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System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by oligiul on 13 December 2022

RCO 10 Enterprises cooperating with research institutions - Concerning the definition of this indicator - Number of enterprises that cooperate in joint research projects with research institutions.

Cooperation in R&D activities may be new or existing and it should last at least for the duration of the project supported. The indicator covers active participations in joint research projects, and it excludes contractual arrangements with no active cooperation in the supported project. What means contractual arrangements with no active cooperation? If an SME submit a project for SO (i), and after selection of the projects, buys specific services form a research-innovation entity, based on a contract lasting by the end of the project, could this arrangement be considered contractual arrangement with active cooperation?


If the only activity taking place in the project is the purchase of services from the enterprise by the RO, not involving joint research activities, the enterprise should not be counted under RCO10.

If the activity consists in actual cooperation in delivering R&D-based activities between the enterprise and the research institution (e.g. iterative meetings to discuss products, services, processes), which may result in the purchase of a product or service, the enterprise can be counted under RCO10.