The following are the Fixed Defects included in this release.
Programme ETC
PRG ETC (17122) – Reopen (EC Only) – It was not possible to reopen a programme version. This has been fixed.
Programme AIB
PRG AIB (17438) - Table 2 Result indicators - After save, records were displayed in disorder. This has been fixed.
PRG AIB (17096) - Table 8 - On editing an instrument, an error appeared upon save. This has been fixed.
PRG AIB (17094) - Tables 3 and 4 - On editing an intervention field, an error appeared upon save. This has been fixed.
Application EGF
PRG EGF (17117) - Accept with ineligible amounts - The table of measures was not ordered. This has been fixed.
PRG EGF (17236) – Reopen (EC only) – It was possible to reopen when a Final Report exists linked to the PRG EGF version. This has been fixed.
PRG EGF (17116) - Section G1 Measures - On edit the measure title, the related 'description of measure' section title wa not refreshed. This has been fixed.
Transmission of data
TOD (17107) – Error during prepare for send fixed.
TOD (17097) - Table 1 error when calculating the operation percentage during Save. This is fixed.
TOD (17220) - Table 10 - Achievement ratio value was not correct when Result Indicator Term = N and Target Term = P and an Output Indicator for target Setting existed. This is fixed.
Payment Forecast
PF (17098) - Cancel action was displayed even if there are not sent documents. This has been fixed.
Certification Body Report and Audit Opinion EAGF EAFRD
AGRI CBRN (17068) - error when signing O.5 has been fixed.
AGRI CBRN (17041) – Filtering of paying Agencies on Create screen improved.
AGRI CBRN (17042) - Section O.5 could not be signed even if all pages were filled in. This is fixed.
Final Report EGF
FR EGF (17238) - Prepare for send and Send - The action was available even when there was no signature for the Statement justifying expenditure. This is fixed.
FR EGF (17211) – Section 2.1 Measures - The Total of "Number of workers assisted" had a wrong value. This is fixed.