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System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by curelth on 5 October 2020

PA - Cofinancing rate - How do we declare 100% co-financing for the 20-21 accounting period following the COVID19 crisis?

Table 18a covers the entire programming period. Column F should not exceed the maximum co-financing rate and should follow the rules that were in effect before the COVID crisis measures. 100% co-financing is requested only for expenditures declared in accounting year 2020-2021.

The temporary increase in co-financing for expenditures declared during the accounting year 2020-2021 is indicated by checking the box "100% co-financing" in the table.



The rest of the financial plan should remain unchanged. As this increase is temporary, no other changes to the content of the Programme are necessary at this stage, .
It is therefore sufficient to tick the 100% box, and when the expenditures for this priority axis will be declared in the accounting year 20-21 (payment application for 2020-2021), the priority axis will automatically benefit from 100% co-financing.