regulation of the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) can be found in the "About SFC2021" section of the portal.
Roles involved in the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) are:
MS Managing Authority (MSMA)
| Record the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) Upload the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) Documents Consult the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) Return Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) by MS for Modification Delete the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) Validate the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) Prepare the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) for send to EC Send the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) Cancel the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) Create New Version of the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) |
MS Paying Agency (MSPA) MS Coordinating Body (MSCB) MS Audit Authority (MSAA) | Consult the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) |
As can be seen in the table above, the main role involved in the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) creation is MS Managing Authority. To create the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) the User is an identified User and has the role of MS Managing Authority with Update rights (MSMAu) for both the EAGF and EAFRD Fund.
This section shows the lifecycle to create and manage a Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD). There is no modifying the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) once it has been submitted. The Commission cannot change a Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD), only respond.
Click here to see the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) workflow diagram in high resolution.
Create the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD)
Remark | The user is an identified user and has the role of MS Managing Authority with Update rights (MSMAu) for EAGF and EAFRD. A CCI number must have been Allocated by the Commission in order for you to create the first version of a Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD). |
To access the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) go to the Programming menu and select the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) option:
In the search screen click on the Create button to create a new Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD):
You are redirected to the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) Creation Wizard:
Enter or select the following information:
(1) Select the CCI Number
The CCI number used for the CAP Strategic Plan must have been previously allocated by the Commission. The list of values in the creation wizard will contain all allocated CCI numbers for this Member Sate (The User needs update permission for all Funds covered by the CCI).
(2) Modify or Enter the Title in English.
The ‘Title in EN’ field is always present. For each of the official languages of the MS different from English an extra Title field will be present.
(3) Select a First Year and select a Last Year.
First Year is pre-filled with 2023 and Last Year with 2027. Both fields can be updated but First Year needs to be smaller or equal than Last Year and between 2023 and 2027.
(4) Enter any additional Comments.
(5) Click on Create to confirm creation of the the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD).
The status of the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) is Open.
Remark | The initial Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) structure is created, and a Table of Content (ToC)/Navigation Tree is presented, so the user can enter the structured data of the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD). The system will automatically:
Record/Edit the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD)
Version Information
Note | The Version Information contains information on the identification and status of the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) like the CCI, the Title, the Version Number, the Status, the Node where it currently resides and eventually the Decision information. The ‘Eligibility from’ date will automatically be set to 01/01/2023 when creating the first version. |
Click on the Edit button to access the edit form to modify the information.
The Edit form appears:
If information needs to be modified, update the relevant fields and click on information Save to save the information.
Only the basic workflow and General information of the CAP Strategic Plan is covered in this guide. For more detailed information on completing the different sections refer to the Technical Guidelines for the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) available on CircaBC or on the SFC Portal.
Officials in Charge
Note | Officials in Charge can be updated at any time, independent from the status of the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD). Commission Officials (email domain "") can only be created/updated/deleted by Commission Users. |
Click on the Add button
to add a new official in charge.
Clicking on the Edit icon
of a row will allow you to modify the information of this official.
Clicking on the Delete icon
of a row will allow you to delete the official in charge selected.
Click on the Add button to add a new Official in Charge:
The Edit details pop-up window appears:
Enter or select the following information:
(1) Enter the Name.
(2) Enter the Email.
The format of the Email address will be validated by the system and should be unique.
(3) Enter the Phone number.
(4) Select the Language.
(5) Enter the Valid from and Valid until dates.
The Valid until date should be greater than the Valid from date.
(6) Click on Save to save the information.
This section shows all the actions that have been taken on the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) since it was created, for example:
The Documents list shows all documents uploaded against this version of the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) by Member State and by Commission. Member State Users see all their own Documents and the sent Commission Documents. Commission Users see all their own documents, unsent Integral Member State Documents and sent Member State Documents.
The following documents will be foreseen:
Description | Non-Integral (1) | Integral (2) | System (3) | Required (4) |
Other Member State Document | X |
Formal communication to EC | X |
Snapshot of data before send |
| X | X | X |
MS Request to withdraw CAP Strategic Plan version | X |
MS Request to return CAP Strategic Plan version for modification | X |
Accreditation Act for accredited PAs if a new PA is granted accreditation | X |
Annex I: Ex-ante evaluation and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) referred to in Directive 2001/42/EC |
| X |
| X |
Annex II: SWOT analysis |
| X |
| X |
Annex III: Consultation of the partners [a summary of comments submitted by the competent regional and local authorities and the partners as referred to in Article 94(3)] |
| X |
| X |
Annex IV: Crop-specific payment for cotton |
| X |
| Where relevant |
Annex V: Additional national financing provided within the scope of the CAP Strategic Plan |
| X |
| X |
Annex VI: Transitional national aid |
| X |
| Where relevant |
Annex Chapter 1: Strategic Statement |
| X |
Annex Chapter 2: Assessment of Needs and Intervention Strategy |
| X |
Annex Chapter 3: Consistency of the Strategy and Complementarities |
| X |
Annex Chapter 4: Element common to several Interventions |
| X |
Annex Chapter 5: DP, Sectoral, and RD interventions defined in the strategy |
| X |
Annex Chapter 6: Target and Financial Plan |
| X |
Annex Chapter 7: Governance and Coordination systems |
| X |
Annex Chapter 8: Modernisation : AKIS and digitalisation |
| X |
(1) Document can be sent at any time
(2) Document will be automatically sent when the Object is sent
(3) Document automatically created by the system
(4) Document required in the system before a next action can be executed
Importing documents from a previous version
Integral documents sent in a previous version of the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) can be imported by selecting the Import documents from previous version button
The system will ask you to confirm the import:
Click on OK to confirm
The documents will be added to the current list of documents and are editable.
Uploading & Sending Documents
Multiple documents can be uploaded in the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD).
Clicking on the Add button
will open a pop-up window allowing you to add a new document type with attachments.
Selecting a document row and clicking on the View icon
will allow you to view the document information.
Selecting a document row and clicking on the Edit icon
will allow you to modify the document information. If a document of type 'Other Member State Document' must be sent, you can select the edit icon in order to send the document.
Selecting a document row and clicking on the Delete icon
will allow you to delete the document and all attachements.
Remark | Integral Documents (Official Proposal etc) are only sent - together with the encoded data – once the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) is sent to the EC. Referential/non-integral Documents (ie. 'Other Member State Document') can be sent at any time independently of the status of the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD). The 'Other Member State Document' type demands a manual submission (they are NOT sent automatically when the object is sent to the EC). A document is only visible to the Commission when the SENT DATE is visible. |
Click on the Add button to add a new document:
The Edit document details pop-up window appears:
Enter or select the following information:
(1) Select a Document Type.
(2) Enter a Document Date.
The system automatically fills the field with todays date, but this can be modified.
(3) Enter a Document Title for your Document.
(4) Enter a Local reference.
(5) Click on the Add button to add a new attachment:
You can add multiple attachments by clicking on the Add button.
You can remove unwanted attachments by selecting the attachment and clicking on the Remove button.
The Attached files window becomes editable:
Enter or select the following information:
(1) Enter a Title for your attachment.
(2) Select the Type of the document.
It is possible to select from these 4 types: Annex, Cover Letter, Main or Translation.
(3) Select the Language of the document.
(4) Click on Browse to select the file that you want to add as an attachment.
(5) After the attachments are uploaded click on Save.
Remark | Integral document types will only display the Save button and will be sent when the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) is sent to the Commission. Non-integral document types (such as ‘Other Member State Documents’) will display the Save button and a Save & Send button, and must be sent independently of the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD). |
Sending an unsent non-integral document
Once the document and attachment(s) have been uploaded click on the Edit icon in the row containing the unsent document:
Click on Save & Send to send the document to the Commission:
Remark | The Save & Send button will only be shown for documents which are not integral part of the Object and after at least one attachment was added. |
Remark | Unsent documents which are not an integral part of the Object and with at least one attachment added will display the send icon in the Document screen: Clicking on the Send icon will automatically redirect you to the confirmation screen (step 3 below). |
The system will ask you to confirm the send. Click on Confirm to confirm the sending of the document to the Commission:
Deletion of an unsent document
Remark | Only unsent documents can be deleted. |
In the row of a previously uploaded unsent document click on the Delete icont to delete the document and associated attachments:
A confirmation window appears:
Click on Yes to confirm deletion. Click on No to return to the document section.
This section is used to provide any relevant information to the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD). It can be used as a type of 'chat' between the Member State and Commission.
Click on the Add button to add an observation:
The Add new observation screen appears:
Enter the following:
(1) Enter an observation.
All Users who have Update permission on the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) will be able to send an observation and participate in the conversation.
(2) Click on Add to save the information.
All observations are kept against the specific version of the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD).
The observation is added below the Observations box and includes the username, the date and time of the post.
Content of the CAP Strategic Plan
Only the basic workflow and General information of the CAP Strategic Plan is covered in this guide. For more detailed information on completing the different sections refer to the Technical Guidelines for the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) available on CircaBC or on the SFC Portal.
Validate the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD)
Remark | The Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) can be validated at any time, when the current version is in status Open. The User can edit and revalidate as many times as necessary before sending. It is a must to have the role of Member State Managing Authority with Update access (MSMAu). |
Click on the Validate button to validate the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD).
Remark | An Error will block you from sending the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD). The error(s) should be resolved and the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) must be revalidated. Note that a Warning does not block you from sending the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD). |
The system validates the following information:
Code | Severity | Validation Rule |
PRG_CSP_004 | ERR | Validate that the CCI code matches the following regular expression: YYYYCC06AFCSNNN |
PRG_CSP_006 | ERR | Validate that the "First year" and the "Last year" are >= 2023 and <= 2027 and that "First year" is <= "Last year" |
PRG_CSP_012 | ERR | Validate that at least one official in charge of the Member State exists |
PRG_CSP_014 | ERR | Validate that all integral documents have at least one attachment with a length > 0 |
PRG_CSP_015 | ERR | Validate that an option is checked in section ‘General > Amendment/Corrections’ |
PRG_CSP_015_010 | ERR | Validate in chapter ‘General > Amendment/Corrections > General information on the request for amendment > Expected impact of the changes to the plan on achieving the specific objectives’, that the text field is filled, if and only if the version modification is an Amendment |
PRG_CSP_015_020 | ERR | Validate in chapter ‘General > Amendment/Corrections > General information on the request for amendment > Type of Amendment’, that the at least one Type of Amendment is ticked, if and only if the version modification is an Amendment |
PRG_CSP_015_030 | ERR | Validate in chapter ‘General > Amendment/Corrections > Detailed information on the specific elements of each modification’, that there is at least one Modification filled, if and only if the version modification is an Amendment |
PRG_CSP_015_040 | ERR | Validate in chapter ‘General > Amendment/Corrections > Detailed information on the specific elements of each modification’, that all text boxes are filled for each Modification, if and only if the version modification is an Amendment |
PRG_CSP_015_050 | ERR | Validate in chapter ‘General > Amendment/Corrections > Consultation of the monitoring committee’, that the date and the Opinion of the monitoring committee are filled, if and only if the version modification is an Amendment |
PRG_CSP_016_0100 | ERR | Validate in chapter 1 STRATEGIC STATEMENT, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0110 | ERR | Validate in chapter 2.1 Assessments of needs and intervention strategy, that text field 'Need assessment to specific geographical areas ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0120 | ERR | Validate in chapter 2.1 Assessments of needs and intervention strategy, that text field 'Methodology and criteria used for prioritisation' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0130 | ERR | Validate in chapter 2.1 Assessments of needs and intervention strategy, that text field 'Justification for the decision to not address ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0140 | ERR | Validate in chapter 2.1 Assessments of needs and intervention strategy / {{need}}, that text field 'Description' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0150 | ERR | Validate in chapter 2.1.{{SO}}.1.1 Strengths, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0160 | ERR | Validate in chapter 2.1.{{SO}}.1.2 Weaknesses, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0170 | ERR | Validate in chapter 2.1.{{SO}}.1.3 Opportunities, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0180 | ERR | Validate in chapter 2.1.{{SO}}.1.4 Threats, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0190 | ERR | Validate in chapter 2.1.{{SO}}.1.5 Other comments, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0200 | ERR | Validate in chapter 2.1.{{SO}}.2 Identification of needs, that text field ‘Other comments related to needs assessment’ is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0210 | ERR | Validate in chapter 2.1.{{SO}}.3 Identification of the relevant (elements of) national plans emanating from the legislative instruments referred to in Annex XI of the CAP plan Regulation that have been taken into account in the CAP plans’ needs assessment for this specific objective, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0220 | ERR | Validate in chapter 2.1.{{SO}}.4 Intervention logic, that text field Overview is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0230 | ERR | Validate in chapter 2.1.{{SO}}.5 Where relevant, a justification for the use of InvestEU, including the amount and its expected contribution to the Specific Objective/Cross-Cutting Objective, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0240 | ERR | Validate in chapter 2.1.{{SO}}.8 Selection of the result indicator(s), that text field ‘Justification of the targets and related milestones’ is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0250 | ERR | Validate in chapter 2.1.{{SO}}.9 Justification of the financial allocation, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0260 | WAR | Validate in chapter 2.3.2 Planned interventions and outputs with a direct and significant link to result indicators / {{output-indicator}}, that text field 'Explanation' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0270 | ERR | Validate in chapter 2.3.3 Consistency with and contribution to the Union targets for 2030 set out in the Farm to Fork Strategy and the EU Biodiversity for 2030, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0280 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.1.1 A description of the overall contribution of conditionality to the specific environmental- and climate-related objectives set out in points (d), (e) and (f) of Article 6(1), that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0290 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.1.2 Overview of the complementarity between the relevant baseline conditions, as referred to in Article 31(5) and Article 70(3), ..., that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0300 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.1.3 Explanation on how to achieve the greater overall contribution set out in Article 105, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0310 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.1.4 Explanation of how the environmental and climate architecture of the CAP Strategic Plan is meant to contribute to ..., that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0320 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.1.5 Where relevant, CAP contribution towards LIFE projects, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0330 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.2 Overview of the generational renewal strategy, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0340 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.2.1 Where relevant, CAP contribution towards Erasmus projects, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0350 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.3 Explanation on how the interventions under coupled income support as referred to in Subsection 1 of Section 3 of Chapter II of Title III are consistent with the Water Framework Directive - 2000/60/EC, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0360 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.4 Overview as regards the aim of fairer distribution and more effective and efficient targeting of income support, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0370 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.4 Overview as regards the aim of fairer distribution and ..., that text field ''Justifications on the derogation related to second subparagraph of Article 29(1) and Article 98'' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0380 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.5.1 Fruit and Vegetables, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0390 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.5.2 Apiculture products, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0395 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.5.2 Apiculture products, that text field 'Description of an established reliable method for determining the number of beehives ready for wintering in the territory of the Member States between 1 September and 31 December' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0400 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.5.3 Wine, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0410 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.5.4 Hops, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0420 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.5.5 Olive oil and tables olive, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0430 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.5.6 Other sectors, that text field '3.5.6 Beef and veal' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0440 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.5.6 Other sectors, that text field '3.5.7 Milk and milk products' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0450 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.5.6 Other sectors, that text field '3.5.8 Sheep and goat' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0460 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.5.6 Other sectors, that text field '3.5.9 Protein crops' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0470 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.5.6 Other sectors, that text field '3.5.10 Sugar beet' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0480 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.5.6 Other sectors, that text field '3.5.11 Other sectors' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0490 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.6 Overview of the interventions that contribute to ensure a coherent and integrated approach to risk management, where relevant, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0500 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.7.1 Where relevant, a description of the interplay between national and regional interventions, including the distribution of financial allocations per intervention and per fund, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0510 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.7.2 Where relevant, where elements of the CAP Strategic Plan are established at regional level, how does ..., that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0520 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.8 Overview of how the CAP Strategic Plan contributes to the objective of improving animal welfare and ..., that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0530 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.9 Simplification and reducing the administrative burden, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0540 | ERR | Validate in chapter Summary of the farm obligation (e.g. prior authorisation system and reconversion obligation), that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0550 | ERR | Validate in chapter Value of the reference ratio (including calculation method), that text field 'Explanation' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0560 | ERR | Validate in chapter of farmers concerned (all farmers that have permanent grasslands), that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0570 | ERR | Validate in chapter Explanation of the contribution to achieve the main objective of the GAEC standard, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0580 | ERR | Validate in chapter Summary of the on-farm practice, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0590 | ERR | Validate in chapter Year of application of the GAEC, that text field 'Justification' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0600 | ERR | Validate in chapter Territorial scope and area designated, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0610 | ERR | Validate in chapter Type of farmers concerned, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0620 | ERR | Validate in chapter Explanation of the contribution to achieve the main objective of the GAEC standard, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0630 | ERR | Validate in chapter Summary of the on-farm practice, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0640 | ERR | Validate in chapter Territorial scope, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0650 | ERR | Validate in chapter Type of farmers concerned, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0660 | ERR | Validate in chapter Explanation of the contribution to achieve the main objective of the GAEC standard, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0670 | ERR | Validate in chapter Summary of the on-farm practice, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0680 | ERR | Validate in chapter Territorial scope, including water courses definition, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0690 | ERR | Validate in chapter Type of farmers concerned, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0700 | ERR | Validate in chapter Explanation of the contribution to achieve the main objective of the GAEC standard, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0710 | ERR | Validate in chapter Summary of the on-farm practice, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0720 | ERR | Validate in chapter Territorial scope (including erosion risks areas and the slope gradient), that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0730 | ERR | Validate in chapter Type of farmers concerned, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0740 | ERR | Validate in chapter Explanation of the contribution to achieve the main objective of the GAEC standard, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0750 | ERR | Validate in chapter Summary of the on-farm practice (including the period concerned), that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0760 | ERR | Validate in chapter Territorial scope, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0770 | ERR | Validate in chapter Type of farmers concerned, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0780 | ERR | Validate in chapter Explanation of the contribution to achieve the main objective of the GAEC standard, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0790 | ERR | Validate in chapter Summary of the on-farm practice for crop rotation, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0800 | ERR | Validate in chapter Summary of the farm practice for crop diversification, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0810 | ERR | Validate in chapter Territorial scope, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0820 | ERR | Validate in chapter Explanation of the contribution to achieve the main objective of the GAEC standard (notably if MS has chosen crop diversification), that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0830 | ERR | Validate in chapter / List of features (Indicative list of features and non-productive areas eligible for calculating the minimum share) / {{feature}}, that text field 'Explanation' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0840 | ERR | Validate in chapter Summary of the in-farm practice, that text field 'Ban on cutting hedges and trees during the bird breeding and rearing season (mandatory)' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0850 | ERR | Validate in chapter, that text field 'Measures for avoiding invasive plant species' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0860 | ERR | Validate in chapter Territorial scope (applicable for the “minimum share” standard), that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0870 | ERR | Validate in chapter Explanation of the contribution to the main objective of the practice/standard, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0880 | ERR | Validate in chapter Summary of the on-farm practice, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0890 | ERR | Validate in chapter Type of farmers concerned, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0900 | ERR | Validate in chapter Explanation of the contribution to achieve the main objective of the GAEC standard, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0910 | ERR | Validate in chapter 3.10.5 Additional GAEC ( if applicable), that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0920 | ERR | Validate in chapter Definition of production, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0930 | ERR | Validate in chapter Arable Land, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0940 | ERR | Validate in chapter Permanent crops, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0950 | ERR | Validate in chapter Permanent grassland, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0960 | ERR | Validate in chapter Arable Land, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0970 | ERR | Validate in chapter Permanent crops, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0980 | ERR | Validate in chapter Permanent grassland, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_0990 | ERR | Validate in chapter Other comments relating to the definition of arable land, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1000 | ERR | Validate in chapter Definition of nurseries, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1010 | ERR | Validate in chapter Definition of Short Rotation Coppice, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1020 | ERR | Validate in chapter Other comments relating to the definition of permanent crops, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1030 | ERR | Validate in chapter Definition of grasses and other herbaceous forage, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1040 | ERR | Validate in chapter Decision to use ‘tilling’ criterion in relation to permanent grassland classification, that text field 'In case of affirmative reply, a description of ‘tilling’ criterion' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1050 | ERR | Validate in chapter Decision to use ‘reseeding with different types of grasses’ ..., that text field 'In case of affirmative reply, a description of ‘reseeding with different types of grasses’criterion' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1060 | ERR | Validate in chapter Decision regarding the inclusion of other species, such as shrubs ..., that text field 'In case of affirmative reply to question b), description of established local practices' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1070 | ERR | Validate in chapter Decision regarding the inclusion of other species, such as shrubs ..., that text field 'In case of affirmative, description of the coverage of these areas' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1080 | ERR | Validate in chapter Other comments relating to the definition of permanent grassland, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1090 | ERR | Validate in chapter Other comments relating to the definition of agricultural area in general, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1100 | ERR | Validate in chapter Criteria how to establish the predominance of agricultural activity in case the land is also used for non-agricultural activities, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1110 | ERR | Validate in chapter Criteria to ensure that the land is at the disposal of the farmer, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1120 | ERR | Validate in chapter Period during which an area has to comply with the definition of ‘eligible hectare’, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1130 | ERR | Validate in chapter Decision to include areas used for agricultural ..., that text field 'In case of affirmative, a justification for such a decision based on environment, biodiversity and climate-related reasons' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1140 | ERR | Validate in chapter Decision regarding the inclusion of other landscape features ..., that text field 'In case of affirmative, a description of these other landscape features ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1150 | ERR | Validate in chapter Decision as regards permanent grassland with scattered ineligible features ..., that text field 'In case of affirmative reply, a description of principles applied behind the reduction coefficients' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1160 | ERR | Validate in chapter Decision to maintain the eligibility of previously eligible areas when ..., that text field 'In case of affirmative reply, a description of these national schemes ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1170 | ERR | Validate in chapter Criteria to identify those who have minimum level of agricultural activity, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1180 | ERR | Validate in chapter Decision to use a negative list of non-agricultural activities ..., that text field 'In case of affirmative reply, description of a complementary tool a negative list of non-agricultural activities' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1190 | ERR | Validate in chapter Decision to set an amount of direct payments not higher than EUR 5 000 ..., that text field 'In case of affirmative reply, the amount and the justification for an amount of direct payments ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1200 | ERR | Validate in chapter Conditions for being ‘head of the holding’, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1210 | ERR | Validate in chapter Appropriate training and/or skills required, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1220 | ERR | Validate in chapter Other comments relating to Young farmer definition, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1230 | ERR | Validate in chapter Conditions for being ‘head of the holding’ for the first time, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1240 | ERR | Validate in chapter Appropriate training and skills required, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1250 | ERR | Validate in chapter Explanation, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1260 | ERR | Validate in chapter 4.1.8 Other definitions used in the CAP Plan / {{title}}, that text field 'Description' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1270 | ERR | Validate in chapter Territorialisation, that text field 'Could you explain your choice' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1280 | ERR | Validate in vhapter Territorialisation / {{code}}, that text field 'Description' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1290 | ERR | Validate in chapter Territorialisation / {{definition-of-the-group-of-territories}}, that text field 'Explanation' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1300 | ERR | Validate in chapter System of internal convergence, that text field 'Financing of convergence (Art. 24 (6))' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1305 | ERR | Validate in chapter System of internal convergence / {{group-of-territories-code}}, that text field 'Financing of convergence (Art. 24 (6))' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1310 | ERR | Validate in chapter System of internal convergence, that text field 'Explanation' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1315 | ERR | Validate in chapter System of internal convergence / {{definition-of-the-group-of-territories}}, that text field 'Explanation' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1320 | ERR | Validate in chapter System of internal convergence, that text field 'Explanations including as regards the maximum level for the value of entitlements (Art. 24(3))' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1325 | ERR | Validate in chapter System of internal convergence / {{definition-of-the-group-of-territories}}, that text field 'Explanations including as regards the maximum level for the value of entitlements (Art. 24(3))' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1335 | ERR | Validate in chapter System of internal convergence / {{group-of-territories-code}}, that text field 'Possible additional explanation on convergence rules' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1338 | ERR | Validate in chapter Functioning of the reserve, that text field 'Description of the system for the establishment of the reserve' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1341 | ERR | Validate in chapter Functioning of the reserve / {{definition-of-the-group-of-territories}}, that text field 'Description of the system for the establishment of the reserve' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1344 | ERR | Validate in chapter Functioning of the reserve / Categories of eligible farmers and other rules on allocations from the reserve. (Art. 26) / {{title-of-the-category}}, that text field 'Description' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1347 | ERR | Validate in chapter Functioning of the reserve / {{definition-of-the-group-of-territories}} / Categories of eligible farmers ... / {{title-of-the-category}}, that text field 'Description' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1350 | ERR | Validate in chapter Functioning of the reserve, that text field 'Rules on financial replenishment of the reserve' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1353 | ERR | Validate in chapter Functioning of the reserve, that text field 'Rules on Payment Entitlements expiration and reversion to reserve' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1356 | ERR | Validate in chapter Functioning of the reserve, that text field 'Other elements related to reserve' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1360 | ERR | Validate in chapter Rules related to transfers of payment entitlements (if any), that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1370 | ERR | Validate in chapter Description of the reduction and/or capping of direct payments, the text field 'Explanations' is filled for the tranche: {0} EUR - {1} EUR (cut rate = {2}%) |
PRG_CSP_016_1380 | ERR | Validate in chapter Description of the reduction and/or capping of direct payments, that text field 'Explanations' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1390 | ERR | Validate in chapter Subtraction of labour costs, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1400 | ERR | Validate in chapter Estimated product of the reduction of direct payments and capping for each year / {{category}}, that text field 'Explanation' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1410 | ERR | Validate in chapter 4.2.3 Application at the level of members of legal persons or groups/ at the level of group of affiliated legal entities (Article 110) / {{threshold-type}} / {{threshold-name}}, that text field 'Please justify your decision' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1420 | ERR | Validate in chapter 4.2.4 Contribution to risk management tools, that text field 'Main elements' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1430 | ERR | Validate in chapter 4.3.1 Objectives, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1440 | ERR | Validate in chapter 4.3.2 Scope and indicative planning of activities, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1450 | ERR | Validate in chapter 4.3.3 Beneficiaries, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1460 | ERR | Validate in chapter 4.4.1 Summary overview and objectives of the National CAP Network, including activities to support EIP and knowledge flows within the AKIS, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1470 | ERR | Validate in chapter 4.4.2 Structure, governance and operation of the National CAP Network, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1480 | ERR | Validate in chapter 4.5 Overview of the coordination, demarcation and complementarities between the EAFRD and other Union funds active in rural areas, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1490 | ERR | Validate in chapter 4.6.1 Description of the financial instrument, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1500 | ERR | Validate in chapter 4.7.1 List of non eligible investments, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1510 | ERR | Validate in chapter 4.7.2 Definition of rural area and applicability, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1520 | ERR | Validate in chapter 4.7.3 Additional elements common for Sectoral interventions, for rural development interventions, or common for both Sectoral and Rural Development interventions, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1530 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 Direct Payments Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / Territorial scope and, if relevant, regional dimension, that text field 'Description of the territorial scope' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1540 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.2 Sectoral Interventions / {{sector}} / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / Territorial scope and, if relevant, regional dimension, that text field 'Description of the territorial scope' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1550 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.2 Sectoral Interventions / {{sector}} / {{custom sector name}} / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / Territorial scope and, if relevant, regional dimension, that text field 'Description of the territorial scope' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1560 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / Territorial scope and, if relevant, regional dimension, that text field 'Description of the territorial scope' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1570 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 Direct Payments Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / Specific design, requirements and eligibility conditions of the intervention, that text field 'Description' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1580 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 Direct Payments Interventions / Eco-scheme(31) / {{code-name}} / Specific design, requirements and eligibility conditions of the intervention, that text field 'Description of commitments for eco-scheme' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1590 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 Direct Payments Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / Specific design, requirements and eligibility conditions of the intervention, that text field 'Define eligible beneficiaries and specific eligibility criteri … ' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1600 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.2 Sectoral Interventions / {{sector}} / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / Specific design, requirements and eligibility conditions of the intervention, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1610 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.2 Sectoral Interventions / {{sector}} / {{custom sector name}} / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / Specific design, requirements and eligibility conditions of the intervention, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1620 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code - name}} / Specific design ..., that text field 'Describe what are the specific objectives ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1630 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code - name}} / Specific design ..., that text field 'Define eligible beneficiaries ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1640 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code - name}} / Specific design ..., that text field 'Define eligible type of support ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1650 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code - name}} / Specific design ..., that text field 'Eligibility specificity related to regions ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1660 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code - name}} / Specific design ... / O14 ... / Agricultural land ..., that text field 'Description' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1670 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code - name}} / Specific design ... / O14 ... / Non-agricultural land, that text field 'Description' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1680 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code - name}} / Specific design ... / O12 ... / Mountain areas ..., that text field 'Insert respective link to ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1690 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code - name}} / Specific design ... / O12 ... / Areas facing natural constraints ..., that text field 'Insert respective link' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1700 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code - name}} / Specific design ... / O12 ... / Areas affected by other area-specific constraints ..., that text field 'Insert respective link' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1710 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code - name}} / Specific design ... / O12 ... / Other, that text field 'Insert respective link' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1720 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 Direct Payments Interventions / Eco-scheme(31) / {{code-name}} / Identification of relevant baseline elements ..., that text field 'List of relevant mandatory national standards' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1730 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / Identification of relevant baseline elements ..., that text field 'List of relevant mandatory national standards' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1740 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 Direct Payments Interventions / Eco-scheme(31) / {{code-name}} / Identification of relevant baseline elements ..., that text field 'Link between GAEC, SMR and ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1750 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / Identification of relevant baseline elements ..., that text field 'Link between GAEC, SMR and ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1760 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.2 Sectoral Interventions / {{sector}} / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / Form and rate of support/amounts/calculation methods, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1770 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.2 Sectoral Interventions / OTHER-ANXIII / {{custom sector name}} / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / Form and rate of support/amounts/calculation methods, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1780 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 Direct Payments Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / Range and amounts of support, that text field 'Description' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1790 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.2 Sectoral Interventions / {{sector}} / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / Additional information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1800 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.2 Sectoral Interventions / OTHER-ANXIII / {{custom sector name}} / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / Additional information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1810 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / Form and rate of support/amounts/calculation methods / IACS section, that text field 'Range of support at beneficiary level' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1820 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / Form and rate of support/amounts/calculation methods / Non-IACS section, that text field 'Range of support at beneficiary level' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1830 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / Form and rate of support/amounts/calculation methods / IACS section, that text field 'Calculation method' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1840 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / Form and rate of support/amounts/calculation methods / Non-IACS section / Type of payment, that text field 'Basis for the establishment' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1850 | WAR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / Form and rate of support/amounts/calculation methods, that text field 'Additional explanation' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1860 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 / BISS / {{name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field 'Do you have any other comments or explanations for the Payments for small farmers' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1870 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 / CRISS / {{name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field 'If yes, please describe and justify' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1880 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 / CRISS / {{name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field 'Additional rules and/or explanations related to CRIS' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1890 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 / CIS / {{name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field 'Justification of the difficulty(ies) ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1900 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 / CIS / {{name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field 'How will the intervention address the identified difficulty(ies) ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1910 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 / CIS / {{name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field 'Justification of the importance of the targeted ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1920 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 / CIS / {{name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field 'Explanation how the intervention is consistent with ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1930 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 / CIS / {{name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention / Fixed number of hectares, that text field 'Calculation method' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1940 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 / CIS / {{name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention / Fixed yields, that text field 'Calculation method' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1950 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 / CIS / {{name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention / Fixed number of animals (heads), that text field 'Calculation method' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1960 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 / CIS / {{name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention / Coupled income support granted to silkworms ..., that text field 'Please indicate the applicable unit ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1970 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 / CIS / {{name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention / Coupled income support granted to silkworms ..., that text field 'It is possible to give further clarification ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1980 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 / CIS-YF / {{name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field 'What are the conditions applied for the definition of newly setting-up' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_1990 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 / CIS-YF / {{name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field 'Other comments on thresholds' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2000 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 / CIS-YF / {{name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field 'Do you apply a continuity with the previous scheme (Young Farmer Payment)' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2010 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 / CIS-YF / {{name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field 'Other comments' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2020 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / Information regarding State aid assessment, that text field 'Explanation of support activities falling outside the scope of Art. 42 TFEU' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2030 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / ENVCLIM / {{code-name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field 'Please explain the obligations/possibilities ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2040 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / ENVCLIM / {{code-name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field 'What is the duration of contracts' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2050 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / INVEST / {{code-name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field 'What is not eligible for support' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2060 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / COOP / {{code-name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field 'What is the added value of the LEADER ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2070 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / COOP / {{code-name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field 'Describe how the basic requirements and principles ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2080 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / COOP / {{code-name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field 'Describe which fund' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2090 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / COOP / {{code-name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field 'Describe which lead fund' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2100 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / RISK / {{code-name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field 'Compensation of losses. What is the threshold triggering compensation' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2110 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / RISK / {{code-name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field 'What is the methodology for the calculation of losses ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2120 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / RISK / {{code-name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field 'What is the set up, accreditation and management' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2130 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / RISK / {{code-name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field 'Please explain' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2140 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / RISK / {{code-name}} / Additional questions/information specific to the Type of Intervention, that text field 'What are the provisions in order to avoid overcompensation ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2150 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / WTO compliance, that text field 'Explanation of whether and, if so, how ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2160 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.2 Sectoral Interventions / {{sector}} / {{toi}} / {{code -name}} / WTO compliance, that text field 'Explanation of how the intervention respects ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2170 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.2 Sectoral Interventions / OTHER-ANXIII / {{custom sector name}} / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / WTO compliance, that text field 'Explanation of how the intervention respects ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2180 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / WTO compliance, that text field 'Explanation of how the intervention respects ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2190 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 / CSPC / {{code-name}} / Complementary of crop-specific payment, that text field 'Please describe eligibility conditions ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2200 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 / CSPC / {{code-name}} / Complementary of crop-specific payment, that text field 'Please describe the complementarity ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2210 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.1 / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / Planned Unit Amounts - Definition / {{pua-code}}, that text field 'Explanation and Justification (including the flexibility)' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2220 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.2 Sectoral Interventions / {{sector}} / Planned Unit Amounts - Definition / {{pua-code}}, that text field 'Description' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2230 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.2 Sectoral Interventions / OTHER-ANXIII / {{custom-sector-name}} / Planned Unit Amounts - Definition / {{pua-code}}, that text field 'Description' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2240 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.2 Sectoral Interventions / {{sector}} / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / Planned Unit Amounts - Definition / {{pua-code}}, that text field 'Description' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2250 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3 Rural Development Interventions / {{toi}} / {{code-name}} / Planned Unit Amounts - Definition / {{pua-code}}, that text field 'Explanation and justification related to the value of the unit amount' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2260 | ERR | Validate in chapter 7.1, that text field 'Brief description of the set up and organisation of the Competent Authority' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2270 | ERR | Validate in chapter 7.2, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2280 | ERR | Validate in chapter 7.3.1, that text field 'Article 63(4)(d) of the HZR gives the possibility to MS to define the "agricultural parcel". Please provide the definition of "agricultural parcel" in your Member State' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2290 | ERR | Validate in chapter, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2300 | ERR | Validate in chapter, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2310 | ERR | Validate in chapter, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2320 | ERR | Validate in chapter, that text field 'Non-IACS EAGF' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2330 | ERR | Validate in chapter, that text field 'Non-IACS EAFRD' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2340 | ERR | Validate in chapter, that text field 'Non-IACS EAGF' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2350 | ERR | Validate in chapter, that text field 'Non-IACS EAFRD' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2360 | ERR | Validate in chapter, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2370 | ERR | Validate in chapter, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2380 | ERR | Validate in chapter, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2390 | ERR | Validate in chapter, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2400 | ERR | Validate in chapter, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2410 | ERR | Validate in chapter 7.4.3, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2420 | ERR | Validate in chapter 7.4.4, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2430 | ERR | Validate in chapter 7.5.1, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2440 | ERR | Validate in chapter 7.5.2, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2450 | ERR | Validate in chapter 8.1, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2460 | ERR | Validate in chapter 8.2, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2470 | ERR | Validate in chapter 8.3, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2480 | ERR | Validate in chapter 8.4, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2490 | ERR | Validate in chapter 8.5, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2500 | ERR | Validate in chapter Annex I on the ex-ante evaluation and the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) referred to in Directive 2001/42/EC, that text field 'Summary of ex-ante evaluation process and results' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2510 | ERR | Validate in chapter Annex I on the ex-ante evaluation and the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) ... / Recommendations of the ex-ante evaluation and SEA ... / {{title-or-reference}}, that text field 'Description' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2520 | ERR | Validate in chapter Annex I on the ex-ante evaluation and the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) ... / Recommendations of the ex-ante evaluation and SEA ... / {{title-or-reference}}, that text field 'Justification' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2530 | ERR | Validate in chapter Annex V on the additional national financing provided within the scope of the CAP Strategic Plan / {{basis}}, that text field 'Additional information' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2540 | ERR | Validate in chapter Annex V on the additional national financing provided within the scope of the CAP Strategic Plan, that text field 'The annual estimated amount of national financial assistance in the Fruits & Vegetables sector ...' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2543 | ERR | Validate in chapter Annex VI on transitional national aid (where relevant) / {{sector}}, that text field 'Information as regards the reference period modified' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2546 | ERR | Validate in chapter Annex VI on transitional national aid (where relevant), that text field 'A brief description of the complementarity of the transitional national aid with CAP Strategic Plan interventions' is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2550 | ERR | Validate in chapter Other annex: ... / National contribution to the EU 2030 target of 50% reduction of nutrient losses, while ensuring no deterioration in soil fertility, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2560 | ERR | Validate in chapter Other annex: ... / National contribution to the EU 2030 target of 10% of agricultural area under high-diversity landscape features, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2570 | ERR | Validate in chapter Other annex: ... / National contribution to the EU 2030 target of 25% of the EU’s agricultural land under organic farming, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2580 | ERR | Validate in chapter Other annex: ... / National contribution to the EU 2030 targets of 50% reduction of the overall use and risk of chemical pesticides, and use of more hazardous pesticides, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2590 | ERR | Validate in chapter Other annex: ... / National contribution to the EU 2030 target of 50% reduction of sales of antimicrobials for farmed animals and in aquaculture, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_016_2600 | ERR | Validate in chapter Other annex: ... / National contribution to the EU 2025 target to roll-out of fast broadband internet in rural areas to achieve the objective of 100% access, that text field is filled |
PRG_CSP_210 | ERR | Validate that at least one need is identified in chapter 2.1 |
PRG_CSP_220 | ERR | Validate that if one field (‘Updated value’; ‘Update year’; ‘Justifications/Comments’ or ‘Source of data’) is filled in the context indicators table of chapter 2.2 then the others 3 fields are also filled |
PRG_CSP_230 | ERR | Validate that the values for cumulative result indicators are provided cumulatively (2023 <= 2024 <=2025, etc…) in table of chapter 2.3.1 |
PRG_CSP_400 | ERR | Validate the selection of contribution rate under Article 91(3)(b) |
PRG_CSP_402 | ERR | Validate that the percentage of total EAFRD contribution to the CAP Strategic Plan to be used to finance the actions of Technical Assistance. is up to 4%/up to 6% for BE, DK, EE, CY, LV, LT, LU, MT, NL, SI, SE |
PRG_CSP_404 | ERR | Validate the selection of contribution rate under Article 91(3)(b) (at regional level) |
PRG_CSP_410 | ERR | Validate the selection of contribution rate under Article 91(3)(c) |
PRG_CSP_414 | ERR | Validate the selection of contribution rate under Article 91(3)(c) (at regional level) |
PRG_CSP_420 | ERR | Validate that in section 4.7.4, if there is a contribution rate for “155(2)(c ) Early retirement”, the applicable rate chosen cannot be different from “91(2)(d) – Other region” applicable rate. |
PRG_CSP_560 | ERR | Validate in chapter 5.3.12, that each Rural Development Planned Unit Amount is linked to at least one Contribution Rate (national or regional) |
PRG_CSP_570 | ERR | Validate that WTO Box and paragraph of Green Box (if applicable) are correctly selected for each intervention |
PRG_CSP_572 | ERR | Validate that EU WTO schedule on oilseed table is fully filled when applicable |
PRG_CSP_574 | ERR | Validate that, for any intervention under Section 5.3, only one ring-fencing is chosen |
PRG_CSP_576 | ERR | Validate that, in chapter 5, the ring-fencing for Environment is ticked for interventions under Articles 73 or 74 only if they are linked at least to one of the specific objectives SO4, SO5, SO6 or SO9 (Animal welfare) |
PRG_CSP_576_0010 | ERR | Validate that, in chapter 5, the ring-fencing for Environment is not ticked for interventions under Articles 75, 76, 77 or 78 |
PRG_CSP_576_0020 | ERR | Validate that, in chapter 5, the ring-fencing for Environment is ticked for interventions under Articles 70, 71 and 72 |
PRG_CSP_576_0030 | ERR | Validate that, if in Overview table row 48 (rebate) the total is higher than zero, then in chapter 5, the ring-fencing for Rebate is ticked for all interventions ticked as Environment except interventions under Article 71. |
PRG_CSP_578 | ERR | Validate that, in chapter 5, the Generational Renewal ring-fencing is only ticked for interventions under Articles 73 and 75 |
PRG_CSP_579 | ERR | Validate that, in chapter 5, LEADER ring-fencing is only ticked for interventions under Article 77 |
PRG_CSP_581_0010 | WAR | Validate that in section 5.3, interventions under Article 70 is linked to at least to SO4, SO5, SO6 or SO9 as regards animal welfare |
PRG_CSP_581_0020 | WAR | Validate that in chapter 5.3, interventions under Article 72 is linked to at least to SO4, SO5 or SO6 |
PRG_CSP_581_0030 | WAR | Validate that in chapter 5.3, interventions under Article 71 are linked to SO1 and SO6 |
PRG_CSP_581_0040 | ERR | Validate that in section 5.3, for Art 73-74, the question “Does the investment contain irrigation” is replied in point 9 |
PRG_CSP_582_0060 | ERR | Validate that in section 5.3, point 13, per year, the annual indicative financial allocation (Total public expenditure in EUR) cannot be lower than the Out of which carry over (total public expenditure in EUR) |
PRG_CSP_582_0070 | ERR | Validate that in section 5.3, point 13, per year, the annual indicative financial allocation (Total public expenditure in EUR) cannot be lower than the Out of which needed to reach the minimum financial allocation in Annex XII (total public expenditure) |
PRG_CSP_582_0080 | ERR | Validate that in section 5.3, point 13, per year, the annual indicative financial allocation (Union contribution in EUR) cannot be lower than the Out of which carry over (Union contribution in EUR) |
PRG_CSP_582_0090 | ERR | Validate that in section 5.3, point 13, per year, the annual indicative financial allocation (Union contribution in EUR) cannot be lower than the Out of which needed to reach the minimum financial allocation in Annex XII (Union contribution in EUR) |
PRG_CSP_584 | WAR | Validate that in section 5.3, point 13, the total amount of EAFRD contribution identified in point 11 exclusively under Article 91(3)(c) ... <= the total EAFRD amount under section 6.1 “Overview Table”, row 26 “...” |
PRG_CSP_584_0010 | ERR | Validate that in section 5.3, the row “Out of which carry-over (Union contribution in EUR)” is empty or zero for all interventions under Articles 71 and 72 |
PRG_CSP_584_0020 | ERR | Validate that in section 5.3, the row “Out of which carry-over (Total public expenditure in EUR)” is empty or zero for all interventions under Articles 71 and 72 |
PRG_CSP_584_0030 | ERR | Validate that in section 5.3, the row “Out of which carry-over (Union contribution in EUR)” is empty or zero for years 2023, 2024 and 2025 for all interventions under Articles 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 and 78 |
PRG_CSP_584_0040 | ERR | Validate that in section 5.3, the row “Out of which carry-over (Total public expenditure in EUR)” is empty or zero for years 2023, 2024 and 2025 for all interventions under Articles 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 and 78 |
PRG_CSP_584_0050 | ERR | Validate that in section 5.3, the row “Out of which needed to reach the minimum financial allocation set out in Annex XII (applicable to ...) (Total public expenditure in EUR)” is empty for all interventions not ringfenced as “Generational Renewal” |
PRG_CSP_584_0060 | ERR | Validate that in section 5.3, the row “Out of which needed to reach the minimum financial allocation set out in Annex XII (Union contribution in EUR)” is empty or zero for all interventions not ringfenced as “Generational Renewal” |
PRG_CSP_584_0070 | ERR | Validate that in section 5.1 (Direct payments), the row “Out of which needed to reach the minimum ringfencing requirement (Annex XII) (only under Article 30) (Union contribution)” is empty or zero for all interventions except CIS-YF |
PRG_CSP_585 | WAR | Validate that in “Planned Unit Amount- Financial Table with Outputs” of Section 5.2 (Sectoral interventions) that for each year, the amounts in “Annual indicative financial allocation (total union Expenditure in EUR)” is equal to the multiplication of “pl |
PRG_CSP_586 | ERR | Validate that in section 5.2, for Apiculture intervention, the EU contribution rate is between 30% and 50%, per year |
PRG_CSP_586_0010 | WAR | Validate that in section 5.2, for Apiculture intervention, the EU contribution rate is not empty |
PRG_CSP_588 | ERR | Validate that in section 5.2, the Total Annual indicative financial allocation (Total Union contribution in EUR) for each Apiculture intervention is equal to the sum of all annual indicative financial allocations of the intervention. |
PRG_CSP_590 | ERR | Validate that in section 5.3.12, that IACS or Non-IACS option is selected for each Planned Unit Amount that belong to an intervention which is both IACS and Non-IACS |
PRG_CSP_592 | WAR | Validate that in section 5.3.8 ‘State Aid’, that an ‘Instrument(s) option is selected for each Intervention |
PRG_CSP_596 | ERR | Validate that in "Planned Unit Amount- Financial Table with Outputs", the sum of yearly values for Total Output is not null or zero. |
| ERR | Validate that in "Planned Unit Amount - Financial Table with Outputs", the sum of yearly values for Annual indicative financial allocation (Total public expenditure in EUR) is not null or zero. |
PRG_CSP_598 | ERR | Validate that in "Planned Unit Amount - Financial Table with Outputs", the sum of yearly values for Annual indicative financial allocation (Union Contribution in EUR) is not null or zero. |
PRG_CSP_602 | ERR | Validate that row 4 of the Overview Table “Coupled income support” is, per year: ... for Malta only |
PRG_CSP_602_0010 | ERR | Validate that row 4 of the Overview Table “Coupled income support” is, per year: ... for Portugal only |
PRG_CSP_602_0020 | ERR | Validate that row 4 of the Overview Table “Coupled income support” is, per year: ... for Finland only |
PRG_CSP_602_0030 | ERR | Validate that row 4 of the Overview Table “Coupled income support” is, per year: ... for BE-Wallonia only |
PRG_CSP_602_0040 | ERR | Validate that row 4 of the Overview Table “Coupled income support” is, per year: ... for BE-Flanders only |
PRG_CSP_602_0050 | ERR | Validate that row 4 of the Overview Table “Coupled income support” is, per year: ... for all MS other than Malta, Portugal, Finland, BE-Wallonia and BE-Flanders |
PRG_CSP_602_0060 | ERR | Validate that in the overview table, in chapter 6.1, row 4 “Coupled income support” is equal to the annual total of indicative financial allocations for CISS in chapter 5.1 |
PRG_CSP_604 | ERR | MS may only increase their transfer by up to 15 percentage points to environmental and climate-related objectives if their Art 103(1)(a) transfer is 25%. |
PRG_CSP_606 | ERR | MS may only increase their transfer by up to 2 percentage points to the installation of young farmers if their Art 103(1)(a) transfer is 25%. |
PRG_CSP_608 | ERR | MS may only transfer annually up to 25% of (row 3) their DP allocation (initial Annex V minus cotton for the MS concerned (Annex VIII)). Strategic Plans which choose 25% (not less) may add up to ... |
PRG_CSP_608_0010 | ERR | MS may only transfer annually up to 25% of (row 3) their DP allocation (initial Annex V minus cotton for the MS concerned (Annex VIII)). Strategic Plans which choose 25% (not less) may add up to 15% in row 7 and / or up to 2% in row 8. |
PRG_CSP_610 | ERR | Where relevant, MS have to indicate the amount of the estimated product of reduction of direct payments and capping that they decide to transfer to EAFRD, for each year |
PRG_CSP_610_0010 | ERR | Validate for each year that there is not at the same time data introduced in row 6 (flexibility transfer towards EAFRD) and data in row 24 (flexibility transfer towards direct payments) |
PRG_CSP_612 | ERR | Validate that the amounts per year in row 11 “Transfer to types of interventions in other sectors” are the same as the sum per year of “Annual indicative financial allocation (Total Union expenditure in EUR) under Section 5.2 ..., for “Other sectors” |
PRG_CSP_614 | ERR | Validate that in row 12 of the Overview table “% transfer to types of interventions in other sectors”, the % per year is <= 5% |
PRG_CSP_614_0010 | WAR | Validate that in row 12 of the Overview table “% transfer to types of interventions in other sectors”, the % per year is > 3% and <= 5% of row 3 |
PRG_CSP_616 | ERR | Validate that in row 14 of the Overview table “transferred from hops”, the amounts per year are equal to 0 or, are not higher than the annual amounts defined in the CAP Strategic Plan Regulation Article 88(3). This rule applies to Germany only. |
PRG_CSP_616b | ERR | Validate that in row 14 of the Overview table “transferred from hops”, if any amount is specified the amount in row 20 “hops” must be 0. This rule applies to Germany only. |
PRG_CSP_618 | ERR | Validate that in row 15 “transferred from olive oil and table olives” of the Overview table the amount must be equal or less than the amounts in SPR Art.88(4) for EL, FR, IT, respectively. |
PRG_CSP_618_0010 | ERR | Validate that if there are any amounts specified in row 15 "transferred from olive oil and table olives" of the Overview table, the amount in row 21 "olive oil & table olives" must be "0". |
PRG_CSP_620 | ERR | Validate that the total of indicative financial allocations for DP in section 5.1. (BISS, CRISS, CIS-YF, Eco-scheme and CIS), per year, is not higher than: row 16 - row 2 + section, first line in the table |
PRG_CSP_620_0010 | WAR | Validate that the total of indicative financial allocations for DP in section 5.1. (BISS, CRISS, CIS-YF, Eco-scheme and CIS), per year, is not lower than: row 16 - row 2 + section, first line in the table |
PRG_CSP_622 | ERR | Validate that in row 18 “wine” of the Overview table amounts are not higher than the amounts in SPR Annex VII |
PRG_CSP_622_0010 | WAR | Validate that in row 18 “wine” of the Overview table Amounts are not lower than the amounts in SPR Annex VII |
PRG_CSP_622_0020 | ERR | Validate that the amounts per financial year in row 18 “Wine” of the Overview table are the same as the sum per financial year of “Annual indicative financial allocation (Total Union expenditure in EUR) under Section 5.2 Sectoral interventions, for “Wine” |
PRG_CSP_624 | ERR | Validate that in row 19 “apiculture” of the Overview table amounts are not higher than the amounts in SPR Annex X |
PRG_CSP_624_0010 | WAR | Validate that in row 19 “apiculture” of the overview Table amounts are not lower than the amounts in SPR Annex X |
PRG_CSP_624_0020 | ERR | Validate that the amounts per financial year in row 19 “Apiculture” of the Overview Table are the same as the sum per financial year of “Annual indicative financial allocation (...) under Chapter 5.2 “Sectoral interventions”, for “Apiculture” |
PRG_CSP_626 | ERR | Validate that in row 20 "Hops" of the Overview table amounts are not higher than the amounts in SPR Art.88(3). This rule applies to Germany only. |
PRG_CSP_626_0010 | ERR | Validate that in row 20 "Hops" of the Overview table are 0 if amounts in row 14 are greater than 0. This rule applies to Germany only. |
PRG_CSP_626_0020 | WAR | Validate that in row 20 "Hops" of the overview table amounts are not lower than the amounts in Art 88(3). This rule applies to Germany only. |
PRG_CSP_626_0030 | ERR | Validate that the amounts per financial year in row 20 “Hops” in the Overview table are the same as the sum per financial year of “Annual indicative financial allocation (Total Union expenditure in EUR) under Section 5.2 “Sectoral interventions”. |
PRG_CSP_628 | ERR | Validate that in row 21 “olive oil and table olives” of the Overview table amounts are not higher than the amounts in SPR Art.88(4) |
PRG_CSP_628_0010 | WAR | Validate that in row 21 “olive oil and table olives” of the Overview table Amounts are not lower than the amounts in SPR Art 88(4) |
PRG_CSP_628_0020 | ERR | Validate that the amounts per financial year in row 21 “Olive ...” of the Overview table are the same as the sum per financial year of “Annual indicative financial allocation (...) under Section 5.2 “Sectoral interventions”, for “Olive ...” |
PRG_CSP_632 | ERR | Validate that in row 25 “% flexibility transfer to Direct Payments”, the % is, per year: a) <= 25% for AT, BE, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EL, FR, HR, HU, IE, IT, LU, MT, NL, SI; and b) <=30% for BG, EE, ES, FI, LT, LV, PL, PT, RO, SE, SK. |
PRG_CSP_634 | ERR | Validate that in row 27 “Allocated to InvestEU”, the total EAFRD 2023-2027 is <= 3% of (row 23) the total 2023-2027 initial EAFRD allocation. |
PRG_CSP_640 | ERR | Validate that if row 28b “early retirement” of the Overview Table is not empty or zero, Chapter 4.7.4 must include the contribution rate for Early retirement |
PRG_CSP_642_0010 | ERR | Validate that in the Overview Table, in row 30 the total EAFRD 2023-2027 is >= total of row 27 + total of row 28 + total of row 28a + total of row 28b + the total 2023-2027 for interventions under Chapter 5.3 + % Technical assistance * total in row 30 |
PRG_CSP_642_0020 | ERR | Validate that in the Overview table in row 30 “adjusted EAFRD”, the amount per year is higher than the sum of interventions plus technical assistance. |
PRG_CSP_642_0030 | WAR | Validate that in the Overview Table, in row 30 the total EAFRD 2023-2027 is <= total of row 27 + total of row 28 + total of row 28a + total of row 28b + the total 2023-2027 for interventions under Chapter 5.3 + % Technical assistance * total in row 30 |
PRG_CSP_644 | ERR | Validate that in row 31 “% reserved for Leader” of the Overview table, the total EAFRD 2023-2027 is >= 5% of the total 2023-2027 adjusted EAFRD allocation (row 30) |
PRG_CSP_646 | ERR | Validate that in row 32 “amount for Leader” of the Overview table, the total EAFRD 2023-2027 is equal to the total EAFRD 2023-2027 amount for interventions ring-fenced for Leader in Chapter 5.3 |
PRG_CSP_648 | ERR | Validate that in row 33 “% reserved for environment and climate” of the Overview table, the total EAFRD 2023-2027 % is >= 35% of the total 2023-2027 adjusted EAFRD allocation (row 30) minus the amount allocated for outermost regions (row 29) |
PRG_CSP_650 | ERR | Validate that row 34 “amount reserved for environment and climate” of the Overview table equals the sum of rows 35 to 38a |
PRG_CSP_652 | ERR | Validate that row 34 “amount reserved for environment and climate” of the Overview table is equal or higher than the amount in row 7 |
PRG_CSP_654 | ERR | Validate that in row 35 + row 29a “out of which for Article 70” of the Overview table, the total 2023-2027 is equal to the total 2023-2029 in Chapter 5.3 RD for interventions under Art. 70, ring-fenced for “ENV”. |
PRG_CSP_654_0010 | ERR | Validate that in row 35 + row 29a "out of which for Article 70" of the Overview table, the total 2023-2027 is higher than the amount in row 52a. |
PRG_CSP_656 | ERR | Validate that in row 36 + row 29b “out of which for Article 71” of the Overview table, the total 2023-2027 is equal to 50% of the total 2023-2029 in Chapter 5.3 RD for interventions under Art. 71, ring-fenced for “ENV”. |
PRG_CSP_658 | ERR | Validate that in row 37 + row 29c “out of which for Article 72” of the Overview table, the total 2023-2027 is equal to the total 2023-2029 in Chapter 5.3 RD for interventions under Art. 72, ring-fenced for “ENV”. |
PRG_CSP_660 | ERR | In the overview table, in chapter 6.1 validate that in row 38 plus row 29d “out of which for Article 73”, the amount is equal to the amount in Chapter 5 Rural development for interventions under Art 73 (only those ring-fenced for ENV) |
PRG_CSP_662 | ERR | In the overview table, in chapter 6.1 validate that in row 38a plus row 29e “out of which for Article 74”, the amount is equal to the amount in Chapter 5 Rural development for interventions under Art 74 (only those ring-fenced for ENV) |
PRG_CSP_666 | ERR | In the overview table, in chapter 6.1 validate that in row 40 “reserved for Young farmers – needed to reach minimum requirements” the amount is equal to the total amount in Annex XII of the Regulation (Young farmers) |
PRG_CSP_666_0010 | ERR | In the overview table, in chapter 6.1 validate that in row 40 “reserved for Young farmers – needed to reach minimum requirements” the total amount 2023-2027 is equal to the total amount in Annex XII of the Regulation (Young farmers) |
PRG_CSP_668 | ERR | In the overview table, in chapter 6.1 validate that row 41 >= row 42 per year |
PRG_CSP_670 | ERR | In the overview table, in chapter 6.1 validate that row 41 “Reserved for young farmers - through Complementary income support for young farmers (under Direct Payments)” = the annual total of indicative financial allocations for CIS-YF in section 5.1. |
PRG_CSP_670_0010 | ERR | In the overview table, in chapter 6.1 validate that row 42 “of which needed to meet minimum requirements ...” = “Out of which needed to reach the minimum ringfencing requirement (Annex XII) ...” for CIS-YF in section 5.1. |
PRG_CSP_672 | ERR | In the overview table, in chapter 6.1 Validate that in row 43 “through investments by Young farmers”, the amount per year is higher than the amount in row 44 |
PRG_CSP_673 | ERR | In the Overview table, in chapter 6.1 validate that in row 44 “through investments by Young farmers, of which needed to reach minimum requirements”, the total amount is lower than the total amount in row 39a |
PRG_CSP_674 | ERR | In the Overview table in chapter 6.1 validate that the amount in row 45 >= the amount row 46 per year. |
PRG_CSP_674_0010 | ERR | In the Overview table in chapter 6.1 validate that the amount in row 45 >= than the amount in row 8 per year |
PRG_CSP_676 | ERR | In the Overview table, in chapter 6.1, validate that in row 42, if the total for both rows 44 and 46 show zero or are empty, the amount in each year must match the amount for the same year in Annex XII “Young farmers” |
PRG_CSP_678 | ERR | Validate that in row 43 “through investments by Young farmers”, the total amount is equal to 50% of the total amount of interventions under Articles 73 and/or 74 ring-fenced for “Generational Renewal” in Chapter 5.3 Rural development. |
PRG_CSP_678_0010 | ERR | Validate that in row 44 “of which ...” through investments by Young farmers, the total is equal to 50% of the total Union contribution “of which needed to reach minimum amounts” of interventions under Art. 73 and 74 ring-fenced for GR in Ch. 5.3 |
PRG_CSP_680 | ERR | Validate that in row 45 “setting-up of Young farmers”, the total amount is equal to the total EAFRD amount ring-fenced for GR in Chapter 5.3 Rural development under Article 75 “setting-up of Young farmers” |
PRG_CSP_680_0010 | ERR | Validate that in row 46 “of which needed to reach minimum amounts - setting-up of Young farmers”, the total is equal to the total EAFRD “of which needed to reach minimum amounts” ring-fenced for GR in Ch. 5.3 under Art. 75 “setting-up of Young farmers” |
PRG_CSP_682 | ERR | Validate that row 48 “rebate – where relevant” must be empty or zero if the total amount under Art 70, 72 and Art 73 and 74 ring-fenced ENV is not higher than 30% of the total EAFRD in row 30. |
PRG_CSP_684 | WAR | Validate that in row 48 “rebate – where relevant”, rebates are allowed: the total amount under Art 70, 72 and Art 73 and 74 ring-fenced ENV is higher than 30% total EAFRD in row 30. |
PRG_CSP_684_0010 | ERR | Validate that the total in row 48 “rebate – where relevant” is not higher than the maximum amount allowed for rebate. |
PRG_CSP_686 | WAR | Validate that in row 48 “rebate – where relevant”, if the total 2023-2027 amount under Article 70 is higher than 150% of the sum of the minimum amounts to be reserved for eco-schemes, the annual reduction can go up to 75% of row 47. |
PRG_CSP_686_0010 | ERR | Validate that in row 48 “rebate – where relevant”, if the total 2023-2027 amount under Article 70 is higher than 150% of the sum of the minimum amounts to be reserved for eco-schemes, the annual reduction cannot be higher than 75% of row 47. |
PRG_CSP_688 | ERR | Validate that in row 48 “rebate – where relevant”, the amount per year cannot be higher than 50% of row 47 per year (there is an exception – see previous rule 686_0010) |
PRG_CSP_690 | ERR | In the overview table, in chapter 6.1 validate that row 49 “Annual amounts reserved for eco-schemes under DP “, the amount per year = the annual total of indicative financial allocations for eco-schemes in Section 5.1. |
PRG_CSP_694 | ERR | In the Overview table in chapter 6.1 validate that the amount in row 51 = amount in row 48 + amount in row 49. |
PRG_CSP_694_0010 | ERR | In the Overview table in chapter 6.1 validate that the amount in row 51 per financial year minus the amounts in row 50 >= the amounts per year in row 47 (minimum 25% of adjusted DP allocations row 17). |
PRG_CSP_696 | WAR | In the Overview table, in chapter 6.1, validate that in row 53, the amounts per year are >= 10% of row 17. If not, ensure there is an explanation in Chapter 3.4 |
PRG_CSP_698 | ERR | In the overview table, in chapter 6.1, validate that row 53 “Amount reserved for redistributive payment” is equal to the annual total of indicative financial allocations for CRISS in chapter 5.1 |
PRG_CSP_900 | ERR | Validate that at least one recommendation for ex-ante evaluation has been created for annex I |
PRG_CSP_910 | ERR | Validate that at least one crop-specific payment for cotton intervention should be created in chapter 5 regarding Annex IV (only for Bulgaria, Greece, Spain and Portugal) |
PRG_CSP_920 | WAR | Validate that at least one row is created for the additional national financing provided within the scope of the CAP Strategic Plan for Annex V |
PRG_CSP_925 | ERR | Validate that that every yearly amounts are filled in the national financial assistance for Fruits & Vegetable provided within the scope of the CAP Strategic Plan for Annex V. |
PRG_CSP_930 | WAR | Validate that at least one row is created (where relevant) for transitional national aid for Annex VI |
An example of a validation window:
You can check the list of validation results at any time throughout the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD):
To see the last validation results:
(1) Click on one of the 4 categories: All results, Passed, Warning, Error.
(2) The list of latest validation results for the chosen category is displayed.
After all errors have been resolved the status of the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) becomes Validated.
Prepare Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) for send to EC
Remark | The Prepare for Send can occur when a User wants to indicate that the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) version can be prepared for sending to the Commission, once the Validation Errors have been removed and the status is Validated. For the case of ‘creation a new version of a CAP Strategic Plan while the previous one still reside in EC Node’, the user can't a do a ‘prepare for send’ for this new version until the previous one is Returned for modification by EC, Adopted by EC, Not adopted by EC, or Withdrawn. It is a must to have the privilege to send the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD), the User has the Member State Managing Authority with Update or Send access (MSMAu or MSMAs) for EAGF and EAFRD. |
Click on the Prepare for send to EC button to prepare to send the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) to the Commission:
The system will ask you to confirm the prepare to send action:
Click on Confirm to confirm.
The status of the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) is set to Preparing for send to EC.
Remark | A ‘Snapshot’ document will be available in the Documents section in all official MS languages so that the sender can first verify what will be sent to the Commission. |
Send the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD)
Remark | The Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) can only be sent once the Validation Errors have been removed and the status is Ready To Send. The "4 eyes principle" must be respected. Therefore, the user sending must be different from the user who last validated. It is a must to have the privilege to send the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD), the user has the Member State Managing Authority with Send access (MSMAs) for EAGF and EAFRD. The Sending of information by a Member State to the Commission should be electronically signed in accordance with Directive 1999/93/EC. Sending of the different objects is generating a snapshot document and after the sending an acknowledge document is generated by the European Commission. |
Click on the Send button to send the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) to the Commission:
The system will ask you to confirm the send action:
Click on Confirm to confirm.
The status of the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) is set to Sent.
Delete the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD)
Remark | The Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) can only be deleted when:
It is a must to have the role of Member State Managing Authority with Update access (MSMAu). The delete is a physical delete and cannot be recovered! |
Follow the steps to remove the version of the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) from the system:
Select the following:
(1) Select the icon with 3 vertical dots.
(2) Click on the Delete button to remove the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) from the system.
The system will ask you to confirm the delete action:
Click on Confirm to confirm or click on Cancel to return to the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD).
Cancel the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD)
Remark | The Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) can only be cancelled when a version with documents was sent to the Commission or with a previous version returned by the Commission, before it reaches a first Adoption by the Commission. The notification utility will be called to notify the Commission of the cancel of the version. The version must currently reside on the User's Node and its status is Open or Validated or Ready to send and has never been adopted by the Commission and (contains a sent Document or when version=1.0 has a sent referring Document linked to it). It is a must to have the role of Member State Managing Authority with Update access (MSMAu). |
Follow the steps to cancel the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) from the system:
Select the following:
(1) Select the icon with 3 vertical dots.
(2) Click on the Cancel button to cancel the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) from the system.
The system will ask you to confirm the delete action:
Click on Confirm to confirm or click on Cancel to return to the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD).
On success, the status of the Porgramme will be changed to Cancelled.
Create a New Version of the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD)
Remark | A new version of the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) can be created when the last version is in status Sent, Decision OK, Adopted by EC, Adopted by MS, Returned to MS with official observations, Returned to MS with technical/outstanding comments, Returned to MS with remaining/follow-up observations or Cancelled. A new version of the CAP Strategic Plan will be created as a copy of the last version. Its status is set to Open and the version number is incremented by one when the previous version was adopted (by MS or by EC) (ex. 1.0 -> 2.0) or the working version was incremented by one when the previous version was returned by the Commission for modification or cancelled (ex. 1.0 -> 1.1). When the status of the last version was Not Adopted by EC then the new version should be based on the last adopted version by EC or MS, when these exists, else on the last version, and the version should be incremented by one (ex. 1.0 -> 2.0). It is a must to have the role of Member State Managing Authority with Update access (MSMAu) for EAGF and EAFRD. |
Click on the Create button to create a new version of the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD):
The system will ask you to confirm the creation of a new version:
Click on Confirm to confirm. Click on Cancel to return to the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD).
A new version of the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) has been created as a copy of the last version. Its status is set to Open.
Remark 2 | Creation of a new version while the previous one is submitted to EC It’s also possible to prepare a new Cap Strategic Plan version (for instance 1.1) while the previous one (1.0) is submitted to EC. However, this new version can’t be send to the EC until the previous one is 'Returned for modification by EC' or 'Adopted'. If the previous one 1.0 is 'Returned for modification by EC', then a MS user can send this prepared version 1.1. If the previous one 1.0 is 'Adopted', then a MS user has to: 1) Cancel version 1.1 2) Create new version 2.0 based on either 1.1 or on 1.0 (by opening the desired version and by clicking on 'Create new version'). |
Request to Withdraw the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD)
Remark | The Member State must request to withdraw the Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) by uploading a document called MS Request to withdraw Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) version. The Cap Strategic Plan (EAGF/EAFRD) version is in a status Sent, Returned to MS with official observations, Returned to MS with technical/outstanding comments or Returned to MS with remaining/follow-up observations at the level of the Commission, or in a status Open, Validated, Ready to send or Cancelled at the owner node of the Member State and has previously been sent to the Commission. This scenario occurs when at the request of the Member State the Commission withdraw an OP Version and stop the amendment procedure. It is a must to have the role of Member State Managing Authority with Update and Send access (MSMAu, MSMAs). |
Go to the Documents section and click on the Add button to add the MS Request to withdraw CAP Strategic Plan version document type:
The Member State must request to withdraw the CAP Strategic Plan by selecting the withdraw document and entering the mandatory information:
Enter or select the following information:
(1) Select the MS Request to withdraw CAP Strategic Plan version Document Type.
(2) Enter a Document Date.
The system automatically fills the field with todays date, but this can be modified.
(3) Enter a Document Title for your Document.
(4) Enter a Local reference.
(5) Click on the Add button to add a new attachment:
You can add multiple attachments by clicking on the Add button.
You can remove unwanted attachments by selecting the attachment and clicking on the Remove button.
The Attached files window becomes editable:
Enter or select the following information:
(1) Enter a Title for your attachment.
(2) Select the Type of the document.
It is possible to select from these 4 types: Annex, Cover Letter, Main or Translation
(3) Select the Language of the document.
(4) Click on Browse to select the file that you want to add as an attachment.
(5) After the attachments are uploaded click on Save & Send to save and send the document.
Remark | Withdrawals are subject to confirmation by the Commission. After the document is uploaded, it is up to the Commission User to perform the withdrawal action and stop the amendment procedure. On success, the CAP Strategic Plan version status will be set to Withdrawn at the Request of the MS. |