- You must download the Categorisation Sheet Template and do not change the formatting
- Check there is no space after the text or digits entered. You should remove the space (in each cell) and upload the sheet again
- Before data entry into the spreadsheet, ensure that the cells in columns A-R are formatted as Text, in columns S to U - Number with 2 decimal points, in column V - number with no decimal point
- When copying/pasting the information into the Categorisation Sheet please only enter values/data into the cells you require to be edited: do not change the headings or the font or size of the text and only use the copy and 'paste special' function and paste only as values
- Do not re-arrange the columns
- Check that the combinations of codes under Priority Axis, Fund, and Category of Region match those defined in the associated Operational Programme. There's no Category of Region for ETC programmes.
- Check that the Thematic Objective Dimension (column H) matches those defined in the associated Operational Programme
- The codes should be entered into the categorisation sheet as a 2-digit sequence - so "01" instead of "1" (this is also the same for code "0", which should be entered as "00") with the exception of the Priority Axis column which should be encoded exactly the same as it is in the Operational Programme.
- Check that the combinations of codes in columns A to R are unique
- Use the original CODES as provided in the the reference tables, e.g. enter 'ESF', not 'FSE' under Fund, enter '01', not '1' under Intervention Field
- Select the different tabs to view the correct codes to be entered under the specific Headings:
- Make sure the Excel file is closed before uploading