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System for Fund Management in the European Union


IR - Table 1 - Result Indicators - Qualitative and Total values

The records in Table 1 are automatically created from Table 3 of the linked programme at creation time (from Table 10 for TA Priority Axes/Specific Objectives). If the authorities have defined the indicator as a qualitative indicator in the programme the achievement values are also qualitative.

When the indicator is a qualitative indicator you need to provide a value for "2019 qualitative" and "2018 qualitative" in Table 1 of the AIR. The total fields will not be editable.

IR - Table 1 - Result Indicators - Qualitative and Total values

The records in Table 1 are automatically created from Table 3 of the linked programme at creation time (from Table 10 for TA Priority Axes/Specific Objectives). If the authorities have defined the indicator as a qualitative indicator in the programme the achievement values are also qualitative.

When the indicator is a qualitative indicator you need to provide a value for "2019 qualitative" and "2018 qualitative" in Table 1 of the AIR. The total fields will not be editable.