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SFC Support Portal
System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by camarle on 20 July 2021

21/07/2021: Services of the Commission Closed

---- ENGLISH ----

(French & German Versions Below)

Dear SFC2021 user,

The services of the Commission will be closed on 21/07/2021.

The SFC2021 application will remain operational. The application will be monitored to ensure that any unforeseen downtime is kept to a minimum.

The Support service will not be available.

For any questions please refer to the SFC Support Portal:


---- DEUTSCH ----

Lieber SFC2021 Benutzer, Liebe SFC2021 Benutzerin,

Die Dienste der Kommission werden am 21/07/2021 unverfügbar sein.

Die SFC2021 Anwendung wird verfügbar sein. Die Anwendung wird bei unseren technischen Teams überwacht, um jeden unerwarteten Unterbrechung zu vermeiden.

Der Support-Service wird nicht verfügbar.

Bei Fragen bitte wenden Sie sich an die SFC Hilfeseite:


---- FRANCAIS -----

Cher utilisateur SFC2021,

Les services de la Commission seront fermés le 21/07/2021.

L'application SFC2021 reste accessible et opérationnelle. Le système sera constamment supervisé afin d’éviter toute interruption inattendue.

Le service de support ne sera pas disponible.

Pour toute question veuillez-vous référer au site d'aide SFC:




A new release will be deployed today. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click ‘View’ to consult the items included in this release.
SFC2021 PRODUCTION environment will be unavailable for urgent maintenance on Friday 27.12.2024 for +/- 1H30MIN starting from 22h00 (CET). We apologise for any inconvenience!
A new release will be deployed today. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click ‘View’ to consult the items included in this release.
The section 3.10.5 ‘Additional GAEC (if applicable)’ has been adapted in the CAP Strategic Plan. Click 'View' for more information.
A new release will be deployed today. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. This release fixes the issue with Programme IJG compare report. Click ‘View’ to consult the items included in this release.
A new release will be deployed today. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click ‘View’ to consult the items included in this release.
A new release will be deployed today. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click ‘View’ to consult the items included in this release.
The Commission is closed between the 21.12.2024 and 02.01.2025 inclusive. The presence of the SFC Support team will be very limited during this time. We advise users to plan in advance and complete any urgent tasks before 20.12.2024.
A new release will be deployed today. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click ‘View’ to consult the items included in this release.
A new release will be deployed today. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click ‘View’ to consult the items included in this release.
A new release will be deployed today. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. This release fixes the issues with the TOD table 1 totals. Click ‘View’ to consult the items included in this release.
A new release will be deployed today. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click ‘View’ to consult the items included in this release.
A new release will be deployed today. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click ‘View’ to consult the items included in this release.
A new release will be deployed today. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click ‘View’ to consult the items included in this release.
A new release will be deployed today. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click ‘View’ to consult the items included in this release.
A new release will be deployed today. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. This release fixes an issue with Final Report EGF. Click ‘View’ to consult the items included in this release.
A new release will be deployed today. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click ‘View’ to consult the items included in this release.
A new release will be deployed today. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click ‘View’ to consult the items included in this release.
A new release will be deployed today. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click ‘View’ to consult the items included in this release.
A new release will be deployed today. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click ‘View’ to consult the items included in this release.
Click here to consult the items included in this new release.
The detailed list of validation rules for ‘Disaggregated Data on Interventions and Beneficiaries’, is now available on the SFC support Portal. Click 'View' for more information.
The Commission services are pleased to announce that the APR module for FY2024 is open in the PRODUCTION environment via the Monitoring menu in SFC2021. Click 'View' for more information.
The module on ‘Disaggregated Data on Interventions and Beneficiaries’ is now available in SFC2021 Production environment under menu ‘MONITORING > Data on Monitoring and Evaluation > Interventions/Beneficiaries (EAGF, EAFRD)’. Click 'View' for more information.
We are pleased to announce that the Survey module to input aggregated structured survey results on material deprivation and reporting of it to the EC is now available via the Evaluation module of SFC2021. Click on 'View' for more information.
SFC2021 ACCEPTANCE environment will be unavailable during maintenance on Wednesday 09.10.2024 from 16h00 to 20h00 (CET).
The Annual Accounts EAGF EAFRD encoding period for Financial Year 2024 will be open in SFC2021 around the 10th of November 2024 in Production (after EAFRD Declarations of Expenditure 2024Q3 have been accepted). Click 'View' for more information.
SFC2021, SFC2014 and SFC2007 will be unavailable during maintenance on Saturday 05.10.2024 from 08:00 to 18:00.
We are pleased to announce that the module for ‘Delivery costs of management and controls’ (aka ‘Costs of controls’) is now available in Production (and Acceptance) environment, under the Menu ‘Audit > Costs of controls. Click 'View' for more information.
The following Validation Rules have been activated in the CAP Strategic Plan and the User Guide has been updated accordingly with these new rules. Click 'View' for more information.
We would like to inform you that the XSD file (explaining the structure of the XML files) related to Data on Interventions and Beneficiaries (DIB) has been slightly adapted. Click 'View' for more information.