Regulations for the 2014-2020 programming period put increased focus on monitoring of activities and measuring performance through improved monitoring and use of common indicators and associated definitions. Further explanation is available in the ESF Monitoring and Evaluation Guidance, nevertheless Member States may need further support in the implementation of the provisions of the CPR and ESF Regulations for the 2014-2020 programming period.
The Commission has thus recently established ESF Data Support Centre that aims to provide efficient
a) methodological support on monitoring information systems;
b) clarification regarding data collection, recording, validation and storage;
c) guidance regarding transmission of structured data to the EC using SFC2014.
About the existence of this service the members of the ESF Partnership for Evaluation and SFC users were already informed via a first notification in February.
The service is easily accessible: the direct contact point in the ESF Data Support Centre, to answer your questions or discuss particular issues of concern, can be reached from 9.00 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Monday-Friday) through:
- Telephone: ++44 1480 702003
- E-Mail:
in English, French, German.
The ESF data support centre is available to all EU Member States, Managing Authorities, and also to European Commission staff.