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System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by nroidele on 28 July 2014

Does Art. 50(2) of the CPR (Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013) imply that only data for fully implemented operations can be reported?

No. Even though Art. 50(2) of the CPR (Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013) states that “data transmitted shall relate to values for fully implemented operation and also, where possible, having regard to the stage of implementation, for selected operations", Art. 5 (3) of the ESF Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013) derogates from it and states that “data transmitted for output and result indicators shall relate to values for partially or fully implemented operations". Thus, the data being reported do not necessarily have to come from fully implemented operations but can come from operations which are still on-going. Example: an operation runs for 2 years. The first year, 100 people participate in the training offered in the context of this operation and the second year 500 people participate. In year 1, the managing authority can report 100 people entering and in year 2 they can report 500 people entering. They do not need to wait for year 2 (when the operation is fully implemented) to report the total of 600.

Note that the data for each indicator collected from partially and fully implemented operations shall be reported in one single data set, i.e. data stemming from fully implemented operations do not need to be reported separately from data stemming from partially implemented operations. In case the monitoring system includes operations that are only partially implemented, the system should be able to identify those participation records which stem from partially and which stem from fully implemented operations.

For further guidance see section 3 and Annex D (section 2.3.2) of the EC Guidance document on Monitoring and Evaluation.