The Commission is closed between the 23.12.2022 and 02.01.2023 inclusive. The presence of the SFC Support team will be very limited during this time. We advise users to complete any urgent tasks before 23.12.2022.
With the Transmission of Data (TOD) deadline fast approaching we advise Member States to complete and submit their data as soon as possible in order to avoid last-minute complications.
Please consult the support material available via the menu 'Support Material' > Monitoring > Transmission of Data. Here you will find the User Guide as well as FAQ and any associated documentation available.
If you require further assistance do not hesitate to contact the SFC Support Team, via the menu 'Contact'.
A new release will be deployed today. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click ‘View’ to consult the release note.
The full EAFRD Report of the Certification Body (CB) (Audit Objectives 1 and 2) is available for testing in the SFC2021 Acceptance environment. The Certification Bodies are invited to test the report in the system and to provide their feedback. Click 'View' for more information.
We are pleased to announce that the Payment Application (EMFAF) module is now available via the Execution menu in SFC2021.
We are pleased to announce that the Payment Forecast (AMIF, ISF, BMVI) module is now available via the Execution menu in SFC2021.
We are pleased to announce that the Pre-Financing Request (NEXT) module is now available via the Execution menu in SFC2021.
A new release will be deployed this evening. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click ‘View’ to consult the release note.
We are pleased to announce that the Payment Application (ETC) module is now available via the Execution menu in SFC2021.
We are pleased to announce that the Interreg common sample module is now available via the Audit menu in SFC2021.
There is a new document in the Portal under the CAP Plan support material that provides a proposed structure of codes ensuring the necessary breakdown of expenditure declared under the CAP Strategic Plan.