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SFC Support Portal
System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by joffrso on 2 May 2014

General - In the 'free text' fields the numbering of paragraphs restarts after each "style" change, how do I correct this?

If you want to have a list like this in the free text editor:

1.    aaaa

2.    bbb

3.    ccc

o    ccc.111

o    ccc.222

4.    ddd

5.    eee

6.    fff


You have to follow these steps:

First start with the list without formatting:




Then you mark and number all of them (false) :

1.    aaaa

2.    aaaa.1111

3.    bbbb

Then you indent the one(s) in the middle ( false) :

1.    aaaa

1.    aaaa.1111

2.    bbbb

Then you change numbering to bullets (false) :

1.    aaaa

o    aaaa.1111

2.    bbbb

The alternative is to edit first in a Word document and copy/paste from there.