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System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by joffrso on 24 November 2023

24.11.2023: SFC2021 New Hotfix Release 2.33.1 (13h00 CET)

Below are the Changes & Fixed defects included in this release:

Defects Fixed


PFR (12054) - Edit pre-financing request - The calculated field 'Payment needs (EU share)' was giving wrong results. This is fixed..

Documents (Letters, Evaluation plan)

DOC (11918) - In Letters and Evaluation Plan menu, when a user wanted to create a document it was not possible. This is fixed.



Click here to consult the items included in this new release.
A new beta version of the Cap Strategic Plan has been deployed in Acceptance for testing by the Member States (EAFRD & EAGF only). For more detailed information please click here .
We are pleased to announce that the following functionalities are now available in SFC2021: Programme IJG for the creation of Programmes for the Investment for Jobs and Growth goal Programme ETC for the creation of Programmes for the European Territorial Cooperation goal TJTP for the creation of Territorial Just Transition Plan for the Just Transition Fund Click here for more information.
Click here to consult the items included in this new release.
Click here to consult the items included in this new release.
Click here to consult the items included in this new release.
We are pleased to announce that the Programme EMFAF functionality for the creation of Programmes for the European Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund will be available as of 25 th August 2021 via the Programming menu in SFC2021 PRODUCTION. You can find a user guide in the Support Materials section of this portal, here.
The services of the Commission will be closed on 21/07/2021. Click here for more information (EN/FR/DE).
Click here to consult the items included in this new release.
The testing phase of the Cap Strategic Plan beta version is now open in the SFC2021 Acceptance environment (EAFRD/EAGF). Click here for more information.