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SFC Support Portal
System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by gasbast on 13 September 2024

13.09.2024: Update of the XSD file used for the DIB communication

We would like to inform you that the XSD file (explaining the structure of the XML files) related to Data on Interventions and Beneficiaries (DIB) has been slightly adapted. The new version can be found here:

The modification concerns the format of the budget codes (M040) to report on Interventions (simpleType ‘budgetCode26digits’ in the XSD).

The MS can still report aggregated values by using ‘888’ in the budget codes. For instance:
08030101 00 02 12 001 0002 888 23

(These 3 digits represent normally the contribution rate articles (for Rural Development interventions) or the reduction of payment tranches (for Direct Payments interventions)).

The MS can now use instead the ‘normal’ budget codes from the CAP plan. Especially for Rural Development, in case they defined only one contribution rate article per Planned Unit Amount in their CAP plan. For instance:
08030101 00 02 12 001 0002 001 23

However, for the same Planned Unit Amount, the MS can not report on both budget code with ‘888’ and ‘normal’ budget code. Otherwise it would lead to some double-counting.

If you have any comments or feedback, please contact the SFC2021 support team using the following email address: 




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