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output indicators

How should "population covered by projects” be defined in RCO74 and what calculation method is recommended for this indicator, as well as RCO75?

The population covered depends on the strategy, its geographic area and any criteria included in the strategy that may restrict the categories of people targeted (otherwise, it will be the entire population living in that geographic area or administrative unit).


RCO 36 - Green infrastructure supported for other purposes than adaptation to climate change - In the context where the code of intervention ‘’050 -Nature and biodiversity protection, natural heritage and resources, green and blue infrastructure” covers

covers also the blue infrastructure, will this indicator summing up the surface of blue infrastructure? Also, how could “green roofs” (which are considered green infrastructures) be integrated and summed up?


No, RCO36 does not include blue infrastructure (which is counted in RCO26).

The surface of green roofs expressed in hectares will be counted under the indicator. 

If supported by the intervention logic, could we use common output indicators in PO 4 (in accordance with Table 1 of Annex I of Reg. EU 2021 / 1058) not marked with an asterisk (*) to other specific objectives within PO 4;

For example RCO70 Capacity of new or modernised social care facilities (except housing) under S.O 4v could also be used under S.O. 4.iii. 


No, common  indicators  without asterisks  are  not  available  outside  the specific  objective  concerned  in  order  to  encourage  programmes  to  focus  on  the collection  of  the  most  relevant  common  indicators  and  limit  the  burden  to  report  on ancillary outputs or results. However, if deemed appropriate by the MA, the indicator can be used in another SO by using a programme-specific indicator code (i.e. RCO66a) 

How could indicator RCO113 be targeted at this phase of designing the Programmes, given that the projects of the integrated actions may not yet be known?

Based on the budget available, the MA is encouraged to make an estimation – a target value should be included.  Past experience in 2014-2020 programming can be used. The data and method for estimating the targets should be documented in the performance methodology and the targets can be revisited, f.i. at the mid term review. 

Could common output indicator RCO74 be used as a result indicator (even if, as a programme-specific indicator)?

Common output indicators cannot be turned into programme-specific result indicators - this applies to all Policy Objectives, as a matter of principle. Furthermore, result indicators should measure the effects of the interventions supported, with particular reference to the direct addressees, population targeted or users of infrastructure.  Output indicators do not measure results.
In addition, in PO5, a wide array of common result indicators from PO1-4 can be used when relevant to the type of action envisaged in the given strategy. We encourage the use of common result indicators wherever possible, however, if it is deemed necessary due to the nature of the given action, programme-specific result indicators can be used. These will need to be accompanied with a justification in the Methodological Documents.

RCO 16 - Participations of institutional stakeholders in entrepreneurial discovery process - RCO016 - covers only the institutional participation in the entrepreneurial discovery process.

Can this indicator be used also to monitor interventions targeting at development of skills for smart specialization of the EDP participants under OS(iv), with reference to the ERDF Reg provision in Art.2, al.3 lit a)bis.


There are two types of interventions: entrepreneurial discovery process (for which we have RCO16 and institutional stakeholders) and smart specialisation skills (RCO101, for enterprises). The two cannot be combined, but the programme could develop a specific indicator suitable to the type of intervention envisaged.