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System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by ibanesi on 1 September 2017

Implementation Report IGJ: How to Change the Status (for EC users)

    (1.31 MB - PDF)

    Implementation Report (IGJ)


    This document describes the different steps and action options at the level of the Commission for the Annual and Final Implementation Report (AIR) as required by Article 111 of the CPR Regulation and more specifically those related under the Investment for Growth and Jobs Goal (IGJ).

    The deadline for submission is 30th April 2015 for the YEI Report. From 2016, the AIRs are to be submitted by 31 May until 2023. Thus, the last Annual Implementation Report is the 2022 one. For the reports submitted in 2017 and 2019, deadline shall be 30th of June. For the Final Implementation Report, the deadline for submission is 15th of February 2025 or 1st of March 2025 in exceptional cases




    You are an identified user in SFC2014 and you have the role of EC Operational Agent (ECOA)


    The Implementation Report has been sent to the Commission: The status is set to 'Sent'.


    This section shows the lifecycle to create and manage the Implementation Report (IGJ).

    Click here to see the AIR IGJ workflow diagram in high resolution.


    Document Types

    The following document types will be foreseen:


    Internal Code





    Official Commission's Observations





    EC Acceptance Letter




    EC Acknowledgment comments




    EC Admissibility Letter




    EC non-Admissibility Letter





    Other Commission Document



    Other Commission Internal Document



    Acknowledgment of Receipt





    Commission/ARES reference

    As a Commission user you can import your document directly from ARES to be uploaded in SFC2014 by entering the ARES reference number in the Commission Reference field (in the documents section). The ARES number will be immediately validated.

    1. Enter the following information:

    (1) Choose the Document type (if applicable)

    (2) Enter the Title

    (3) Enter the Document Date

    (4) Enter the Commission Reference ARES number

    The system will detect the document(s) from ARES and the attachments will be automatically uploaded

    (5) Click Yes to confirm the action


    If you get an "invalid ARES number" (the number cannot be found in ARES), check the ARES number has been entered correctly: Ares(2015)+digits with no space.

    If the ARES reference has been entered correctly, then check that the Document has been filed correctly in ARES.

    If the problem persists, please provide us with the document ARES number, the 'type' of document you are trying to upload in SFC2014, and the CCI of the Programme. We can then verify if there is a problem with the registration.

    Hiding Attachments Uploaded from ARES

    Attachments can also be hidden once the Commission Documents have been imported from ARES, so that the receiver will not be able to view them:

    1. Scroll right (1) and select the Hide Content option (2) and click on Update (3) to hide the attached file


    If the ARES document has already been sent it cannot be deleted, but the sender can decide to hide the content for the Member State in case of an erroneous and/or accidental send. The ARES document must be a non-integral document.

    1. In the Documents Section (under the ‘General’ Section) select a row (1) of a previously sent ARES document and click on the Edit button (2):


    1. Select the Hide Content option and click on Update to hide the ARES document.


    Action Options

    1. Login to

    1. To access into the Annual Implementation Report (IGJ) section, first click on the Monitoring link (1) in the menu and then on the Annual Implementation Report (IGJ) link (2).

    1. Choose the Implementation Report version you want from the list in the search screen (1) and click on Show Implementation report link (2)

    A number of Action Options are available.


    The Final Implementation Report doesn’t have an admit/non-admit step, so the ‘accept’ and the ‘return for modification’ action will be also available on the ‘Sent’ status at the level (node) of the European Commission.

    (1) Admit

    (2) Non-Admit

    (3) Technical return on performance review



    The Final Implementation Report doesn’t have a non-admit step, so the ‘accept’ and the ‘return for modification’ action will be also available on the ‘Sent’ status at the level (node) of the European Commission.

    An EC Operational Agent with Update access is allowed to mark an Implementation Report version sent by the MS as non-admissible. The Implementation report is in status 'Sent' at the level of the Commission

    1. Click on the Non-Admit link.

    The system will ask you to confirm the action.

    During the non-admit action the EC User must add a document "EC non-Admissibility Letter" with attachments that will be send together with the non-admit action to the Member State.

    This can be done either by using the Commission Reference ARES number OR by manually uploading the documents.

    Attach Non-Admissibility Letter

    After clicking on the Non-Admit link the confirmation screen appears:

    1. Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the Title

    (2) Select the document date

    (3) Enter the Commission Reference ARES number

    The system will detect the document(s) from ARES and the attachments will be automatically uploaded

    OR (to manually upload attachments):

    (4) Click on the Add button to add the documents

    (5) Enter the Title

    (6) Enter the Language

    (7) Select the file to upload from your PC

    (8) Click Yes to confirm the action and send the Non-Admissibility Letter

    On success, the Implementation Report version status was set to 'non-Admissible'.



    The Final Implementation Report doesn’t have an admit step, so the ‘accept’ and the ‘return for modification’ action will be also available on the ‘Sent’ status at the level (node) of the European Commission.

    An EC User with Update access is allowed to admit an Implementation Report version Sent by the Member State.

    1. Click on the Admit link:

    The system will ask you to confirm the action.

    During admit the EC User can optionally add a document "EC Admissibility Letter " with attachments that will be send together with the admit action to the Member State.

    This can be done either by using the Commission Reference ARES number OR by manually uploading the documents.

    Attach Admissibility Letter

    After clicking on the Admit link the confirmation screen appears:

    1. Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the Title

    (2) Select the document date

    (3) Enter the Commission Reference ARES number

    The system will detect the document(s) from ARES and the attachments will be automatically uploaded

    OR (to manually upload attachments):

    (4) Click on the Add button to add the documents

    (5) Enter the Title

    (6) Enter the Language

    (7) Select the file to upload from your PC

    (8) Click Yes to confirm the action and send the Admissibility Letter

    The status will be 'Admissible'.

    A number of Action Options are available after the admissibility action:

    Return for modification




    Acknowledge with comments

    Return for modification

    An EC Operational Agent with Update access can return an Implementation Report IGJ version containing missing elements or found incorrect. The AIR has been Sent to the Commission and has a status 'Admissible' when at the level of the Commission. This means it has been previously admitted by the EC.

    1. Click on the Return for modification link:

    The system will ask you to confirm the action.

    During return the EC User must add a document "Official Commission's Observations" (IR.OCO) with attachments that will be sent together with the return action to the Member State.

    This can be done either by using the Commission Reference ARES number OR by manually uploading the documents.

    Attach Official Observations Document

    After clicking on the Return link the confirmation screen appears:

    1. Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the Reason for Return

    (2) Enter the Title

    (3) Select the document date

    (4) Enter the Commission Reference ARES number

    The system will detect the document(s) from ARES and the attachments will be automatically uploaded

    OR (to manually upload attachments):

    (5) Click on the Add button to add the documents

    (6) Enter the Title

    (7) Enter the Language

    (8) Select the file to upload from your PC

    (9) Click Yes to confirm the action and send the return for modification documents to the Member State.

    On success, the Implementation Report version has been set in status 'Returned for Modification by EC'.

    Accept decision

    An EC Operational Agent with Update access is allowed to Accept the decision of an Implementation Report version. This action can occur when an EC User wants to accept an Implementation Report previously put in status 'Admissible'.

    1. Click on the Accept decision link:

    The system will ask you to confirm the action.

    During accept the EC User can optionally add a document "EC Acceptance Letter" with attachments that will be send together with the accept action to the Member State.

    This can be done either by using the Commission Reference ARES number OR by manually uploading the documents.

    Attach Acceptance Letter

    After clicking on the Accept Decision link the confirmation screen appears:

    1. Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the Title

    (2) Select the document date

    (3) Enter the Commission Reference ARES number

    The system will detect the document(s) from ARES and the attachments will be automatically uploaded

    OR (to manually upload attachments):

    (4) Click on the Add button to add the documents

    (5) Enter the Title

    (6) Enter the Language

    (7) Select the file to upload from your PC

    (8) Click Yes to confirm the action and send the Acceptance Letter

    On success, the AIR is accepted and its status is set to 'Accepted by EC'.


    An EC User with Update access can acknowledge an admissible 2014 Implementation Report IGJ version containing YEI. The AIR has been Sent to the Commission and it is status is set to 'Admissible'.

    1. Click on the Acknowledge link:

    The system will ask you to confirm the action:

    1. Click Yes to confirm or No to return to the AIR

    On success, the Implementation Report version status was set to 'Acknowledged'.

    Acknowledge with comments

    An EC User with Update access can acknowledge including some comments an admissible 2014 Implementation Report IGJ version containing YEI. The AIR has been Sent to the Commission and it is status is set to 'Admissible'.

    1. Click on the Acknowledge with comments link:

    The system will ask you to confirm the action.

    During acknowledge with comments the EC User can add a document "EC Acknowledgement comments" with attachments that that will be send together with the acknowledge with comments action to the Member State.

    This can be done either by using the Commission Reference ARES number OR by manually uploading the documents.

    Attach Acknowledgement Comments Document

    After clicking on the Acknowledge with comments link the confirmation screen appears:

    1. Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the Title

    (2) Select the document date

    (3) Click on the Add button to add the Acknowledge documents

    (4) Enter the document Title

    (5) Enter the document Language

    (6) Select the file from your PC

    (7) Click Yes to confirm the action and send the Acknowledge with comments documents.

    On success, the Implementation Report version status was set to 'Acknowledged with comments'.

    Technical Return on Performance Review

    An EC User with Operational Agent Update access can return the IR version sent by the MS/Region for technical reasons on the Performance Review that needs to be modified.

    The EC Agent has selected an Implementation Report version that has been checked for technical problems related to the performance review and currently has a status ‘Sent’ when at the level of the Commission.

    1. Click on the Technical return on performance review link.

    During return by the Commission, the EC Agent must add a document "Official Commission's Observations" (IR.OCO) with attachments that will be send together with the return action to the Member State.

    This can be done either by using the Commission Reference ARES number OR by manually uploading the documents.

    Attach Official Observations Document

    After clicking on the Technical return on performance review link the confirmation screen appears:

    1. Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the Reason for Return

    (2) Enter the Title

    (3) Select the document date

    (4) Enter the Commission Reference ARES number

    The system will detect the document(s) from ARES and the attachments will be automatically uploaded

    OR (to manually upload attachments):

    (5) Click on the Add button to add the documents

    (6) Enter the Title

    (7) Enter the Language

    (8) Select the file to upload from your PC

    (9) Click Yes to confirm the action and send the technical return on performance review to the Member State.

    On success, the Implementation Report version has been set in status ‘Technical return on performance review'.

    The sender has been notified of the return and its reason.

    Allow Request for Technical Return

    An EC User with Operational Agent Update access can allow a request for technical return of the already accepted Implementation Report version. The notification utility will be called to notify the return to the Member State/Region and to the Back-Office.

    The EC Agent has selected an Implementation Report version that currently resides at the user's Commission Node, has a status 'Accepted by EC ' and for which a request for technical return needs to be allowed.

    1. Click on the Allow request for technical return link.

    On success, the Implementation Report version has been set in status 'Accepted by EC (Request technical return allowed)'.

    The sender has been notified of the return and its reason.

    Return for Modification on Indicators

    An EC User with Operational Agent Update access can return the IR version sent by the MS/Region for modification on indicators after it was already accepted. The notification utility will be called to notify the return to the Member State/Region and to the Back-Office.

    The EC Agent has selected an Implementation Report version that currently resides at the user's Commission Node, has a status 'Accepted by EC (Request technical return allowed)' and a ‘MS request for technical return’ document (IR.RTR) was sent to the Commission after the last ‘Allow request for technical return’ action was executed.

    1. Click on the Return for modification on indicators link.

    Attach Official Observations Document

    After clicking on the Return for modification on indicators link the confirmation screen appears:

    1. Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the Reason for Return

    (2) Enter the Title

    (3) Select the document date

    (4) Enter the Commission Reference ARES number

    The system will detect the document(s) from ARES and the attachments will be automatically uploaded

    OR (to manually upload attachments):

    (5) Click on the Add button to add the documents

    (6) Enter the Title

    (7) Enter the Language

    (8) Select the file to upload from your PC

    (9) Click Yes to confirm the action and send the technical return on performance review to the Member State.

    On success, the Implementation Report version has been set in status 'Accepted by EC (Technical return)'.

    The sender has been notified of the return and its reason.

    Reopen the Implementation Report

    An EC User with Update access can reopen an Implementation Report version previously put in status 'Accepted by EC, 'Admissible', 'Non-Admissible', 'Returned for Modification by EC', 'Acknowledged' , 'ACKNOWLEDGED with comments' or ‘technically returned on performance review’ and when there is no more recent Implementation Report version in a status 'Accepted by EC', 'Admissible', 'Non-Admissible', 'Returned for Modification by EC', ‘Technical return on performance review’, 'Acknowledged' or 'Acknowledged with comments' for the same Reporting Year exist. 

    When re-opening a 'Returned for Modification by EC', ‘Technical return on performance review’ or a 'non-Admissible' version, no more recent work version for the specific Reporting Year exists.

    1. Click on the Reopen link:

    The system will ask you to confirm the action:

    1. Click Yes to confirm or No to return to the IR

    On success, the IR is reopened and its status is set to 'Sent' when previously ‘Technical return on performance review’, 'Admissible' or 'Returned for Modification by EC' and to 'Admissible' or 'Non-Admissible' when previously 'Returned for modification by EC', 'Accepted by EC', 'Acknowledged' or 'Acknowledged with comments'.
