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System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by camarle on 10 August 2023

NP - How to create a Minor Programme Version change?

When the MS wants to create a new version of the programme containing modifications which do not require a new Commission Decision, the option ‘Major amendment’ under ‘General > Version Information’ should be unticked (this option is ticked by default after creating a new programme version).



When the Major Amendment option is unticked the MS related fields Justification for amendment, MS amending decision number, MS amending decision date and MS amending decision entry into force date need to be filled. This is only possible in versions greater than 1.



This kind of version will be set to 'ADOPTED BY MS' when sent to the Commission and when only non-decisional parts of the Operational Programme have been modified.

Note that when Major amendment is left ticked, a Justification is required and the version will need a new Commission Decision, even when only non-decisional parts have been modified.