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SFC Support Portal
System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by stegena on 14 March 2014

PA - Financial Allocations - Validation Rules 2.16 - Why do I get an Error regarding the CF fund allocation when validating the PA (Error 2.16) if there's no CF fund for my country?

If your Member State is not eligible for CF you have to enter "0" amount for CF in the table of section 1.4.1 Union Support by Thematic Objective:


Validation rule 2.16 says:

validate against fixed Financial Allocations that the sum of the EU contributions per Member State and Fund in the Partnership Agreement (paragraph 1.4.1) are smaller or equal than the fixed Financial Allocations per Member State and Fund (error)

Total ERDF+ESF (1.4.1) <= Less developed + Transition + More developed + Outermost (Financial Allocations)

Total CF (1.4.1) <= Cohesion Fund (Financial Allocations)

Total EAFRD (1.4.1) <= EAFRD (Financial Allocations)

Total EMFF (1.4.1) <= EMFF (Financial Allocations)


Not all the Member States are eligible for CF!

To view the map with the countries eligible for CF please click here: