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SFC Support Portal
System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by gasbast on 18 December 2024

18.12.2024: Modification of section 3.10.5 ‘Additional GAEC (if applicable)’ in the CAP Strategic Plan

The section 3.10.5 ‘Additional GAEC (if applicable)’ has been adapted in the CAP Strategic Plan (see screenshot below). In the previous CAP Strategic Plan versions, this section was just a textbox in which the MS were invited to provide information about their additional GAEC(s). In the new version, this section is now represented as a table in which the MS can add each additional GAEC separately. For each additional GAEC, it is: (i) a code (that can be modified), (ii) a title and (iii) a description, which is required.

In case the ‘Additional GAEC’ doesn’t apply to the CAP Strategic Plan, the MS can delete the row that has been automatically created.

Please note that the rule PRG_CSP_016_0910  ‘Validate in chapter 3.10.5, that text field is filled’ has been deactivated and a new rule has been activated instead:  PRG_CSP_390 ‘Validate, for each additional GAEC in section 3.10.5, that a code, a title and a description are filled’

This modification will allow the MS to refer to the additional GAEC in:

  • sections 5.1.6 (eco-scheme interventions) and 5.3.6 (rural development interventions);
  • and sections (type of checks) and 7.4.4 (Competent control bodies responsible for the checks of conditionality practices, statutory management requirements) of their CAP Strategic Plan.




A new release will be deployed this evening. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click ‘View’ to consult the items included in this release.
A new release will be deployed today. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click ‘View’ to consult the items included in this release.
It’s now possible to upload an XML file for “Advances EAGF – Wine projects above 5 Million” in Acceptance Environment. The XSD file has been updated accordingly and an XML example is also provided. Click 'View' for more information.
It’s now possible to upload an XML file for “Advances EAGF – Wine projects above 5 Million” in Acceptance Environment. The XSD file has been updated accordingly and an XML example is also provided. Click 'View' for more information.
The new module ‘Data on LAGs for LEADER’ is now available for testing in SFC2021 Acceptance environment under the menu ‘MONITORING'. We encourage the Member States to test the entire functionality and to send any feedback or comments to the SFC2021 Support Team. Click 'View' for more information.
A new release will be deployed today. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click ‘View’ to consult the items included in this release.
The EAGF Report of the Certification Body (CB) and Audit Opinion is available for testing in the SFC2021 Acceptance environment. Click here for more details.
A new release will be deployed today. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click ‘View’ to consult the items included in this release.
A new release will be deployed this evening. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click ‘View’ to consult the items included in this release.
A new release will be deployed today. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click ‘View’ to consult the items included in this release.
A new release will be deployed this evening. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click here to consult the release note.
A new release will be deployed this evening. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click here to consult the release note.
A new release will be deployed this evening. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click here to consult the release note.
A new release will be deployed this evening. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click here to consult the release note.
A new release will be deployed this evening. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click here to consult the release note.
A new release will be deployed this evening. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click here to consult the release note.
A new release has been deployed. Click here to consult the release note.
A new release will be deployed this evening. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click here to consult the release note.
A new release will be deployed this evening. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click here to consult the release note.
A new release will be deployed this evening. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click here to consult the release note.
The new release of the IGJ Programme Template includes two new features in Table 3 Result indicators under Indicators for ESF+ specific objectives. Click here for more information.
The report with the content of the CSP will be generated during the “Preparing for Send” action . Please note that report does not contain yet all SFC information (in particular intervention chapter might be skipped for the time being for large reports) . The form or content of this report should not constitute an impediment for sending the CSP to EC. This report will be improved in the coming days and the improved version will be used when performing the evaluation of the plan.
SFC2021 will remain operational throughout the Holiday period. The application will be monitored to ensure that any unforeseen downtime is kept to a minimum. Very limited user support will be available during this period. We strongly recommend Member States ensure they have the necessary roles and permissions and submit their data as early as possible. Click here for more information (also in FR/DE).
This release mainly contains improvements/fixes for CAP Strategic Plan. More detailed information of all Changes and Fixed Defects included in this release will be added here shortly.
Click here to consult the items included in this bugfix release.
On the basis of the latest discussion on the Implementing Acts on the CAP Plan content and the most recent version of the SFC Technical Guidelines (version 3), developments are being undertaken on a constant basis. Weekly updates are being made available, incorporating new features which bring the SFC structure closer to the final one. Click here for more information.
On the basis of the latest discussion on the Implementing Acts on the CAP Plan content and the most recent version of the SFC Technical Guidelines (version 3), developments are being undertaken on a constant basis. Weekly updates are being made available, incorporating new features which bring the SFC structure closer to the final one. Click here for more information.
Click here to consult the item(s) included in this release.
We are pleased to announce that the EGF Application functionality for the creation of Applications for the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers is now available via the Application (EGF) menu in SFC2021 PRODUCTION. A user guide is available here.
We are pleased to announce that the CAP Strategic Plan is available via the Programming menu in SFC2021 PRODUCTION. Click here for more information.