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System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by curelth on 8 February 2021

RDP - NGEU(EURI) - Programming of EURI into the RDPs – technicalities

Programming of EURI into the RDPs – technicalities


All RDP chapters can be amended as appropriate. For introducing the EURI funds, the following RDP chapter have to be amended in particular.


Chapter 5 - strategy

Where relevant, the strategy should be updated to include the new challenges (crisis response and recovery) and to take into account the extension of the programming period. The additional funds may allow Member States to address needs that previously could not have been included due to financial limitations. Possibly to mention new measures to be programmed. Respect to the overall objective of the EURI needs to be ensured.


Chapter 7 – performance framework

Table 7.1 has been changed:

Novelty: Targets refer to 2025 (instead of 2023), and column “c” “adjustment EURI” was added. (EURI article 59(4)(ea) must be selected beforehand in chapter 10.0)

For each common performance framework indicator, the target values need to be updated in line with the indicator plan – this is done automatically by SFC. In addition, the new column “c” needs to be filled in, corresponding to the EURI planning of outputs in the indicator plan – this is done automatically by SFC.

For each program specific performance framework indicator these data fields need to be filled in manually.

Note: The target absolute value (far right column) does not take into account the top-ups nor the EURI.

Chapter 8 – measure descriptions

Possibly introduction of new measures or sub-measures according to updated strategy.

All measure descriptions, which will be the basis for EURI funded operations, needs to be expanded by separate paragraphs describing the measure features that apply to the EURI supported operations. Alternatively, the separate EURI measure description may be integrated in the existing text, editorially clearly separating the descriptions applicable for the different financial sources.

Where the existing measure description is intended to apply one-to-one to the EURI programming, this can be acknowledged by adding a simple sentence to that effect, provided it complies with the specificities of the EURI regulation.

Respect to the overall objective of the EURI needs to be ensured.


Chapter 10 – financing plan

The financing plan has been adapted to introduce separate EURI financial allocation to measures by focus area.

  1. To activate EURI planning in the financing plan, the derogation option for EURI needs to be enabled in chapter 10.0:
  • Article 59(4)(ea) of regulation (EU) No 1305/2013

  1. In chapter 10.1 the annual allocations for EURI need to be manually encoded in the line for Article 59(4)(ea) of regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 for the years 2021 and 2022:

  1. In chapter 10.3 financial EURI allocations have to be added for each measure foreseen by the Member State. In the below example, EUR 1 million is added from the EURI to M4 programmed under P4.

Chapter 11 – indicator plan

Target indicators:

When the total public envelope of the RDP changes due to addition of national funds or changes in the EAFRD envelope, target indicator values should be changed (including the program specific ones). Usually, the addition of financial resources will allow to plan higher targets. All target indicators need to be reviewed in line with the updated RDP strategies, referring to implementation objectives in 2025. Especially in the focus areas where the EURI will be allocated, a planning update needs to be done. All target indicator changes need to be explained/justified. Note that the target indicators by focus area refer to the entire activities of the RDPs, meaning all actions financed by MFF, EURI, national additional financing and national co-financing.

Output indicators:

An amendment which changes the total public budget of a measure will in most cases lead to changes in planned outputs (financial increases usually lead to increases of planned outputs). Changes need to be done for common and program specific output indicators. Note that the output indicators by measure and by focus area refer to the entire activities of the RDPs, meaning all actions financed by MFF, EURI, national additional financing and national co-financing. Because EURI funds have to be programmed and monitored separately, the indicator plan tables have been adapted to include for each planned output a column “out of which financed by EURI” (EURI article 59(4)(ea) must be selected beforehand in chapter 10.0):

For every measure the Member State allocated EURI funds in the financing plan, the outputs planned to be realised by the EURI need to be manually added to the globally planned output values. In addition, the planned EURI outputs have to be manually encoded in the separate column “out of which financed by EURI”.


Consistency check between the financing and indicator plan

The indicator planning should match the financial planning in the RDPs. Member States should ensure such consistency. This has to be done manually.