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SFC Support Portal
System for Fund Management in the European Union
Published by joffrso on 2 February 2017

ACC - Uneditable sections in new version - I have created a new version of the Accounts but I cannot modify some sections (I don't see the edit icons)

The Accounts contains 5 main elements: Accounts, Management Declaration, Audit Opinion, Annual Summary Document and a reference to an Annual Control Report version. When the Commission changes the status of the Accounts (after it has been sent by the Member State) they can choose which of the 5 elements can be modified in future Accounts versions for the same Accounting Year. This choice determines which of the 5 elements will have Edit icons in version +1.

Firstly, verify that you have update access as the correct Authority for the corresponding element. You can request this to your SFC2014 Liaison Officer. If you do not know who your Liaison officer is please contact the support team via the 'Support Contact' menu on he portal.

If your access rights are correct and you need to modify one of these elements in a later version of the Accounts then you should contact your desk officer at the Commission (the Accounts must be in one of the following status: 'Returned for modification by EC (Incomplete submission)', 'Returned for correction by EC (Immaterial or clerical errors)', 'Returned by EC for actions to be taken by MS', 'Accepted by EC', 'Accepted by EC with follow-up' or 'EC unable to accept accounts (Decision adopted)') and request that they change the choice of elements to be modified.