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SFC Support Portal
System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by nroidele on 28 July 2014

Does the indicator on improved labour market situation also cover participants who, due to the ESF support, better meet the requirements of the labour market, even if this has not necessarily led to changes in salary, position, or range of activity?

No. The definition of improved situation on the labour market is limited to the following criteria (provided in Annex C1 of the EC Guidance document on Monitoring and Evaluation):

Persons who are employed when entering ESF support and who, following the support, transited from precarious to stable employment, and/or from underemployment to full employment, and/or have moved to a job requiring higher competences/skills/ qualifications, entailing more responsibilities, and/or received a promotion 6 months after leaving the ESF operation”.

Thus, participants who better meet the requirements of the labour market or increase their salary, but have not experienced any change in position, hours worked or range of activity, are not to be counted as “participants with an improved labour market situation six months after leaving”. If you want to monitor the change in meeting the requirements of the labour market it is suggested to set up programme-specific indicators to do so.