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SFC Support Portal
System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by ibanesi on 8 September 2017

NAR - Creation - Why can I no longer create a National Audit Report (obsolete)?

As from release version 2.10.7 (29/08/2017) onwards it is not possible anymore to create a NAR referring document under the old menu Audit > National audit report (obsolete), but the referring document "EC comments on national audit report" can still be created and sent by European Commission Users.

The document "MS reply to EC comments on national audit report" remains possible as well but only for the audit reports originally uploaded by the Member State under this module.

The menu National audit report (obsolete) contains the National audit report documents submitted before the structured National audit report was implemented in SFC2014.

The new menu National audit report IGJ/ETC, EMFF, FEAD & IPA-CBC contains the structured National audit report.

No data will be migrated to the (structured) National Audit report menu.