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System for Fund Management in the European Union


OP - S2 Indicators - How do I add COVID19 specific indicators?

If you need to add Covid-specific indicators there is a set of pre-defined indicators/codes that you can use. 

The new COVID indicators are not in the drop down list for common result/output indicators – you must enter them manually as a new programme specific indicator and when you click on 'update' the system then checks if it’s a ‘reserved’ code for COVID. Once defined it can be reused like the other already defined specific indicators.

IR - Table 1 - Result Indicators - Qualitative and Total values

The records in Table 1 are automatically created from Table 3 of the linked programme at creation time (from Table 10 for TA Priority Axes/Specific Objectives). If the authorities have defined the indicator as a qualitative indicator in the programme the achievement values are also qualitative.

When the indicator is a qualitative indicator you need to provide a value for "2019 qualitative" and "2018 qualitative" in Table 1 of the AIR. The total fields will not be editable.

IR - Table 1 - Result Indicators - Qualitative and Total values

The records in Table 1 are automatically created from Table 3 of the linked programme at creation time (from Table 10 for TA Priority Axes/Specific Objectives). If the authorities have defined the indicator as a qualitative indicator in the programme the achievement values are also qualitative.

When the indicator is a qualitative indicator you need to provide a value for "2019 qualitative" and "2018 qualitative" in Table 1 of the AIR. The total fields will not be editable.

OP - S2 Indicators - Can I modify the measurement unit for Indicators (in a new OP version) ?

This isn't allowed because you'd end up comparing apples and pears when analysing data over multiple versions. If the programme specific Indicator measurement unit is wrong, stop using the Indicator anymore and create a new one. Only the Baseline & Target measurement unit can be modified.

The measurement unit is part of the definition of the Indicator. We cannot allow to change that during the lifetime of the Programme because it will corrupt all reported achievements against it.