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SFC Support Portal
System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by stegena on 4 March 2015

FD - Submission deadlines - My Programme is adopted. Is it possible to submit the Financial Data?

The Financial Data should only be submitted if the EC Decision Date of the Programme is before the Submission Due Date, i.e.:

31/01 of YYYY for YYYY01

31/07 of YYYY for YYYY02

31/10 of YYYY for YYYY03


Example 1

My OP is adopted on 24/02/2015 and the EC Decision Date is 01/12/2014.

Yes, you have to submit version 201501 of the Financial Data as the EC Decision Date < 31/01/2015.


Example 2

My OP is adopted on 24/02/2015 and the EC Decision Date is 05/02/2015.

No, you don't have to submit the first version (201501) of the Financial Data because the EC Decision Date > 31/01/2015. The application checks the combination of CCI and version and raises an error when you try to create the version 201501. In this case you should only submit the Financial Data from 30/06/2015* onwards.


* You can create the Financial Data 1 month before the submission due date.