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System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by nroidele on 28 July 2014

Which indicators shall be used to monitor operations supporting institutional or public administration reform, where no direct participants are identified?

Values for all common indicators listed in Annex I and Annex II of the ESF Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013) have to be reported for all investment priorities chosen, including any focusing on institutional aspects.

The common indicators on participants capture only participants benefitting directly from the ESF support. In case there are no relevant participants zero values should be reported.

Where the common output indicators do not reflect the outputs of the investment priority –as in the case of institutional/administrative reform- programme-specific indicators should be developed. Separate guidance is provided on the types of indicators that might be established: see Guidance Document on Indicators of Public Administration Capacity Building for guidelines in this respect.

Note that it is the responsibility of the Member State to develop programme-specific indicators in all areas of the programme where they see the need for.  Indicators can – but do not have to - be very specific in order to highlight certain aspects of the ESF support which are of particular importance for the Member States/regions.