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SFC Support Portal
System for Fund Management in the European Union


RDP - 5.2 Measures - Priority 1 & 4 - Why can't I add measures under Priority 1 and Priority 4 in a Rural Development Programme (EAFRD)?

It's not possible to add Measures under Priority 1 and Priority 4 in section 5.2 of the Programme. In Rural Development Programmes (EAFRD) Measures are selected by Focus Area except on Priority 1 and Priority 4! The selection of these Measures is done at the level of the Priority and not at the level of the Focus Area.

PA - Timeframe for Observations - What is the timeline for the Submission and Approval of the Partnership Agreement?

A Partnership Agreement (PA) submitted through SFC2014 will be considered as the official PA of the Member State.

Each Member State shall submit its PA to the Commission by 22 April 2014 (Article 14(4)). That means that the last day for submission is 21 April 2014.

After the submission, Commission has 3 months to provide observations (Article 16(1)), and 4 months to adopt a decision approving the PA (Article 16(2)).