OP - S3 Financing plan - Table 18a - Co-financing rate - Why do I get error 2.67 when requesting 100% co-financing rate for my FAST CARE priority axis?
According to CPR Regulation 2014-2020 art. 120(9): A separate priority axis promoting the socioeconomic integration of third country nationals with a co-financing rate of up to 100 % may be established within an operational programme. Such a priority axis may be entirely dedicated to operations addressing migratory challenges as a result of the military aggression by the Russian Federation, including the dedicated priority axis referred to in the third subparagraph of Article 98(4).
ACC - Appendix 1 - Total Amount of corresponding payments made to beneficiaries (column C)
Which amount should I enter in the table?
- the amount entered in the last payment application?
- the amount paid to beneficiaries? (because of overpayment A > B)
The same amounts as you would declare in the payment applications. If a final payment application for that accounting year was submitted the system will automatically take its amounts. When no final payment was submitted the most recent amounts for that accounting year as if it was a final payment application declaration has to be entered.
ACC - Expenditure - Should the Accounts be submitted if there's no expenditure in the Accounting year?
Yes, the Accounts should be submitted (with zero expenditure), a disclaimer of opinion can be issued (in section Audit opinion > Opinion).
The updated guidance note "Guidance for Member States on the Annual Control Report and Audit Opinion to be reported by audit authorities and on the treatment of errors detected by audit authorities in view of establishing and reporting reliable total residual error rates (EGESIF_15-0002-04)" is published on Inforegio(*) under Management and Control and clarifies that:
(refer to page 37)
ACC - Should a Final Payment Application be submitted first to be able to send the Accounts?
Yes, unless no expenses are declared in Appendix 1 and Appendix 7 of the Accounts.
When creating the Accounts the system automatically copies the amounts in Appendix 1 and Appendix 7 from the Final Payment Application for the Accounting year.
If the Final Payment Application has not been submitted in SFC2014, the same amounts that would be declared in the Final Payment Application should be entered in Appendix 1 and Appendix 7.
IR - Table 1 - Result Indicators - Qualitative and Total values
The records in Table 1 are automatically created from Table 3 of the linked programme at creation time (from Table 10 for TA Priority Axes/Specific Objectives). If the authorities have defined the indicator as a qualitative indicator in the programme the achievement values are also qualitative.
When the indicator is a qualitative indicator you need to provide a value for "2019 qualitative" and "2018 qualitative" in Table 1 of the AIR. The total fields will not be editable.
IR - Table 4 and 5 - I want to update table 4 and 5, how can I do it?
This information is taken directly from the Categorisation part of the last Financial Data sent to the Commission and displayed in the Implementation Report (IR).