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SFC Support Portal
System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by gasbast on 9 February 2023

09.02.2023: Certification Body Report - bug reported in User Interface

We have discovered a bug in the CB Report module. It relates to the visualization of 0 (zero) as value in the tables from chapter 6 and 11 for EAGF and respectively 19 and 24 for EAFRD.

As the validation rules for these chapters require information to be encoded in any editable cell (in blue color in the system) none of those cells should be empty.  In order to pass the validation rules and being able to send the report to EC you are requested to insert 0 (zero) from keyboard for any field in which you do not have information to report.

You may check if 0 is entered for specific fields by checking the status in the preview available for each section. 

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding. 




SFC2021 Front Office production will be unavailable during this maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience.
A new release will be deployed this morning. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click here to consult the release note.
A new release will be deployed this evening. SFC2021 will remain available, however you may need to refresh your browser once the deployment is complete. Click here to consult the release note.
This release mainly contains improvements/fixes for CAP Strategic Plan. Click here for more information.
The report with the content of the CSP will be generated during the “Preparing for Send” action . Please note that report does not contain yet all SFC information (in particular intervention chapter might be skipped for the time being for large reports) . The form or content of this report should not constitute an impediment for sending the CSP to EC. This report will be improved in the coming days and the improved version will be used when performing the evaluation of the plan.
This release mainly contains improvements/fixes for CAP Strategic Plan. Click here for more information.
SFC2021 will remain operational throughout the Holiday period. The application will be monitored to ensure that any unforeseen downtime is kept to a minimum. Very limited user support will be available during this period. We strongly recommend Member States ensure they have the necessary roles and permissions and submit their data as early as possible. Click here for more information (also in FR/DE).
This release mainly contains improvements/fixes for CAP Strategic Plan. Click here for more information.
This release mainly contains improvements/fixes for CAP Strategic Plan. More detailed information of all Changes and Fixed Defects included in this release will be added here shortly.
Click here to consult the items included in this bugfix release.