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SFC Support Portal
System for Fund Management in the European Union

Operational Programme

OP - S2 Indicators - How do I add COVID19 specific indicators?

If you need to add Covid-specific indicators there is a set of pre-defined indicators/codes that you can use. 

The new COVID indicators are not in the drop down list for common result/output indicators – you must enter them manually as a new programme specific indicator and when you click on 'update' the system then checks if it’s a ‘reserved’ code for COVID. Once defined it can be reused like the other already defined specific indicators.

OP - S3 Financing Plan - YEI in Table 17, 18a and 18b - What information should I enter in OP - S3 Financing Plan for YEI in tables 17, 18a and 18b?

• Table 17: in the table the resources from the specific allocation for YEI (row 9) should be presented separately from the corresponding ESF support. The corresponding ESF support should be presented as part of the overall ESF resources per category of regions (rows 5-8). The columns for the performance

Documents - I have added a document but the Commission cannot see it, what can I do?

If a Commission user cannot see the other documents you uploaded, this is because these are type 'Other Member State Document' and are sent independently (as you can see below there is no 'sent date') of the Object (PA, OP, RDP IR etc.).

The following steps should be taken for each document in order for them to be sent to the EC:

Select the document to be sent (1) and click on the edit button (2):


OP - S3 Financing Plan - Table 18c by Thematic Objective: Why are there missing Priority Axes?

In Table '18c' of the OP in SFC2014 we only treat priorities with more than one thematic objective. For those with a single thematic objective, we already have their amounts in Table 18a.

In the example below there are multiple priorities for this programme but only priority 5 is shown because there is more than 1 Thematic Objective on this priority compared to the other priorities (eg priority 1) that only have 1: