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System for Fund Management in the European Union


RCO 59 - Alternative fuels infrastructure (refuelling/recharging points)* - The indicator fiche mentions: “Number of refuelling/ recharging points for clean vehicles financed through supported projects.”, but does not explicitly clarify that it

it refers only to refuelling/ recharging points dedicated to electric public transport. Does this indicator covers refuelling/ recharging points accessible for electric (private) vehicle? 
We would appreciate supporting us with indicative costs of this type of infrastructure (recharging/refuelling) as it is defined in the indicator fiche. “A recharging point means an interface that is capable of charging one electric vehicle at a time or exchanging a battery of one electric vehicle at a time. A refuelling point refers to a refuelling facility for the provision of alternative fuel through a fixed or a mobile installation”.


Yes, the indicator includes refuelling/charging points available to private vehicles.

For indicative costs, we do not have such information. 

If supported by the intervention logic, could we use common output indicators in PO 4 (in accordance with Table 1 of Annex I of Reg. EU 2021 / 1058) not marked with an asterisk (*) to other specific objectives within PO 4;

For example RCO70 Capacity of new or modernised social care facilities (except housing) under S.O 4v could also be used under S.O. 4.iii. 


No, common  indicators  without asterisks  are  not  available  outside  the specific  objective  concerned  in  order  to  encourage  programmes  to  focus  on  the collection  of  the  most  relevant  common  indicators  and  limit  the  burden  to  report  on ancillary outputs or results. However, if deemed appropriate by the MA, the indicator can be used in another SO by using a programme-specific indicator code (i.e. RCO66a) 

Do "regions" refered to in the definition of the indicator RCO96 mean NUTS2 or NUTS3 regions?

The definition of the indicator RCO96 refers to NUTS2 regions. This implies that investments between two NUTS3 within the same NUTS2 would not count. The definition states the following: “The indicator covers interregional investments for innovation in projects which involve cooperation of at least two NUTS2 regions.”

Does RCO38 'Surface area of rehabilitated land supported' cover the construction of, for example, social housing or cultural/sport facilities?

No, it does not include construction works. The measurement unit is hectares, so the indicator will capture only the surface area rehabilitated. If the project involves rehabilitation + constructions, you can use it only for the surfaces of rehabilitated land (hectares) and possibly couple it with RCR 52.

In RCO96 does interregional cooperation refer also to cooperation within a MS or only that between two or more MSs?

For indicator RCO96, interregional cooperation refers also to regions within an MS, both between two regional programmes, or in the same national programme. For the national programmes, however, the following rule for double counting applies: “Interregional investments between two NUTS2 regions supported from the same operational programme should be considered only once.” For regions covered by several programmes, the rule for double counting states the following: “When interregional investments are covered by more than one operational programme, a given operational programme should report only the amount invested in partner regions (i.e. outside the programme area).”