In case the measurement unit of both the indicator and its target is numerical, SFC2014 automatically calculates the achievement ratio by dividing the cumulative value with the target.
In case the indicator or the target is expressed in percentages,
- for the common result indicators, the common reference output indicator is already stored in SFC (it was encoded in the OP), and so SFC calculates the achievement ratio automatically;
- for the programme specific result indicators, for these result indicators, the achievement ratio can be calculated by SFC automatically only in case the MS, when filling in the AIR template, encodes the reference output indicator (selects it from a scroll-down menu). Achievement Ratio can be calculated without output indicator reference when both "measurement unit" and "measurement unit for baseline and target" are "Number".
When the Achievement Ratio cannot be calculated it will be left blank.
Thus the achievement ratio is calculated by the system when possible. The MS can never provide a calculation ratio.