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System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by camarle on 1 September 2021 | Modified by gasbast on 21 February 2025

Programme (ETC)

    (4.11 MB - PDF)

    Programme (ETC)



    This document describes the specifications of the use-cases related to Programming under the European Territorial Co-operation goal (ETC), also called Interreg.



    More detail regarding the regulation of the Programme ETC can be found in the "About SFC2021" section of the portal.



    Roles involved in the Programme ETC are:


    MS Managing Authority (MSMA)

    Record the Programme ETC

    Upload the Programme ETC Documents

    Consult the Programme ETC

    Return Programme ETC by MS for Modification

    Delete the Programme ETC

    Validate the Programme ETC

    Prepare the Programme ETC for send to EC

    Send the Programme ETC

    Cancel the Programme ETC

    Create New Version of the Programme ETC

    MS Audit Authority (MSAA)

    Consult the Programme ETC


    As it can be seen in the table above, the main role involved in the Programme ETC creation is MS Managing Authority. To create the Programme ETC the User is an identified User and has the role of MS Managing Authority with Update rights (MSMAu) for the ERDF, IPA III or NDICI Fund.










    This section shows the lifecycle to create and manage an Programme ETC. There is no modifying the Programme ETC once it has been submitted. The Commission cannot change an Programme ETC, only respond.


    Click here to see the Programme ETC workflow diagram in high resolution.




    Create the Programme ETC



    The User is an identified User and has the Role of MS Managing Authority with Update rights (MSMAu) for the Funds that are covered by the Programme.

    A CCI number must have been Allocated by the Commission in order for you to create the Programme ETC.


    1. To access the Programme ETC go to the Programming menu and select the Programme ETC option:



    1. In the search screen click on the Create button to create a new Programme ETC:



    You are redirected to the Programme ETC Creation Wizard:



    1. Enter or select the following information:

    (1) The CCI Number.

    The CCI list contains all allocated ETC CCIs having a BudgetSource covering the Funds for which the User is registered (User needs create permission).

    • for ERDF when CCI BudgetSource is ‘FF’ or ‘RF’

    • for IPA III when CCI BudgetSource is ‘IP’

    • for NDICI when CCI BudgetSource is ‘NX’

    When the CCI code is not in the list, the User can request a new CCI via the CCI Request form.

    (2) Modify the Title if necessary.

    (3) Select the First Year and Last Year.

    First Year is pre-filled with 2021 and Last Year with 2027. Both fields can be updated but First Year needs to be smaller or equal than Last Year and between 2021 and 2027.

    (4) Select the Source language.

    (5) Add any additional Comments.

    (6) Click on Create to confirm the creation of the Programme ETC.


    The status of the Programme ETC is Open.




    The initial Programme ETC structure is created, and a Table of Content (ToC)/Navigation Tree is presented, so the User can enter the structured data of the Programme ETC.

    On Create the system will automatically:

    • Create one record for the Managing Authority, one for the Audit Authority and one for the Body which receives payments from the Commission (T9).

    • Set the Strand (ProgrammeVersionEtc.strandId) for the Programme based on the ObjectSubType of the CCI code:

    • CB Strand A

    • TN Strand B

    • IR Strand C

    • OR Strand D

    • PC Strand A

    The “Article 17(4)(b) choice” will only be shown for Strand B and C Programmes with a CCIs regular expression (….TC16FFTN…, …. TC16FFIR…,….TC16NXTN…,….TC16IPTN…).

    The “Fund(s) concerned in single amount” will only be shown for Strand B and C Programmes with a CCIs regular expression (….TC16FFTN…, …. TC16FFIR... ,….TC16NXTN…,….TC16IPTN…) and when “Single amount for ‘Interreg Funds’” is ticked. In that case at least one Fund needs to be selected.



    Record/Edit the Programme ETC




    This section includes the header data to identify the main characteristics of the Programme ETC.


    Version information



    The Version Information contains information on the identification and status of the Programme ETC like the CCI, the Title, the Version Number, the Status, the Node where it currently resides and eventually the Decision information. It also shows the results of the last validation done on this Programme version.

    The Eligibility Period will automatically be set to 01/01/2021-31/12/2029 when creating the first version.


    1. Click on the Edit button to access the edit form to modify the information:



    The Edit form appears:



    1. Only selected fields are modifiable. Once any changes are made click the Save button to save the information.



    The CCI can only be updated when Version 1. But it can only be replaced by a CCI with the same BudgetSource or a multi-Fund BudgetSource (FF), and the same ObjectSubType. The CCI list contains all allocated ETC CCIs of the same BudgetSource and of the multi-Fund BudgetSource (FF), and of the same ObjectSubType having a BudgetSource covering the Funds for which the User is registered.

    • for ERDF when CCI BudgetSource is ‘FF’ or ‘RF’

    • for IPA III when CCI BudgetSource is ‘IP’

    • for NDICI when CCI BudgetSource is ‘NX’

    In Version 1, First Year is pre-filled with 2021 and Last Year with 2027. Both fields can be updated. In subsequent versions, only the Last Year can be extended up until 2027.



    Non-substantial transfer (art. 19(5)), Clerical or editorial corrections (art. 19(6)), Approved by monitoring committee, Programme amending decision number and Programme amending decision entry into force date are only available when programme has been previously adopted by the Commission.

    Non-substantial transfer (art. 19(5)), Programme amending decision number and Programme amending decision entry into force date need to be filled in when the MS wants to create a version containing modifications which do not require a Commission Decision. This kind of version will automatically be set to Adopted by MS when sent to the Commission and when only non-decisional parts of the Programme have been modified, or when it is impossible to verify that only minor changes have been applied then after sending to the Commission, the Commission will be able to set the status to Adopted by MS. When Programme amending decision number/Programme amending decision entry into force date is not null then Programme amending decision entry into force date/Programme amending decision number should not be null and Non-substantial transfer should be true. Non-substantial transfer (art. 19(5)) and Clerical or editorial corrections (art. 19(6)) are exclusive.

    The “Article 17(4)(b) choice” will only be shown for Strand B and C Programmes with a CCIs regular expression (….TC16FFTN…, …. TC16FFIR... ,….TC16NXTN…,….TC16IPTN…).

    The “Fund(s) concerned in single amount” will only be shown for Strand B and C Programmes with a CCIs regular expression (….TC16FFTN…, …. TC16FFIR... ,….TC16NXTN…,….TC16IPTN…) and when “Single amount for ‘Interreg Funds’” is ticked. In that case at least one Fund needs to be selected.

    The “Article 17(4)(b) choice” is disabled for programme amendments (versions > 1).


    Region coverage



    On this section, the country button corresponding to the Country of the management Node of the programme will be focused and the corresponding available Regions will be shown.

    The 2019 NUTS codes will be used (Established by Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 as amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 2016/2066).


    1. Click on the Edit button to access the edit form to modify the information:



    The Select Regions pop-up window appears:



    1. Enter or select the following information:

    (1) Click on the Add country button to add additional countries.

    (2) Choose the Region(s) that pertain(s) to the Programme.

    (3) Click on Save to save the information.


    Officials in Charge



    Officials in Charge can be updated at any time, independent from the status of the Programme ETC.

    Commission Officials (email domain "") can only be created/updated/deleted by Commission Users.


    • Click on the Add button to add a new official in charge.

    • Clicking on the Edit icon of a row will allow you to modify the information of this official.

    • Clicking on the Delete icon of a row will allow you to delete the official in charge selected.


    1. Click on the Add button to add a new Official in Charge:



    The Edit details pop-up window appears:



    1. Enter the following information:

    (1) Enter the Name.

    (2) Enter the Email.

    The format of the Email address will be validated by the system and should be unique.

    (3) Enter the Phone number.

    (4) Select the Language.

    (5) Enter the Valid from and Valid until dates.

    The Valid until date should be greater than the Valid from date.

    (6) Click on Save to save the information.





    This section shows all the actions that have been taken on the Programme ETC since it was created, for example:







    The Documents section shows all documents uploaded against this version of the Programme ETC by Member State and by Commission Users. Member State Users see all their own Documents and the sent Commission Documents. Commission Users see all their own documents, unsent Integral Member State Documents and sent Member State Documents.


    The following documents will be foreseen:




    Non-Integral (1)

    Integral (2)

    System (3)

    Required (4)

    Other Member State Document






    Snapshot of data before send






    Legal Entity Form






    Bank Account Identification Form






    MS Request to withdraw programme version






    MS Request to return programme version for modification






    Map of Programme Area






    Description of the management and control system






    Confirmation of agreement in writing to the contents of the cooperation programme







    (1) Document can be sent at any time

    (2) Document will be automatically sent when the Object is sent

    (3) Document automatically created by the system

    (4) Document required in the system before a next action can be executed

    (5) PRG.DMC documents will only be available in the document type list and can only be created when a PRG.ERDMC exists



    Uploading & Sending Documents


    Multiple documents can be uploaded in the Programme ETC.


    • Clicking on the Add button will open a pop-up window allowing you to add a new document type with attachments.

    • Selecting a document row and clicking on the View icon will allow you to view the document information.

    • Selecting a document row and clicking on the Edit icon will allow you to modify the document information. If a document of type 'Other Member State Document' must be sent, you can select the edit icon in order to send the document.

    • Selecting a document row and clicking on the Delete icon will allow you to delete the document and all attachements.



    Integral Documents (Official Proposal, etc.) are only sent - together with the encoded data – once the Programme ETC is sent to the EC.

    Referential/non-integral Documents (ie. 'Other Member State Document') can be sent at any time independently of the status of the Programme ETC.

    The 'Other Member State Document' type demands a manual submission (they are NOT sent automatically when the object is sent to the EC).

    A non-integral document is only visible to the Commission when the SENT DATE is visible.


    1. Click on the Add button to add a new document:



    The Edit document details pop-up window appears:



    1. Enter or select the following information:

    (1) Enter a Document title for your Document.

    (2) Select a Document type.

    The Document Type list in the edit screen will contain all non-System Integral and non-Integral Document Types from the Document Group.

    (3) Enter a Document date.

    The system automatically fills the field with todays date, but this can be modified.

    (4) Enter a Local reference.

    (5) Click on the Add button to add a new attachment:

    • You can add multiple attachments by clicking on the Add button.

    • You can remove unwanted attachments by selecting the attachment and clicking on the Remove button.


    The Attached files window becomes editable:



    1. Enter or select the following information:

    (1) Enter a Title for your attachment.

    (2) Select the Type of the document.

    It is possible to select from these 4 types: Annex, Cover Letter, Main or Translation.

    (3) Select the Language of the document.

    (4) Click on Browse to select the file that you want to add as an attachment.

    (5) After the attachments are uploaded click on Save.



    Integral document types will only display the Save button and will be sent when the Programme ETC is sent to the Commission. Non-integral document types (such as ‘Other Member State Documents’) will display the Save button and a Save & Send button, and must be sent independently of the Programme ETC.



    Sending an unsent non-integral document


    1. Once the document and attachment(s) have been uploaded click on the Edit icon in the row containing the unsent document:



    1. Click on Confirm to send the document to the Commission. For completing this action, the User will be redirected to the EU Login signature page:




    The Save & Send button will only be shown for documents which are not integral part of the Object and after at least one attachment was added.



    Deletion of an unsent document



    Only unsent documents can be deleted.


    1. In the row of a previously uploaded unsent document click on the Delete icont to delete the document and associated attachments:



    A confirmation window appears:



    1. Click on OK to confirm deletion. Click on Cancel to return to the document section.






    This section is used to provide any relevant information to the Programme . It can be used as a type of 'chat' between the Member State and Commission.

    All Users who have Read permission on the Programme will be able to read all observations in the conversation.

    All Users who have Update permission on the Programme will be able to send an observation and participate in the conversation.

    All observations are kept against the specific version of the Programme.

    The observation is added below the Observations box and includes the username, the date and time of the post.


    1. Click on the Add button to add an observation:



    The Add new observation screen appears:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter an observation.

    (2) Click on Add to save the information.



    1 Strategy

    1.1 Programme area


    1. Click on the Edit button to enter the information:



    The section becomes editable:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the Programme area in the text box provided.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.



    1.2 Summary


    1. Click on the Edit button to enter the information:



    The section becomes editable:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the Summary in the text box provided.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.



    1.3 Table 1 PO and SO justification


    1. Click on the Add button to add a Policy objective and Specific objective:



    The Add row pop up window appears:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Select the Policy objective.Specific objective.

    The Policy Objective / Specific Objective list will contain all combinations valid for the Strand of the Programme.

    (2) Enter the Justification for selection.

    (3) Click on Save to save the information.



    • Selecting a Policy objective.Specific objective row and clicking on the Edit icon , in the Action column, will allow you to modify the information.

    • Selecting a Policy objective.Specific objective row and clicking on the Delete icon , in the Action column, will allow you to delete the Policy objective.Specific objective.



    Deleting a Policy Objective / Specific Objective when it is used under a Priority in the Programme is not allowed. In that case, the delete button will not be available.

    In edit mode, the Policy Objective / Specific Objective cannot be modified.



    2 Priorities


    1. Click on the Add button to add a Priority:



    The Add row pop up window appears:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the ID.

    (2) Enter the Order by (Optional).

    The Order by field indicates in which order the priority will be displayed in the Table of Contents.

    (3) Enter the Title.

    (4) Select the tick box whether the entire priority promotes the socio-economic integration of third country nationals (Article112(7)).

    (5) Click on Save to save the information.



    • Selecting a Priority row and clicking on the Edit icon , in the Action column, will allow you to modify the information.

    • Selecting a Priority row and clicking on the Delete icon , in the Action column, will allow you to delete the Priority.



    In subsequent versions of the Programme (>1), Priorities created in earlier adopted versions

    • cannot be deleted

    • the ID cannot be updated

    • the Title can be updated to correct or complement the existing Priority as long as it stays the same Priority. It is up to the EC Operational Agent to validate this

    • the “Priority dedicated to investments supporting the STEP objectives” cannot be unticked.

    On Delete of a Priority, all Priority related information will be deleted. An alert message to avoid accidental loss of information will inform the User at the moment of save. The following information referring to the Priority will be removed:

    • Priority/Fund combinations of the Priority

    • Specific Objectives defined under the Priority

    • Indicators (T2, T3)

    • Dimensions (T4, T5, T6)

    • Financial allocations by Priority and Fund (T8)

    On Save, the system will automatically maintain the records in

    • the Financial appropriations by year table (T7)

    • the Financial allocations by Priority and Fund table (T8)

    The entire priority promotes the socio-economic integration of third country nationals” and “Priority dedicated to investments supporting the STEP objectives” will not be shown in the Print.



    2.1 Priority


    1. Click on the Add button to add a Specific objective:



    The Add row pop up window appears:



    1. Enter or select the following:

    (1) Select a Specific objective.

    The Specific Objective list is limited to the Specific Objectives selected in Table 1. When adding a new Specific Objective to a Priority, limit the list to Specific Objectives of the same Policy Objective when Policy Objective in (1,2,3,4,5), or to Specific Objectives of Policy Objectives 6 and 7 when Policy Objective in (6,7). A Priority can only relate to 1 Policy Objective (1–5) or to one or both Interreg-specific Policy Objectives (6–7).

    (2) Enter the Detail.

    (3) Click on Save to save the information.



    • Selecting a Specific objective row and clicking on the Edit icon , in the Action column, will allow you to modify the information.

    • Selecting a Specific objective row and clicking on the Delete icon , in the Action column, will allow you to delete the Specific objective.



    On Delete of a Priority/Specific Objective combination, all Priority/Specific Objective related information will be deleted. An alert message to avoid accidental loss of information will inform the User at the moment of save. The following information referring to the Priority/Specific Objective will be removed:

    • Specific Objectives defined under the Priority

    • Indicators (T2, T3)

    • Dimensions (T4, T5, T6)


    1. Click on the Add button to add a Fund and Calculation Basis:



    The Add row pop up window appears:



    1. Select the following:

    (1) Select a Fund.

    The Fund list will contain all possible Funds for the Strand of the Programme, except when the ‘Interreg Funds’ method is used for Strand B or C Programmes then this will be set by default. When the Programme CCI covers only one Fund, this value is set by default.

    (2) Select a Calculation basis for Union support (total eligible expenditure or eligible public expenditure).

    You can choose between Total and Public.

    (3) Click on Save to save the information.



    • Selecting a Fund and Calculation Basis row and clicking on the Edit icon , in the Action column, will allow you to modify the information.

    • Selecting a Fund and Calculation Basis row and clicking on the Delete icon , in the Action column, will allow you to delete the Fund and Calculation Basis.



    Priority/Fund combinations adopted in a previous version can never be deleted or updated. Only their Calculation Basis can be updated. Therefore, in this case, only the Calculation Basis field will be updateable.

    On Save (Insert /Delete), the system will automatically maintain the records in

    • the Dimension tables (T4, T5, T6)

      • Delete a record for the deleted Priority/Fund

    • the Financial appropriations by year table (T7)

      • Insert/delete a record for the inserted/deleted Fund when not yet/anymore existing.

    • the Financial allocations by Priority and Fund table (T8)

      • Insert/delete a record for the inserted/deleted Priority/Fund.



    2.1.1 Specific objective Type of actions


    1. Click on the Edit button to enter the information:



    The section becomes editable:




    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the Type of actions in the text box provided.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.





    The information on the Programme is accessible via a Navigation Tree/ Table of content containing all Sections and Paragraphs. Since is only valid for Strand C programmes 2021TC16RFIR004 (Espon) and 2021TC16RFIR002 (Interact), the Edit button on the associated page will only be enabled in those cases.


    1. Click on the Edit button to enter the information:



    The section becomes editable:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the Beneficiary in the text box provided.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.



    Table 2 Output indicators



    There are two types of Output Indicators: Common output indicator and Programme specific output indicator.

    Depending of the selection the way to complete the form correctly is different. See the possibilities below.

    The Programme Specific Output Indicators are maintained per Programme. In this edit page, only one of them must be selected.

    The Programme Specific Output Indicators table contains all previously defined Programme Specific Output Indicators, independently from Priority or Specific Objective.

    Programme Specific Output Indicators are defined ones and can then be used under different Priorities and Specific Objectives.

    A Programme Specific Output Indicator code should be different from any Common Indicator code.

    A Programme Specific Output Indicator can only be deleted when not used anymore in any other record of the Output Indicator Table in any version of this Programme. This requirement is also valid for Programme Specific Result Indicators.



    To add a new Common Output Indicator

    1. Click on the Add button on the top to add a new output indicator:



    The Add row pop-up window appears:



    1. Enter or select the following:

    (1) Tick Common output indicator.

    (2) Select an Output Indicator in the drop-down list.

    The Common Output Indicator list contains all Common Output Indicators for the ETC Goal and Specific Objective (GoalSpecificObjectiveFundIndicator) and with CommonIndicator.useInProgramme true.

    (3) Enter the Milestone (2024).

    (4) Enter the Target (2029).

    (5) Click on Save to save the information.



    • Selecting a Priority indicator row and clicking on the Edit icon , in the Action column, will allow you to modify the information.

    • Selecting a Priority indicator row and clicking on the Delete icon , in the Action column, will allow you to delete the Priority indicator.



    To add a new Programme Specific Output indicator

    1. Click first on the Add button above the Programme Specific Indicators table to add a new Programme Specific output indicator:



    The Add row pop up window appears:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the ID.

    (2) Enter the Order by.

    The Order by field indicates in which order the indicator will be displayed in the table.

    (3) Enter the Title.

    (4) Enter the Measurement unit.

    (5) Click on Save to save the information.



    • Selecting a Programme Specific Indicator row and clicking on the Edit icon , in the Action column, will allow you to modify the information.

    • Selecting a Programme Specific Indicator row and clicking on the Delete icon , in the Action column, will allow you to delete the Programme Specific Indicator.


    1. Click on the Add button on top to add the Programme Specific output indicator:



    The Add row pop-up window appears:



    1. Enter or select the following:

    (1) Tick Programme specific output indicator.

    (2) Select the Output Indicator in the drop-down list.

    (3) Enter the Milestone (2024).

    (4) Enter the Target (2029).

    (5) Click on Save to save the information.



    Table 3 Result indicators



    There are two types of Result Indicators: Common Result indicator and Programme specific result indicator.

    Depending of the selection the way to complete the form correctly is different. See the possibilities below.

    The Programme Specific Result Indicators are maintained per Programme. In this edit page, only one of them must be selected.

    The Programme Specific Result Indicators table contains all previously defined Programme Specific Result Indicators, independently from Priority or Specific Objective. Programme Specific Result Indicators are defined ones and can then be used under different Priorities and Specific Objectives.


    To add a new Common Result Indicator.

    1. Click on the Add button on the top to add a new Result indicator:



    The Add row pop up window appears:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Tick Common Result Indicator.

    (2) Select a Result Indicator from the drop-down list.

    The Common Result Indicator list contains all Common Result Indicators for the ETC Goal and Specific Objective (GoalSpecificObjectiveFundIndicator) and with CommonIndicator.useInProgramme true.

    (3) Enter the Baseline or reference value.

    (4) Enter the Target (2029).

    (5) Enter the Reference Year.

    (6) Enter the To (Year).

    (7) Enter the Source of data.

    (8) Enter the Comments.

    (9) Click on Save to save the information.



    • Selecting a Result indicator row and clicking on the Edit icon ,in the Action column, will allow you to modify the information.

    • Selecting a Result indicator row and clicking on the Delete icon ,in the Action column, will allow you to delete the Result indicator.



    To add a new Programme Specific Result Indicator.

    1. Click first on the Add button above the Programme Specific Indicators table to add a new Programme Specific result indicator:



    The Add row pop up window appears:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the ID.

    (2) Enter the Order by.

    The Order by field indicates in which order the indicator will be displayed in the table.

    (3) Enter the Title.

    (4) Enter the Measurement unit.

    (5) Tick the Qualitative box (if that is the case of your Programme Specific Indicator).

    When the Indicator has a qualitative target, a String Field for the Baseline value and for the Target value will be foreseen and stored in "qualitativeBaseline" and "qualitativeTarget", otherwise a Number field will be foreseen and stored in "baselineValue" and "targetValue".

    (6) Click on Save to save the information.



    • Selecting a Programme Specific Indicator row and clicking on the Edit icon , in the Action column, will allow you to modify the information.

    • Selecting a Programme Specific Indicator row and clicking on the Delete icon , in the Action column, will allow you to delete the Programme Specific Indicator.


    1. Click on the Add button on the top to add the Programme Specific result indicator:



    The Add row pop-up window appears:



    1. Enter or select the following:

    (1) Tick Programme specific result indicator.

    (2) Select a Result Indicator from the drop-down list.

    (3) Enter the Baseline or reference value.

    (4) Enter the Target (2029).

    (5) Enter the Reference Year.

    The Reference Year can be one Year or a range of Years.

    When specifying a Reference Year range, the “from” year should be smaller than the “to” year.

    (6) Enter the To (Year).

    (7) Enter the Source of data.

    (8) Enter the Comments.

    (9) Click on Save to save the information.



    Indicator, Source of data and Comments are mandatory.


  Main target groups


    1. Click on the Edit button to enter the information:



    The section becomes editable:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter The main target groups in the text box provided.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.


  Specific territories


    1. Click on the Edit button to enter the information:



    The section becomes editable:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the Indication of the specific territories targeted in the text box provided.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.


  Financial instruments


    1. Click on the Edit button to enter the information:



    The section becomes editable:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the Planned use of financial instruments in the text box provided.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.


  Breakdown by type of intervention

    Table 4 Intervention field


    1. Click on the Add button to add an Intervention field:



    The Add row pop up window appears:



    1. Enter or select the following:

    (1) Select the Fund.

    The Fund list will contain all Funds covered by the Priority and defined in section 2.1. If the Priority covers only one Fund, this value is set by default.

    (2) Select a Code.

    The Code list of Intervention Fields will contain all Intervention Fields for the Policy Objectives covered by the Priority’s Specific Objective and Fund.

    (3) Enter the Amount (EUR).

    (4) Click on Save to save the information.



    • Selecting an Intervention field row and clicking on the Edit icon , in the Action column, will allow you to modify the information.

    • Selecting an Intervention field row and clicking on the Delete icon , in the Action column, will allow you to delete the Intervention field.



    Table 5 Form of financing


    1. Click on the Add button to add a Form of financing:



    The Add row pop up window appears:



    1. Enter or select the following:

    (1) Select the Fund.

    The Fund list will contain all Funds covered by the Priority and defined in section 2.1. If the Priority covers only one Fund, this value is set by default.

    (2) Select a Code.

    The Code list of Intervention Fields will contain all Intervention Fields valid for the Priority’s Specific Objective and Fund.

    (3) Enter the Amount (EUR).

    (4) Click on Save to save the information.



    • Selecting a Form of financing row and clicking on the Edit icon , in the Action column, will allow you to modify the information.

    • Selecting a Form of financing row and clicking on the Delete icon , in the Action column, will allow you to delete the Form of financing.



    Table 6 Territorial delivery mechanism


    1. Click on the Add button to add a Territorial delivery mechanism:



    The Add row pop up window appears:



    1. Enter or select the following:

    (1) Select the Fund.

    The Fund list will contain all Funds covered by the Priority and defined in section 2.1. If the Priority covers only one Fund, this value is set by default.

    (2) Select a Code.

    The Code list of Intervention Fields will contain all Intervention Fields for the Policy Objectives covered by the Priority’s Specific Objective and Fund.

    (3) Enter the Amount (EUR).

    (4) Click on Save to save the information.



    • Selecting a Territorial delivery mechanism row and clicking on the Edit icon , in the Action column, will allow you to modify the information.

    • Selecting a Territorial delivery mechanism row and clicking on the Delete icon , in the Action column, will allow you to delete the Territorial delivery mechanism.



    3 Financing plan

    3.1 Table 7 Financial appropriations by year



    A record will be automatically foreseen for each Fund covered by the Programme and defined in section 2.1. The Annual plan is presented for all years between First Year and Last Year. Total is calculated by the system after the saving of data.


    1. Click on the Edit button to enter the information:



    The table becomes editable:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the amount per year.

    All year amounts are mandatory.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.



    In case of Cross-Border Programmes (CB), the labels for Funds IPA III and NDICI will use the Cross-Border variant (“fund.IPA3.CB” and “fund.NDICI.CB”).



    3.2 Table 8 Total financial appropriations by priority & fund



    A record will be automatically foreseen for each Fund covered by the Programme and defined in section 2.1.


    1. Click on the Edit button to enter the information:



    The table becomes editable:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the amount for Union contribution without TA Art.27(1) (a1).

    (2) Enter the amount for Union contribution for TA Art.27(1) (a2).

    (3) Enter the amount for National public (c).

    (4) Enter the amount for National private (d).

    The Private column (d) is disabled when the basis for calculation of Union support is “Public”.

    (5) Enter the amount for the Contribution from third countries.

    (6) Enter the Co-financing rate – Article 112(7) where is applicable.

    The “Co-financing rate – Article 112(7)” is only enabled for Priorities promoting the socio-economic integration of third country nationals, and doesn’t need a calculated Total nor Grand Total.

    (7) Click on Save to save the information.



    EU Contribution without TA (a1), EU Contribution for TA (a2), National Public (c), National Private (d) (only when basis for calculation is Total) and Contributions from Third Countries are mandatory.

    EU contribution (a)=(a1)+(a2), National Contribution (b)=(c)+(d), Total (e)=(a)+(b) and Co-financing Rate (f)=(a)/(e) are calculated.

    In case of Cross-Border Programmes (CB), the labels for Funds IPA III and NDICI will use the Cross-Border variant (“fund.IPA3.CB” and “fund.NDICI.CB”).



    4 Partnership


    1. Click on the Edit button to enter the information:



    The section becomes editable:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the Partnership information in the text box provided.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.



    5 Communication and visibility


    1. Click on the Edit button to enter the information:



    The section becomes editable:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the Communication and visibility information in the text box provided.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.



    6 Small-scale projects


    1. Click on the Edit button to enter the information:



    The section becomes editable:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the Small-scale projects information in the text box provided.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.



    7 Implementing provisions

    7.1. Table 9 Programme authorities



    On the last Programme version, Authorities can be updated at any time, independent from the status of the Programme version. Updating the Authorities will not change the Status.

    Records for the Managing Authority, the Audit Authority and the Body receiving payments from the Commission are automatically foreseen on creation of the Programme and cannot be deleted. For these Programme Authority Types, the type cannot be modified.

    Only “National authority (for Programmes with participating third or partner countries)”, “Group of auditors representatives” and “Body other than the managing authority entrusted with the accounting function” can be added and deleted.

    When updating the Programme Authority when the Programme Version is on the Commission Node an event will be generated to inform the Commission the Programme Authority was updated.


    To edit the Managing Authority, Audit Authority or Body which receives payments details.

    1. Click on the Edit icon to edit the Managing Authority, Audit Authority or Body which received payments from the Commision details:



    The Edit details pop-up window appears:



    1. Enter or select the following:

    (1) Enter the Name of the Institution.

    (2) Enter a Contact Name.

    (3) Enter a Position (optional).

    (4) Enter an Email.

    (5) Click on Save to save the information.



    To Add the Body which received payments (Technical Assistance) or the Accounting function details.

    1. Click on the Add button to add Group of auditors representatives and/or National authority (for programmes with participating third or partner countries details:



    The Edit details pop-up window appears:



    1. Enter or select the following:

    (1) Select the Programme Authority.

    You can choose between Group of auditors representatives and National authority (for programmes with participating third or partner countries. 

    (2) Enter the Name of the institution.

    (3) Enter a Contact Name.

    (4) Enter an Email.

    (5) Enter a Position (optional).

    (6) Click on Save to save the information.



    7.2 Joint secretariat


    1. Click on the Edit button to enter the information:



    The section becomes editable:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the Joint secretariat information in the text box provided.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.



    7.3 Liabilities


    1. Click on the Edit button to enter the information:



    The section becomes editable:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the Liabilities information in the text box provided.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.



    8 Table 10 Use of unit costs, lump sums, flat rates…


    1. Click on the Edit button to modify the information:



    The Use of Unit costs, lump sums, flat rates and financing not linked to sosts table becomes editable:



    1. Select the following:

    (1) Select the tick box to select the Intended use of Articles 94 and 95 CPR.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.



    When checking the Article 94 option, a Table of content entry for Appendix 1 will be created with 1 default Operation Type 1 and 1 default Indicator 1. 

    When checking the Article 95 option, a Table of content entry for Appendix 2 will be created with 1 default Operation Type 1.

    When un-checking the Article 94 option, an alert will be issued saying “Indicating that you will not make use of Article 94 will remove Appendix 1 and all its data” OK/Cancel. On OK, all data on Appendix 1 will be deleted and the Appendix Table of content will be removed.

    When un-checking the Article 95 option, an alert will be issued saying “Indicating that you will not make use of Article 95 will remove Appendix 2 and all its data” OK/Cancel. On OK, all data on Appendix 2 will be deleted and the Appendix Table of content will be removed.



    Appendix 1

    A Summary



    The records are automatically foreseen by the system by crossing the Programme structure (Priority, Fund, Specific Objective) with the Operation Type detail (Operation Type, Specific Objective(s), Indicator) based on their common Specific Objective(s).


    1. Click on the Edit button to modify the information:



    The Summary of the main elements table becomes editable:



    1. Enter or select the following:

    (1) Enter the percentage for Estimated proportion of the total financial allocation within the priority to which the SCO will be applied in% (estimate).

    The sum of the Estimated Proportion % per Priority must be lower than or equal to 100. This will be checked by a Validation rule (VAL.074).

    (2) Enter the Code for the Type(s) of operation covered.

    The Operation Type Code list contains all Intervention Field codes (and their description) valid for the Specific Objective, Fund (SpecificObjectiveFundDimension) and selected in Table 4 for that Priority, Fund, Specific Objective.

    (3) Enter the Code for the Indicator triggering reimbursement.

    The Indicator Code list contains all Common Indicator codes (and their description), Output and Result, already used in Tables 2 and 3, for the Priority, Specific Objective combination.

    (4) Select the tick box whether the SCO is non applicable.

    When SCO is set to be non-applicable, the Estimated Proportion %, the Intervention Field Code and the Indicator Code are removed.

    (5) Click on Save to save the information.



    The Estimated Proportion % and the Intervention Field Code are mandatory for applicable SCO records only.



    B Detail



    For each Operation Type created/deleted, an entry is created/deleted in the Table of contents. There should be at least 1 Operation Type and that one can never be deleted.



    Edit the existing Operation Type “1”

    1. Click on the Edit icon to edit the default Operation Type “1”:



    The Edit row pop-up window appears:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the Operation type short title.

    The Operation Type Short Title is mandatory and needed to enable the User to link an Intervention Field Code to the Operation Type in Appendix 1 Part A.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.



    Add a new Operation Type

    1. Click on the Add button to add a row in the table:



    The Add a row pop-up window appears:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the Operation Type Short Title.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.



    Operation type



    When updating the Specific Objective(s), the related records in Part A are updated by crossing the Programme structure (Priority, Fund, Specific Objective) with the Operation Type detail (Operation Type, Specific Objective(s), Indicator) based on their common Specific Objective(s).


    1. Click on the Edit button to modify the information:



    The Operation type section becomes editable:



    1. Enter or select the following:

    (1) Enter the Operation type short title.

    The Operation Type Short Title is needed to enable the User to link an Intervention Field Code to the Operation Type in Appendix 1 Part A.

    (2) Tick the box if The managing authority received support from an external company to set out the simplified costs.

    (3) Enter the Name of external company.

    (4) Enter the Description of the operation.

    (5) Select the Specific objective(s) that the operation type refers to by moving them from the left column to the right one.

    The Specific Objective list contains all Specific Objectives used in the Programme Table 1.

    (6) Enter the Total amount (national and Union) expected to be reimbursed by the Commission on this basis.

    (7) Click on Save to save the information.






    For each Indicator created/deleted, an entry is created/deleted in the Table of content under its Operation Type. The Indicator Short Title is mandatory.

    There should be at least 1 Indicator and that one can never be deleted.


    Edit the existing Indicator “1”

    1. Click on the Edit icon to edit the default Indicator “1:



    The Edit row pop-up window appears:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the Indicator triggering reimbursement.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.



    Add a new Indicator

    1. Click on the Add button to add a new Indicator:



    The Add a row pop-up window appears:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter an Indicator triggering reimbursement.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.






    When updating the Indicator, related records in Part A will be created or updated by crossing the Programme structure (Priority, Fund, Specific Objective) with the Operation Type detail (Operation Type, Specific Objective(s), Indicator) based on their common Specific Objective(s).


    1. Click on the Edit button to modify the information:



    The Indicator section becomes editable:



    1. Enter or select the following (all fields are mandatory):

    (1) Enter the Indicator triggering reimbursement.

    (2) Enter the Unit of measurement for the indicator triggering reimbursement.

    (3) Select the SCO type.

    The SCO Type list contains all SCO Types (Lump sum, Unit cost, Flat rate).

    (4) Enter the Amount per unit of measurement or percentage (for flat rates) of the SCO.

    (5) Enter the Categories of costs covered by the unit cost, lump sum or flat rate.

    (6) Enter the Total amount (national and Union) expected to be reimbursed by the Commission on this basis.

    (7) Select “Yes” or “No” for the question Do these categories of costs cover all eligible expenditure for the operation?

    (8) Enter the Verification of the achievement of the units delivered.

    (9) Enter the Possible perverse incentives, mitigating measures and the estimated level of risk (high/medium/low).

    (10) Click on Save to save the information.



    C Calculation

    1 Source of data


    1. Click on the Edit button to modify the information:



    The Source of data section becomes editable:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the Source of data in the text box.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.



    2 Relevance


    1. Click on the Edit button to modify the information:



    The Relevance section becomes editable:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the information about the Proposed method and calculation in the text box provided.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.



    3 Calculations


    1. Click on the Edit button to modify the information:



    The Calculations section becomes editable:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the information about how the calculations were made in the text box provided.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.



    4 Ensurance


    1. Click on the Edit button to modify the information:



    The Ensurance section becomes editable:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the information about ensurance in the text box provided.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.



    5 Assessment


    1. Click on the Edit button to modify the information:



    The Assessment section becomes editable:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the information about assessment in the text box provided.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.



    Appendix 2

    A Summary



    The records are automatically foreseen by the system by crossing the Programme structure (Priority, Fund, Specific Objective) with the Operation Type detail (Operation Type, Specific Objective(s)) based on their common Specific Objective(s).


    1. Click on the Edit button to modify the information:



    The Summary of the main elements table becomes editable:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter The amount covered by the financing not linked to costs.

    (2) Enter the Code for the Type(s) of operation covered.

    The Operation Type Code list contains all Intervention Field codes (and their description) valid for the Specific Objective, Fund and selected in Table 4 for that Priority, Fund, Specific Objective.

    (3) Enter the Code for the Indicator triggering reimbursement.

    The Indicator Code list contains all Common Indicator codes (and their description), Output and Result, already used in Tables 2 and 3, for the Priority, Specific Objective combination.

    (4) Select the tick box whether the FNLC is non applicable.

    (5) Click on Save to save the information.



    The Amount Covered and the Intervention Field Code are mandatory for applicable FNLC records only.

    When FNLC is set to be non-applicable, the Amount Covered, the Intervention Field Code and the Indicator Code are removed.



    B Detail



    For each Operation Type created/deleted, an entry is created/deleted in the Table of contents. There should be at least 1 Operation Type and that one can never be deleted.



    Edit existing Operation Type “1”

    1. Click on the Edit icon to edit the default Operation Type “1:



    The Edit row pop-up window appears:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the Operation Type Short Title.

    The Operation Type Short Title is mandatory and is needed to enable the User to link an Intervention Field Code to the Operation Type in Appendix 2 Part A.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.



    Add a new Operation Type

    1. Click on the Add button to add a new operation type:



    The Add a row pop-up window appears:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the Operation Type Short Title.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.



    Operation type



    When updating the Specific Objective(s), update the related records in Part A by crossing the Programme structure (Priority, Fund, Specific Objective) with the Operation Type detail (Operation Type, Specific Objective(s)) based on their common Specific Objective(s).


    1. Click on the Edit button to modify the information:



    The Operation type section becomes editable:



    1. Enter or select the following (all fields are mandatory, except the intermediate deliverables):

    (1) The Operation type short title is the one created previously, the field can be edited if needed.

    The Operation Type Short Title is needed to enable the User to link an Intervention Field Code to the Operation Type in Appendix 2 Part A.

    (2) Enter the Description of the operation.

    (3) Select the Specific objective(s) that the operation type refers to by moving them from the left column to the right one.

    The Specific Objective list contains all Specific Objectives used in the Programme Table 1.

    (4) Enter the Conditions to be fulfilled or results to be achieved in the text box provided.

    (5) Select the Deadline for fulfilment of conditions or results to be achieved.

    (6) Enter the Indicator definition in the text box provided.

    (7) Enter the Unit of measurement for conditions to be fulfilled/results to be achieved triggering reimbursement by the Commission in the text box provided.

    (8) Click on Add deliverable (if applicable) to add a new record in the table.

    (9) Enter the fields for each record.

    (10) Select the Envisaged type of reimbursement method used to reimburse the beneficiary or beneficiaries from the list.

    The Reimbursement Method list contains all Reimbursement methods (Reimbursement of eligible costs actually incurred, Unit cost, Lump sum, Financing not linked to costs).

    (11) Enter the Total amount (including Union and national funding).

    (12) Enter the Adjustment(s) method.

    (13) Enter the Verification of the achievement of the result or condition (and where relevant, the intermediate deliverables).

    (14) Select either Yes or No for the Use of grants in the form of financing not linked to costs.

    (15) Enter the Arrangements to ensure the audit trail. Please list the body(ies) responsible for these arrangements.

    (16) Click on Save to save the information.



    Appendix 3


    1. Click on the Edit button to modify the information:



    The section becomes editable:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the Planned operations information in the text box provided.

    (2) Click on Save to save the information.



    Validate the Programme ETC



    The Programme ETC can be validated at any time, when the current version is in status Open.

    The User can edit and revalidate as many times as necessary before sending.

    To validate the Programme, the User must have the role of Member State Managing Authority with Update access (MSMAu).


    1. Click on the Validate button to validate the Programme ETC:




    An Error will block you from sending the Programme ETC. The error(s) should be resolved and the Programme ETC must be revalidated. Note that a Warning does not block you from sending the Programme ETC.


    The system validates the following information:




    Validation Rule



    Validate that the First Year and the Last Year are >= 2021 and <= 2027 and that First Year is <= Last Year.



    Validate that the Strand corresponds with the ObjectSubType of the CCI (‘CB’’A’, ‘TN’’B’, ‘IR’’C’, ‘OR’’D’, ‘PC’’A’) (Implicit in web).



    Validate when programme was once adopted by EC and Non-substantial transfer (Article 19(5) Interreg) is true that programme amending decision number and programme amending decision entry into force date are not null, and when Non-substantial transfer (Article 19(5) Interreg) is false that programme amending decision number and programme amending decision entry into force date are null.



    Validate when programme was once adopted by EC that no Funds are removed compared to the previous adopted version.



    Validate that there are territories from at least two countries mentioned in the region coverage section.



    Validate in table 1 that the specific objectives selected are valid for the Strand covered by the programme (SpecificObjectiveFund) (Implicit in web).



    Validate for non-PEACE PLUS programmes (CCI not like ‘%TC16RFPC%’) that in table 1 the specific objectives ISO4.1-ISO4.9 are not used.



    Validate in table 5 that at least one record exists per possible priority, specific objective and Fund combination.



    Validate in table 6 that at least one record exists per possible priority, specific objective and Fund combination.



    Validate that the Specific Objectives selected in Table 1 are used under a Priority.



    Validate that the programme contains at least one Priority.



    Validate when programme was once adopted by EC that no priorities are removed compared to the previous adopted version.



    Validate in table 9 that one and only one “Managing authority” record exists and that all three mandatory fields “name of institution”, “contact name” and “email” are filled in (not empty) (Implicit in web).



    Validate in table 9 that one and only one “Audit authority” record exists and that all three mandatory fields “name of institution”, “contact name” and “email” are filled in (not empty) (Implicit in web).



    Validate in table 9 that one and only one “Body to which the payments are to be made by the Commission

    record exists and that all three mandatory fields “name of institution”, “contact name” and “email” are filled in (not empty) (Implicit in web).



    Validate that at least one official in charge of the Member State exists



    Validate that the CCI code matches the following regular expression: (….TC16….…)



    Validate when programme was once adopted by EC that the “First Year” is not modified compared to the previous adopted version (Implicit in web).



    Validate when programme was once adopted by EC that the “Last Year” is not decreased compared to the previous adopted version.



    Validate in table 9 that one and only one “Group of Auditors Representatives” record exists and that all three mandatory fields “name of institution”, “contact name” and “email” are filled in (not empty) (Implicit in web).



    Validate when programme was never adopted by EC, that “non-substantial transfer (Article 19(5) Interreg)” and “Clerical or editorial corrections (Article 19(6) Interreg)” and “Approved by monitoring committee” are false (Implicit in web).



    Validate that all integral documents have at least one attachment with a length > 0 



    Validate that all specific objectives covered by a priority relate to the same policy objective (1,2,3,4,5) or to one or both Interreg-specific policy objectives (6,7).



    Validate that a priority only refers to specific objectives selected in Table 1 (Implicit in web).



    Validate when programme was once adopted by EC that no priority, Fund combinations are removed compared to the previous adopted version.



    Validate that “Title” was provided.



    Validate that the Fund selected on the priority (in PriorityFundEtc) is valid for the strand (StrandFund) (Implicit in web).



    Validate in each of the dimensions tables 4, 5 and 6 that the totals per priority and Fund equal the equivalent Union contribution without TA Article 27(1) (a1) in table 8



    Validate in dimensions table 4 that the intervention fields are valid for the priority’s specific objective and Fund (SpecificObjectiveFundDimension) (Implicit in web).



    Validate that programmes using the single amount ‘Interreg Funds’ method, only have the Fund ‘Interreg Funds’ selected on their priorities (implicit in web).



    Validate that the “Article 17(4)(b) choice” is only ticked for strand B and C programmes with a CCIs regular expression equal to (….TC16FFTN…, ….TC16FFIR...,….TC16NXTN…, ….TC16IPTN…) (implicit in web).



    Validate in table 2 that there is at least one output indicator defined or selected per priority and specific objective.



    Validate in table 2 that the common output indicators are valid for the specific objective under ETC (GoalSpecificObjectiveFundIndicator) and with CommonIndicator.useInProgramme true (Implicit in web).



    Validate in table 2 that programme specific indicator codes are different from any reserved (for mainstream programmes) or common indicator codes (Implicit in web).



    Validate in table 3 that there is at least one result indicator defined or selected per priority and specific objective.



    Validate in table 3 that the common result indicators are valid for the specific objective under ETC (GoalSpecificObjectiveFundIndicator) and with CommonIndicator.useInProgramme true (Implicit in web).



    Validate in table 3 that programme specific indicator codes are different from any reserved (for mainstream programmes) or common indicator codes (Implicit in web).



    Validate that table 7 (financial plan by year) contains records for all the Funds covered by the programme (PriorityFundEtc) (Implicit in web).



    Validate that table 7 (financial plan by year) contains Union Support > 0 for all the years between “First Year” and “Last Year” , except for 2021 which must be 0.



    Validate that table 7 (financial plan by year) doesn't contain records for Funds not defined in the programme (Implicit in web).



    Validate in table 7 that the annual amounts have no decimals.



    Validate in Table 8, that the Union contribution (a), the national public contribution (c) and the national private contribution (d) have no decimals.



    Validate that table 8 (financial plan per priority) contains records for all priority, Fund combinations defined in the programme (PriorityFundEtc) (Implicit in web).



    Validate that table 8 (financial plan per priority) doesn't contain records for priority, Fund combinations not defined in the programme (PriorityFundEtc) (Implicit in web).



    Validate the consistency of the total Union contribution at Fund level between the financial plans in table 7 and table 8.



    Validate in table 8 for programmes not containing any dedicated STEP priority, that the total programme co-financing rate does not exceed the maximum allowed co-financing rates, as follows (as per article 13):

    • for programmes in strands A, B, and C (except for INTERREG IPA programmes (TC16IPCB), the Adriatic Ionian TN programme (2021TC16IPTN001), the INTERREG NEXT programmes (TC16NXCB) and the NEXT TN programmes (TC16NXTN)), the co-financing rate shall not be higher than 80%,

    • for the Adriatic Ionian TN programme (2021TC16IPTN001) and strand D programmes (=outermost regions), the co-financing rate shall not be higher than 85%,

    for the INTERREG NEXT programmes (TC16NXCB) and the NEXT TN programmes (TC16NXTN), the co-financing rate shall not be higher than 90%.



    Validate in table 8 for programmes not containing any dedicated STEP priority, that the co-financing rate per priority does not exceed the maximum allowed co-financing rates, as follows (as per Article 10.2 of the REGULATION (EU) 2021/1529), for INTERREG IPA programmes (TC16IPCB), the co-financing rate shall not be higher than 85%.



    Validate in table 3 for each common result indicator when a baseline validator exists (baselineValidator), that the baseline value is compliant (zero, equal or higher than zero, higher than zero).



    Validate in appendix 1.A (when appendix 1 exists) that the intervention field code is one of the selected ones in table 4 under the relevant priority, specific objective, Fund.



    Validate in appendix 1.A (when appendix 1 exists) for applicable SCO records, that the sum of the estimated proportion % per priority is lower than or equal to 100.



    Validate in appendix 1.B that the specific objective(s) were selected in table 1.



    Validate in appendix 1.B that there is at least one indicator for an operation type.



    Validate in appendix 2.A (when appendix 2 exists) that the intervention field code is one of the selected ones in table 4 under the relevant priority, specific objective, Fund.



    Validate that the following text fields are not empty:

    1.1, 1.2, 1.3 on programme strategy (text field + Justification summary for each SO in table 1) on types of actions on beneficiary (Only Strand C programmes 2021TC16RFIR004 (Espon) and 2021TC16RFIR002 (Interact)) on main target groups on specific territories on financial instruments

    4. Partnership

    5. Communication and visibility

    6. Small-scale projects

    7.2 Joint secretariat

    7.3 Liabilities



    Validate in table 4 that at least one record exists per possible priority, specific objective and Fund combination.



    Validate when Appendix 1 exists that all applicable SCO records of part A summary have an intervention field code and that this intervention code is selected in table 4 of the programme.



    Validate when Appendix 2 exists that all applicable FNLC records of part A summary have an intervention field code and that this intervention code is selected in table 4 of the programme.



    Validate when in table 10 ‘unit cost’ was chosen, that appendix 1 has at least 1 operation type.



    Validate when in table 10 ‘financing not linked to costs’ was chosen, that appendix 2 has at least 1 operation type.



    Validate for programmes with intended use of Article 94 of the CPR in section 8 (ticked “yes” in table 10) that the Member State filled in all mandatory fields in appendix 1.



    Validate for programmes with intended use of Article 95 of the CPR in section 8 (ticked “yes” in table 10) that the Member State filled in all mandatory fields in appendix 2.



    Validate that appendix 3 is filled in.



    Validate when programme was once adopted that “Approved by monitoring committee” was selected when “Non-substantial transfer (Article 19(5) Interreg)” and “Clerical or editorial corrections (Article 19(6) Interreg)” have not been selected, or when “Non-substantial transfer (Article 19(5) Interreg)” was selected.



    Validate when programme was once adopted that “Non-substantial transfer (Article 19(5) Interreg)” and “Clerical or editorial corrections (Article 19(6) Interreg)” are not both selected.



    Validate in table 2 that there is at least one common output indicator selected per priority and specific objective.



    Validate in table 2 for each common output indicator that the target is higher than zero.



    Validate in table 3 that there is (at least) one common or one programme specific result indicator selected per priority and specific objective.



    Validate in table 3 for each common result indicator that the target is higher than zero.



    Validate in table 3 for each result indicator with a target that the baseline or reference value is provided (can be also 0).



    Validate in table 3 that source of data is provided for each result indicator.



    Validate when programme was never adopted, in table 3 for each common result indicator, that the reference year of the baseline value is 2020 or 2021.



    Validate in appendix 1.A (when appendix 1 exists) that the selected common indicator field code is one of the selected ones in tables 2 and 3 under the relevant priority, specific objective.



    Validate in appendix 2.A (when appendix 2 exists) that the selected common indicator field code is one of the selected ones in tables 2 and 3 under the relevant priority, specific objective.



    Validate in appendix 2.B that the specific objective(s) were used under a priority.



    Validate when appendix 1 exists, that in part A summary at least one record per operation type, specific objective, indicator is applicable.



    Validate when appendix 2 exists, that in part A summary at least one record per operation type, specific objective, indicator is applicable.



    Validate when appendix 1 exists, that in part A summary, the estimated proportion, the intervention field and the common indicator field are empty when the SCO record is not applicable (Implicit in web).



    Validate when appendix 2 exists, that in part A summary, the amount covered, the intervention field and the common indicator field are empty when the FNLC record is not applicable (Implicit in web).



    Validate in section 2.1 that a priority has at least one Fund selected (PriorityFundEtc).



    Validate when the Fund ‘Interreg Funds’ is selected on a priority that the programme uses the single amount ‘Interreg Funds’ method.



    Validate that the “Map of Programme Area” (PRG.MAP) was uploaded in the current version.



    Validate in table 8 when priority promotes the socio-economic integration of third country nationals, that the “Co-financing rate – Article 112(7)” is >= “Co-financing rate” and <= 100%.



    Validate when “The entire priority promotes the socio-economic integration of third country nationals” has been added to a priority compared to the previous adopted programme version, that “Non-substantial transfer” and “Clerical or editorial correction” are not set.



    Validate that a previously adopted priority dedicated to STEP is still dedicated to STEP, compared to the previous adopted version.



    Validate that the cumulative ERDF and CF allocation programmed (for ETC also INTERREG, NDICI, IPA3 and OCTP funds are considered) in the dedicated priorities under these two Funds (using the specific objectives RSO1.6 and RSO2.9) in all IJG and ETC programmes of the MS does not exceed 20% of the cumulative initial ERDF allocation for IJG and ETC as it was communicated to the Member State.



    Validate when a priority uses specific objectives RSO1.6 or RSO2.9 that the dedicated to STEP flag is set.



    Validate in section 2 when a priority is dedicated to STEP that in section 2.1 only specific objectives RSO1.6 and/or RSO2.9 are selected, and only ERDF or INTERREG or IPA3 or NDICI or OCTP is covered.



    Validate in table 2 for STEP priorities that, per priority and specific objective, in case at least one of the indicators RCO125-RCO127 is selected, at least two of the indicators: RCO01 and one of RC002, RC003, RCO04 are used as well. 



    Validate in table 2 for STEP priorities that, per priority and specific objective, in case at least one of the indicators RCO125-RCO127 is selected, his target/the sum of their target is <= than the target for RCO01 (in case it exists).



    Validate in table 2 for STEP priorities that per priority and specific objective, in case at least one of the indicators RCO125-RCO127 is selected, his target/the sum of their target is <= than the target/the sum of their targets for RCO02-RCO04 (in case at least one of them exist).



    Validate when “Priority dedicated to investments supporting the STEP objectives” has been added to a new or existing priority compared to the previous adopted programme version, that “Non-substantial transfer” and “Clerical or editorial correction” are not set.



    Validate in section 2.1 when a priority was previously adopted and marked in the current version as STEP, that also in the previous adopted version it was marked as STEP.



    Validate when initial programme version (x.0), where x is the same as the current programme version, was created after 2024, that in table 4 no new intervention field 056 was added, compared to the latest programme version sent to the Commission in 2024 and currently in status 'Adopted by EC' or 'Adopted by MS'.



    Validate when initial programme version (x.0), where x is the same as the current programme version, was created after 2024, that in table 4 the amounts - under the (existing) intervention field 056 - were not increased, compared to the latest programme version sent to the Commission in 2024 and currently in status 'Adopted by EC' or 'Adopted by MS'.


    An example of a validation window:



    You can check the list of validation results at any time throughout the Programme ETC:



    To see the last validation results:

    (1) Click on one of the 4 categories: All results, Passed, Warning, Error.

    (2) The list of latest validation results for the chosen category is displayed.


    After all errors have been resolved the status of the Programme ETC becomes Validated.



    Prepare Programme ETC for send to EC



    The Prepare for Send can occur when a User on the highest MS Node wants to indicate that the Programme ETC version can be prepared for sending to the Commission, once the Validation Errors have been removed and the status is Validated.

    To prepare the send of the Programme, the User must have the role of Member State Managing Authority with Update or Send access (MSMAu / MSMAs).


    1. Click on the Prepare for send to EC button to prepare to send the Programme ETC to the Commission:



    The system will ask you to confirm the send action:



    1. Click on Confirm to confirm.


    The status of the Programme ETC is set to Preparing for send to EC.



    Send the Programme ETC



    The Programme ETC can only be sent once the Validation Errors have been removed and the status is Ready to Send.

    The "4 eyes principle" must be respected. Therefore, the User sending must be different from the User who last validated.

    To send the Programme, the User must have the role of Member State Managing Authority with Send access (MSMAs).


    1. Click on the Send button to send the Programme ETC to the Commission or to an upper Node:



    The system will ask you to confirm the send action:



    1. Click on Confirm to confirm.

    On success, the Programme version has been sent to the Commission or to an upper Node. When sent to an upper Member State Node, the status is set to Sent. When sent to the Commission and when it concerns a Minor modification, the status is set to Adopted by MS else the status is set to Sent.

    A Minor modification is a modification which does not modify data which is part of the Commission Decision and for which the Member State has indicated that it does not concern a Major Amendment.



    The automatic transition to Adopted by MS will not be implemented unless the requirements for it are 100% clear.

    When on the highest MS node, a “Snapshot before send” document will be available in all official MS languages so that the sender can first verify what will be sent to the Commission:

    • A version containing the untranslated content with the template in the Source language.

    • When the Source language is different from English, a version containing the untranslated content with the template in English.

    • When the Source language is different from English, a version containing a machine translation of the content in English with the template in English.



    Return the Programme ETC by MS for Modification



    The Programme ETC can only be returned by MS for modification when a lower Node exists and the status is Sent (to a higher MS node), Open, Validated or Ready to Send.

    This action can be used when a User wants to return the Programme version sent by the Region because it is incomplete or incorrect and needs to be modified. The notification utility will be called to notify the return to the Region.

    To return the Programme ETC by MS for modification, the User must have the role of Member State Managing Authority with Update access (MSMAu).


    Follow the steps to Return Programme ETC by MS for Modification:



    1. Select the following:

    (1) Select the icon with 3 vertical dots.

    (2) Click on the Return button to Return Programme ETC by MS for Modification.


    The system will ask you to confirm the Return Programme ETC by MS for Modification action:



    1. Enter the following:

    (1) Enter the Reason in the text box provided.

    (2) Click on Confirm to save the information.


    On success, the status of the Programme will be changed to status Returned by MS for Modification and the sender is notified of the return and its reason.



    Delete the Programme ETC



    The Programme ETC can only be deleted when the status is Open, Validated or Ready to Send, or Returned by MS for modification and has never been sent to the Commission before and has no sent documents attached.

    To delete the Programme, the User must have the role of Member State Managing Authority with Update access (MSMAu).

    The delete is a physical delete and cannot be recovered!


    Follow the steps to remove the Programme ETC from the system:



    1. Select the following:

    (1) Select the icon with 3 vertical dots.

    (2) Click on the Delete button to remove the Programme ETC from the system.


    The system will ask you to confirm the delete action:



    1. Click on Confirm to confirm or click on Cancel to return to the Programme ETC.



    Cancel the Programme ETC



    The Programme ETC can only be cancelled when a Programme version with documents was sent to the Commission or with a previous version returned by the Commission, before it reaches a first Adoption by the Commission. The notification utility will be called to notify the Commission of the cancel of the version.

    The Programme version must currently resides on the User's Node and its status is Open or Validated or Ready to send or Returned by MS for modification and has never been adopted by the Commission and (contains a sent Document or when version=1.0 has a sent referring Document linked to it).

    To cancel the Programme, the User must have the role of Member State Managing Authority with Update access (MSMAu).


    Follow the steps to cancel the Programme ETC from the system:



    1. Select the following:

    (1) Select the icon with 3 vertical dots.

    (2) Click on the Cancel button to cancel the Programme ETC from the system.


    The system will ask you to confirm the delete action:



    1. Click on Confirm to confirm or click on Cancel to return to the Programme ETC.


    On success, the status of the Programme will be changed to Cancelled.



    Create a New Version of the Programme ETC



    A new version of the Programme ETC can only be created when the last version is in status Adopted by EC, Adopted by MS, Not Adopted by EC, Returned to MS with official observations, Returned to MS with technical/outstanding comments, Returned to MS with remaining/follow-up observations, Withdrawn at the request of the MS or Cancelled.

    To create a new version of the Programme, the User must have the role of Member State Managing Authority with Update access (MSMAu).


    1. Click on the Create button to create a new version of the Programme ETC:



    The system will ask you to confirm the creation of a new version:



    1. Click on Confirm to confirm. Click on Cancel to return to the Programme ETC.


    A new version of the Programme ETC has been created as a copy of the last version. Its status is set to Open



    When the status of the last version was different from ‘Withdrawn at the request of the MS’, a new version of the Programme is created as a copy of the last version.and the version number is incremented by one when the previous version was adopted (by MS or by EC) (ex. 1.0 to 2.0) or the working version is incremented by one when the previous version was returned by the Commission for modification or cancelled (ex. 1.0 to 1.1). 

    When the status of the last version was ‘Withdrawn at the request of the MS’ and the User has chosen to create the new version based on the withdrawn version or on the last adopted version, then the version is incremented by one (ex. 1.0 to 2.0).

    When the status of the last version was ‘Not Adopted by EC’ then the new version should be based on the last adopted version by EC or MS, and the version should be incremented by one (ex. 1.0 to 2.0)



    Request to Withdraw the Programme ETC



    The Member State can request to withdraw the Programme ETC and can optionally upload a document called MS request to withdraw programme version.

    The Programme ETC version is in a status Sent or Returned to MS with official observations or Returned to MS with technical/outstanding comments or Returned to MS with remaining/follow-up observations at the level of the Commission, or in a status Open, Validated, Ready to send, Returned by MS for modification or Cancelled at the level of the Member State and has previously been sent to the Commission.

    This scenario occurs when, at the request of the Member State, the Commission User withdraw a programme version and stop the amendment procedure.

    To withdraw the Programme, the User must have the role of Member State Managing Authority with Update and Send access (MSMAu, MSMAs).


    1. Go to the Documents section and click on the Add button to add the MS request to withdraw programme version document type:



    The add row popup window appears:



    1. Enter or select the following information:

    (1) Select the MS request to withdraw programme version Document Type.

    (2) Enter a Document Date.

    The system automatically fills the field with todays date, but this can be modified.

    (3) Enter a Document Title for your Document.

    (4) Enter a Local reference (optional).

    (5) Click on the Add button to add a new attachment:

    • You can add multiple attachments by clicking on the Add button.

    • You can remove unwanted attachments by selecting the attachment and clicking on the Remove button.


    The Attached files window becomes editable:



    1. Enter or select the following information:

    (1) Enter a Title for your attachment.

    (2) Select the Type of the document.

    It is possible to select from these 4 types: Annex, Cover Letter, Main or Translation

    (3) Select the Language of the document.

    (4) Click on Browse to select the file that you want to add as an attachment.

    (5) After the attachments are uploaded click on Save & Send to save and send the document.



    After the document is uploaded, it is up to the Commission User to perform the withdrawal action and stop the amendment procedure.