SFC2014 Rural Development Programme (RDP)
This document describes the specifications of a (regional and national) Rural Development Programme (RDP) for the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) as defined in Art. 6 of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013.
More detail regarding the regulations that apply for a RDP can be found in the 'About SFC2014' section of this portal.
Roles involved in RDP are:
MS Managing Authority |
Record a RDP Upload a RDP Documents Consult a RDP Delete a RDP Validate a RDP Send a RDP Return a RDP for Modifications Cancel a RDP Create a new version of a RDP |
MS Audit Authority |
Consult a RDP |
This section shows the lifecycle to create and manage the RDP.
If the Commission rejects a RDP, it is returned and a new version has to be created and go through the whole process. There are no modifying RDPs once they have been submitted. The Commission cannot change a RDP – only respond.
Click here to see the RDP workflow diagram in high resolution.
Create a Rural Development Programme (RDP)
It is a must to have the privilege to create a RDP, the user has the role of MS Managing Authority with Update access. |
To access the Rural development Programme (EAFRD) section first click on the Programming (1) menu item and then on the Rural Development Programme (EAFRD) link (2).
The search page, which centralizes all the existing EAFRD programmes you have access, opens.
Click on the
Create new rural development programme link to create a new RDP.
You are redirected to the RDP creation pop-up window:
Enter or Select the following information:
The compulsory fields are marked with a small red star – the programme cannot be created without this information. |
(1) Select a CCI.
The list contains all allocated EAFRD CCIs for the Country of the User's Node. If the CCI code is not in the list, the user can request a new CCI via the CCI Request form. The question mark explains this with the following text: "When your CCI number is not in the list it is either not yet requested or not yet allocated. Use the "Request a new CCI Number" to go to the CCI Request Form."
(2) Enter a Title.
The title of the Rural Development Programme comes from the previously allocated CCI number.
(3) Select a First year.
First Year is pre-filled with 2014 and needs to be smaller than Last Year and between 2014 and 2020.
(4) Select a Last year.
First Year is pre-filled with 2014 and Last Year with 2020. Both fields can be updated but First Year needs to be smaller than Last Year and between 2014 and 2020.
(5) Click on the Save button to confirm the creation.
The status of the newly created Rural Development Programme is Open
New budget nomenclature
For EAFRD (2014-2022) we changed from 05 04 60 01 to 08 03 01 02
SFC2014 budget code structure: 08030102 MM RRR PP (the first R can be 1/2/3/4/5).
For EURI the new budget item is 08 03 01 03
SFC2014 budget code structure: 08030103 MM RRR PP
The first R in the RRR code also indicates that the budget code is a EURI code (R = 6/7/8/9).
Clarification on what the first digit R in RRR represents:
First digit (R) |
Category of contribution rates |
1 |
59(3)(a) |
Less developed regions, outermost regions and in the smaller Aegean islands within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 229/2013 |
2 |
59(3)(b) |
Regions whose GDP per capita for the 2007-2013 programming period was less than 75 % of the average of the EU-25 for the reference period but whose GDP per capita is above 75 % of the GDP average of the EU-27 |
3 |
59(3)(c) |
Transition regions other than those referred to in Article 59(3)(b) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 |
4 |
59(3)(d) |
Other regions |
5 |
— |
Discontinued measure |
6 |
59(3)(a) + 59(4)(ea) |
Less developed regions, outermost regions and in the smaller Aegean islands within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 229/2013 – EURI, Operations receiving funding from additional resources referred to in Article 58a(1) |
7 |
59(3)(b) + 59(4)(ea) |
Regions whose GDP per capita for the 2007-2013 programming period was less than 75 % of the average of the EU-25 for the reference period but whose GDP per capita is above 75 % of the GDP average of the EU-27 – EURI, Operations receiving funding from additional resources referred to in Article 58a(1) |
8 |
59(3)(c) + 59(4)(ea) |
Transition regions other than those referred to in Article 59(3)(b) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 – EURI, Operations receiving funding from additional resources referred to in Article 58a(1) |
9 |
59(3)(d) + 59(4)(ea) |
Other regions – EURI, Operations receiving funding from additional resources referred to in Article 58a(1) |
(1) Reference is made to the respective Article of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013. |
Record/Edit the Rural Development Programme (RDP)
Find all the information to complete each screen of the RDP. Below are the links to the main sections as defined in Art. 6 of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013:
1. Structured Approach
Electronic forms embedded in the system (structured data);
Data defined as structured cannot be replaced by non-structured data;
Content of references / hyper-links are not considered as transferred to the Commission;
Structured data prevails in case of inconsistency with non-structured data.
2. Limitation of number of characters
The limitations are defined for each textual fields, for instance:
[A maximum of 14000 characters = approx. 4 pages]
For each textual field that exceeds this limit, SFC2014 will display a "warning". Text exceeding 115% of the limit set for each individual field will not be accepted by SFC2014 (application and web-services);
Additional information can be provided in attachments;
In case of difficulties, practical solutions to be discussed with the geographical unit.
3. Upload of Figures (illustration)
For each textual field, where indicated one or several figures can be uploaded;
Formats allowed are:
JPEG for photographic images;
PNG for everything else.
All figures referring to a textual field will be displayed after the text;
The size of the figures must be lower than 2Mb
Content of a Rural Development Programme RDP (Article 8, paragraph 1)* |
Amendment |
Only for programme version >= 2 |
1. Type of amendment R.1305/2013 |
single select list |
2. Amendment modifying information provided in the PA |
multi select list |
3. Amendment related to the third sub-paragraph of Article 4(2) of R.808/2014 (not counting against the limits set in that Article) |
multi select list |
4. Consultation of the monitoring committee (Article 49(3) of R.1303/2013) |
date [DD/MM/YYYY] |
Opinion of the monitoring committee |
1 page - 3500 char |
Amendment description - Article 4(1) of R.808/2014 |
Repeated for each amendment description |
Reasons and/or implementation problems that justify the amendment |
5 pages - 17500 char |
Expected effects of the amendment |
5 pages - 17500 char |
Impact on the change on indicators |
3 pages - 10500 char |
Relationship between the change and the PA |
5 pages - 17500 char |
List of officials in charge |
repeated for each official in charge |
Name |
255 char |
Phone |
50 char |
255 char |
Language |
single select list |
Valid from |
date [DD/MM/YYYY] |
Valid until |
date [DD/MM/YYYY] |
Additional focus areas |
repeated for each additional focus area |
Title |
255 char |
Priority |
single select list |
Thematic Objective |
single select list |
255 char |
2.1. Geographical area covered by the programme |
2.1.1. Geographical area |
single select list |
2.1.2. Description |
1/2 page - 1750 char |
2.2. Classification of the region |
1/2 page - 1750 char |
3.1. Description of the process |
1 page - 3500 char |
3.2. Overview of the recommendations |
repeated for each recommendation |
3.2.1. Title (or reference) of the recommendation |
128 char | Topic |
256 char | Date |
date [DD/MM/YYYY] | Category of recommendation |
single select list | Description of the recommendation |
1/4 page - 875 char | How recommendation has been addressed or justification as to why not taken into account |
1/4 page - 875 char |
3.2.2. Ex-ante evaluation report |
document to upload in annex |
4.1. SWOT |
4.1.1. Overall description |
14 pages - 49000 57000 char |
4.1.2. Strengths |
4 pages - 14000 char |
4.1.3. Weaknesses |
4 pages - 14000 char |
4.1.4. Opportunities |
4 pages - 14000 char |
4.1.5. Threats |
4 pages - 14000 char |
4.1.6. Common Context Indicators |
table automatically generated based on 2.1.1 |
4.1.7. Programme-Specific Context Indicators |
repeated for each specific indicator | Indicator name |
255 char | Indicator code |
255 char | Sector |
single select list | Indicator value |
number | Indicator unit |
255 char | Indicator year |
date [YYYY] | Indicator comments |
500 char |
4.2. Identification of the needs |
repeated for each need |
4.2.1. Title of reference of the Need |
128 char | Description |
1/21 page - 1750 3500 char | Priorities/Focus Areas |
multi select list | Cross cutting objectives |
multi select list |
5.1. Justification |
4 5 pages - 14000 17500 char |
5.2. Measures |
5.2.1. Choice of rural development measures |
multi select list |
5.2.2. Combination and justification of rural development measures |
1/2 page - 1750 char |
5.3. Cross-cutting objectives |
3 pages - 10500 char |
5.4. Summary table |
Automatically generated |
5.5. Advisory Capacity |
3 pages - 10500 char |
6.1. Ex-ante conditionalities |
Ex-ante conditionality |
single select list |
Priorities/Focus Areas to which the conditionality applies |
multi select list |
Measures to which the conditionality applies |
multi select list |
Fulfilled |
Yes/No |
Assessment of its fulfilment |
+/- 3 pages - 12000 char |
6.2. Criteria |
Criterion |
Automatically generated |
Fulfilled |
Yes/no |
Reference (if fulfilled) |
+/- 14 pages - 50000 char |
Assessment of its fulfilment |
+/- 3 pages - 12000 char |
6.3. Actions to be taken |
6.3.1. Actions to be undertaken to fulfil applicable general ex-ante conditionalities |
Ex-Ante conditionnalities |
Automatically generated |
Criterion |
Automatically generated |
Action to be taken |
+/- 1/4 page - 1000 char |
Deadline |
date [DD/MM/YYYY] |
Bodies Responsible |
500 char |
6.3.2. Actions to be undertaken to fulfil applicable ex-ante priority linked conditionalities |
Ex-Ante conditionnalities |
Automatically generated |
Criterion |
Automatically generated |
Action to be taken |
+/- 1/4 page - 1000 char |
Deadline |
date [DD/MM/YYYY] |
Bodies Responsible |
500 char |
6.4. Additional information |
2 pages - 7000 char |
7.1. Performance Framework Indicators |
Justification for the milestone setting: 1 page - 1750 char |
7.2. Performance Framework Alternative Indicators |
Justification for the milestone setting: 1 page - 1750 char |
7.3. Performance Framework Reserve |
8.1. General conditions |
8 pages - 28000 char |
8.2. Description by Measure |
8.2.Mxx. Code and Title of the Measure |
repeated for each measure selected in 5.2 |
8.2.Mxx.a. Legal basis |
1/4 page - 875 char |
8.2.Mxx.b. General description |
8 pages - 28000 char |
8.2.Mxx.c. Scope, level of support, eligible beneficiaries, and where relevant, methodology for calculation of the amount or support rate broken down by sub-measure and/or type of operation where necessary. For each type of operation specification of eligible costs, eligibility conditions, applicable amounts and support rates and principles with regard to the setting of selection criteria |
repeated for each type of operation |
8.2.Mxx.c.Oyy. Title (or) reference of the type of operationof the AECM |
128 200 char + multi select list for sub-measures |
8.2.Mxx.c.Oyy.1. Description of the type of operation |
2 pages - 7000 char |
8.2.Mxx.c.Oyy.2.Type of support |
1/2 page - 1750 char |
8.2.Mxx.c.Oyy.3. Links to other legislation |
1 page - 3500 char |
8.2.Mxx.c.Oyy.4. Beneficiaries |
1 page - 3500 char |
8.2.Mxx.c.Oyy.5. Eligible Costs |
1 page - 3500 char |
8.2.Mxx.c.Oyy.6. Eligibility conditions |
1,5 page - 3500 4500 char |
8.2.Mxx.c.Oyy.7. Principles with regards to the setting of selection criteria |
1,5 page - 3500 4500 char |
8.2.Mxx.c.Oyy.8. (Applicable) amounts and support rates |
1 page - 3500 char |
8.2.Mxx.c.Oyy.9. Verifiability and controllability of the types of operations |
8.2.Mxx.c.Oyy.9.1. Risk(s) in the implementation of the measures |
1 page - 3500 char |
8.2.Mxx.c.Oyy.9.2. Mitigating actions |
1 page - 3500 char |
8.2.Mxx.c.Oyy.9.3. Overall assessment of the type of operation |
1 page - 3500 char |
8.2.Mxx.c.Oyy.10. Methodology for calculation of the amount or support rate, where relevant |
4 pages - 14000 char - for measures others than M10 |
8.2.Mxx.c.Oyy.11. Information specific to the types of operation |
1 page - 3500 char - for each information specific |
8.2.Mxx.c.Oyy.12. Agri-environment-climate commitments |
for M10 only - repeated for each AECM |
8.2.Mxx.c.Oyy.12.Czz. Title (or) reference of the AECM |
128 char |
8.2.Mxx.c.Oyy.12.Czz.1 Baseline |
8.2.Mxx.c.Oyy.12.Czz.1.1. Relevant GAEC and/or SMR |
1/2 page - 1750 char |
8.2.Mxx.c.Oyy.12.Czz.1.2. Minimum requirements for fertilisers and pesticides |
1/2 page - 1750 char |
8.2.Mxx.c.Oyy.12.Czz.1.3. Other relevant national/regional requirements |
1/2 page - 1750 char |
8.2.Mxx.c.Oyy.12.Czz.1.4. Minimum activities |
1/2 page - 1750 char |
8.2.Mxx.c.Oyy.12.Czz.2 Relevant usual farming places |
1/2 page - 1750 char |
8.2.Mxx.c.Oyy.12.Czz.3 Verification methods of commitments |
1/2 page - 1750 char |
8.2.Mxx.d Verifiability and controllability of the measures |
8.2.Mxx.d.1 Risk(s) in the implementation of the measures |
1 page - 3500 char |
8.2.Mxx.d.2. Mitigating actions |
1 page - 3500 char |
8.2.Mxx.d.3 Overall assessment of the measure |
1 page - 3500 char |
8.2.Mxx.e.. Methodology for calculation of the amount or support rate, where relevant |
4 pages - 14000 char |
8.2.Mxx.f. Additional information specific to the Measure concerned |
2 pages - 7000 char - for each information specific |
8.2.Mxx.g. Other important remarks relevant to understand and implement the measure |
1 page - 3500 char |
8.2.Mxx.h.Agri-environment-climate commitments (AECM) |
for M10 only - repeated for each AECM |
8.2.Mxx.h.Cyy. Title (or) reference of the AECM |
128 char |
8.2.Mxx.h.Cyy.1 Baseline |
8.2.Mxx.h.Cyy.1.1. Relevant GAEC and/or SMR |
1/2 page - 1750 char |
8.2.Mxx.h.Cyy.1.2. Minimum requirements for fertilisers and pesticides |
1/2 page - 1750 char |
8.2.Mxx.h.Cyy.1.3. Other relevant national/regional requirements |
1/2 page - 1750 char |
8.2.Mxx.h.Cyy.1.4. Minimum activities |
1/2 page - 1750 char |
8.2.Mxx.h.Cyy.2 Relevant usual farming places |
1/2 page - 1750 char |
8.2.Mxx.h.Cyy.3 Verification methods of commitments |
1/2 page - 1750 char |
9.1. Objectives and purpose |
1 page - 3500 char |
9.2. Governance and coordination |
3 pages - 10500 char |
9.3. Evaluation topics and activities |
2 pages - 7000 char |
9.4. Data and information |
2 pages - 7000 char |
9.5. Timeline |
1 page - 3500 char |
9.6. Communication |
2 pages - 7000 char |
9.7. Resources |
2 pages - 7000 char |
10.0. Contribution rates |
10.1. Annual Union Contributions planned in (EUR) |
10.2. Single EAFRD contribution rate for all measures broken down by type of region as referred to in Article 59(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 |
10.3 Breakdown by measure or type of operation with a specific EAFRD contribution rate (in € total period 2014-2022) |
10.4. Indicative breakdown by measure for each sub-programme |
11.1. Indicator Plan |
11.2. Overview of the planned output and planned expenditure |
11.3. Secondary effects |
11.4. Support table to show how environmental measure/schemes are programmed to achieve one (or more) environment/climate targets |
11.4.1. Agricultural Land |
11.4.1. Forest areas |
11.5. Programme-Specific Target and Output |
repeated for each measure selected in 5.2 |
Additional National Financing during the period 2014-2022 (€) |
Amount (EUR) |
Indication of compliance of the operations with the criteria under Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 |
1/2 page - 1750 char |
repeated for each measure selected in 5.2 |
Title of the aid scheme |
128 char |
EAFRD (€) |
Amount (EUR) |
National Cofinancing (€) |
Amount (EUR) |
Additional National Funding (€) |
Amount (EUR) |
Description |
2 pages - 7000 char |
14.1. Description of means for the complementarity/coherence with: |
14.1.1. Other Union instruments and, in particular with ESI Funds and Pillar 1, including greening, and other instruments of the common agricultural policy; |
6 pages - 21000 char |
14.1.2.Where a Member State has opted to submit a national programme and a set of regional programmes as referred to in Article 6(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013, information on complementarity between them; |
2 pages - 7000 char |
14.2. Where relevant, information on the complementarity with other Union instruments, including LIFE |
4 pages - 14000 char |
15.1 The designation by the Member State of all authorities referred to in Article 65(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 and a summary description of the management and control structure of the programme referred to in Article 8(1)(m)(i) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 and arrangements under Article 74(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 |
15.1. Authorities |
Table |
15.1.2 Summary description of the management and control structure of the programme and arrangements for the examination of complaints |
| Management and control structure |
2 pages - 7000 char | Arrangements for the independent examination and resolution of complaints |
1 page - 3500 char |
15.2. The envisaged composition of the Monitoring Committee |
2 pages - 7000 char |
15.3 Publicity arrangements for the programme |
3 pages - 10500 char |
15.4 Description of mechanisms to ensure coherence with regard to local development strategies implemented under LEADER, activities envisaged under the co-operation measure referred to in Article 35 of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013, the basic services and village renewal in rural areas measure referred to in Article 20 of that Regulation, and other ESI Funds |
2 pages - 7000 char |
15.5. Actions to achieve a reduction of administrative burden for beneficiaries |
2 pages - 7000 char |
15.6. Description of the use of technical assistance |
2 pages - 7000 9000 char |
16.1. List of actions to involve partners |
repeated for each action |
Title (or reference) of the action |
256 char |
Subject of the corresponding consultation |
1/2 page - 1750 char |
Summary of the result |
1/2 page - 1750 char |
16.2. (Optional) explanations or additional information to complement the list of actions |
2 pages - 7000 char |
17. NATIONAL RURAL NETWORK [if relevant] |
17.1. The procedure and the timetable for establishing the national rural network (hereinafter NRN) |
1/2 page - 1750 char |
17.2. The planned organisation of the network, namely the way organisations and administrations involved in rural development, including the partners, as referred to in Article 54(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 will be involved and how the networking activities will be facilitated |
2 pages - 7000 char |
17.3. A summary description of the main categories of activity to be undertaken by the NRN in accordance with the objectives of the programme |
5 pages - 17500 char |
17.4. The resources available for establishing and operating the NRN |
1/2 page - 1750 char |
18.1. Statement by the Managing Authority and the Paying Agency on the verifiability and controllability of the measures supported under the Rural Development Programme |
1 page - 3500 char |
18.2. Statement by the functionally independent body referred to in Article 62(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 confirming the adequacy and accuracy of the calculations of standard costs, additional costs and income forgone |
1 page - 3500 char |
19.1. Description of the transitional conditions by measure. |
2 pages - 7000 char |
19.2. Indicative carry-over table |
20.0. Title or reference of the thematic sub-programme |
document to upload in annex
20.1.1. SWOT |
20.1.2. Needs assessment, based on evidence from the SWOT analysis, to be addressed by the sub-programme. |
* The structure in the application to encode the data may differ slightly from the structure of the generated pdf report.
** In case of cross reference between sections, please use the numbering of the pdf report.
Version Information
The Version Information contains information on the identification and status of the RDP Version like the CCI, the Title, the Version Number, the Work Version Number, the Status, the Status date, the Node where it currently resides, Comments, etc. It also shows the results of the last validation done on this RDP version.
Click on the Edit icon
to modify the general information of the RDP.
The edit details form pop-up window appears:
Edit the following information as needed:
(1) Enter the Title
(2) Select a First year
(3) Select a Last year
(4) Click on the Update link the save all the information
Note |
CCI can only be updated when Version 1. In Version 1, First Year is pre-filled with 2014 and Last Year with 2020. Both fields can be updated. In subsequent versions, only the Last Year can be extended up until 2020. MS Decision Number, MS Decision Date and MS Entry into Force Date are only available in versions > 1 and need to be filled in when the MS wants to create a version containing modifications which do not require a Commission Decision. This kind of version will automatically be set to 'Adopted by MS' when sent to the Commission and when only non-decisional parts of the Rural Development Programme have been modified |
Amendment section is only available for programme version >=2.0 (a previous version has already been adopted). |
Click on the Edit icon
to select the type of amendment R.808/2014 of the RDP.
The table becomes editable:
(1) Select the type.
(2) click on the Update link to save the information.
Click on the Edit icon
to select the modifying information provided in the PA.
The table becomes editable:
(1) Select the modifying information.
(2) click on the Update link to save the information.
The item ‘2. Amendment modifying information provided in the PA' is disabled from 2020 onwards. Nevertheless, it doesn't impact previous versions already sent to the European Commission or already adopted, it's only for ongoing or future programme versions. |
Click on the Edit icon
to select the third sub-paragraph of Art 4(2) of R.808/2014.
The table becomes editable:
(1) Select the amendment.
(2) Click on the Update link to save the information.
Click on the Edit icon
to select the date for the consultation of the monitoring committee.
The table becomes editable:
Clicking on the Edit icon
you will be able to add the description's text.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the Figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add a picture.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
Amendment description – Article 4(1) of R.808/2014
At least one amendment description is mandatory. |
Click on the Add button
to add an amendment description. It will open a pop up window allowing you to fill the title of the amendment description.
Click on Update to save the information. Four new items are created in the Table of content for this amendment description. The four requested information are mandatory.
Select an official and click in the Edit button
to modify the information this amendment description.
Select an official and click on the Remove button
to delete the amendment description selected.
Officials in Charge
Note |
Officials in Charge can be updated at any time, independent of the status of the RDP. The email is directly accessible via the email link. |
Click on the Add button
to add a new official in charge.
Select an official and click in the Edit button
to modify the information of this official.
Select an official and click on the Delete button
to delete the official in charge selected.
Click on the Add button
to add a new official in charge.
The Edit Details popup window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the Name.
(2) Enter the Email.
(3) Click on Update to save the information.
Note |
Commission Officials (email domain "ec.europa.eu") can only be created/updated/deleted by Commission Users. |
This section shows all the actions that happened in the RDP since it was created, for example:
The Documents list shows all documents uploaded against this version of the RDP by Member State and by Commission. Member State Users see all their own Documents and the sent Commission Documents. Commission Users see all their own Documents and the sent Member State Documents.
The following document types will be foreseen all Member State Integral and non-Integral documents which are relevant for the EAFRD Fund covered by this programme:
Description |
Integral |
Non-Integral |
System |
Required |
Other Member State Document |
X |
Snapshot of data before send |
X |
X |
X |
2 MS and administrative region - annex |
X |
3 Ex-ante evaluation report - annex |
X |
X (only on version 1) |
4 SWOT and identification of needs - annex |
X |
5 Description of strategy - annex |
X |
6 Ex-ante conditionalities - annex |
X |
7 Performance framework - annex |
X |
8.1 Description of measure - general conditions - annex |
X |
8.2 M01 - Knowledge transfer and information actions (art 14) - annex |
X |
8.2 M02 - Advisory services, farm management and farm relief services (art 15) - annex |
X |
8.2 M03 - Quality schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs (art 16) - annex |
X |
8.2 M04 - Investments in physical assets (art 17) - annex |
X |
8.2 M05 - Restoring agricultural production potential damage by natural disasters and introduction of appropriate prevention (art 18) - annex |
X |
8.2 M06 - Farm and business development (art 19) - annex |
X |
8.2 M07 - Basic services and village renewal in rural areas (art 20) - annex |
X |
8.2 M08 - Investments in forest area development and improvement of the viability of forests (art 21-26) - annex |
X |
8.2 M09 - Setting-up of producer groups and organisations (art 27) - annex |
X |
8.2 M10 - Agri-environment-climate (art 28) - annex |
X |
8.2 M11 - Organic farming (art 29) - annex |
X |
8.2 M12 - Natura 2000 and Water Framework Directive payments (art 30) - annex |
X |
8.2 M13 - Payments to areas facing natural or other specific constraints (art 31) - annex |
X |
8.2 M14 - Animal Welfare (art 33) - annex |
X |
8.2 M15 - Forest environmental and climate services and forest conservation (art 34) - annex |
X |
8.2 M16 - Co-operation (art 35) - annex |
X |
8.2 M17 - Risk management (art 36-39) - annex |
8.2 M18 - Financing of complementary national direct payments for Croatia (art 40) - annex |
X |
8.2 M19 - Support from CSF Funds for local development (CLLD) (art 32 (CPR)) - annex |
X |
8.2 M20 - Technical assistance Member States (art 51-54) - annex |
X |
8.2 M21 - Exceptional temporary relief to farmers and SMEs active in processing, marketing and/or development of agricultural products particularly affected by the COVID-19 crisis (art 39b) – annex |
X |
9 Evaluation Plan - annex |
X |
10 Financial plan - annex |
X |
11 Indicator Plan - annex |
X |
12 Additional national financing - annex |
X |
13 Elements needed for state aid assessment - annex |
X |
14 Information on complementarity - annex |
X |
15 Programme implementing arrangements - annex |
X |
16 Actions taken to involve partners - annex |
X |
17 National rural network - annex |
X |
18 Ex-ante assessment of verifiability, controllability... - annex |
X |
19 Transitional arrangements - annex |
X |
20 Thematic sub-programmes - annex |
X |
Uploading & sending documents
Multiple documents can be uploaded in the RDP.
Clicking on the Add button
will open a pop-up window allowing you to add a new document type with attachments.
Selecting a document row and click on the Edit button
will allow you to modify the document information. If a document of type 'Other Member State Document' must be sent, you can select the edit button in order to send the document.
Selecting a row of a previously uploaded document and click on the Remove button
to delete the document and associated attachments.
Integral Documents ('2 MS and administrative region – annex'; '3 Ex-ante evaluation report – annex' – mandatory; '4 SWOT and identification of needs – annex'; …; '8.2 M01 - Knowledge transfer and information actions (art 14) – annex', etc) are only sent once the Rural Development Programme is sent.
Referential Documents (ie. 'Other Member State Document') can be sent at any time independently of the status of the Rural Development Programme. A document is only visible to the Commission when the sent date is visible. |
Click on the Add button
to add a new document.
The document detail pop-up window appears:
Enter or select the following information:
(1) Select a Document Type
(2) Enter a Title for your Document
(3) Enter a Document Date
(4) Click on the Add button to add a new attachment
You can add multiple attachments by clicking on the Add button
You can remove unwanted attachments by selecting the attachment and clicking on the Remove button
(5) Enter a Title for your attachment.
(6) Select the Language of the document.
(7) Select the file to upload.
(8) Click on Update to save the information or Update & Send to send a non-integral document to the Commission.
Remark |
Commission Reference N° is only enabled for Commission Users, while Local Reference is only enabled for Member State Users. The email of User who sent the Document is directly accessible via the ‘Sent By’ link. |
Sending an unsent non-integral document
Once the document and attachment(s) have been uploaded select the document row in the list (1) and click on the Edit button (2)
Click on Update & Send to send the document to the Commission.
Note |
The Update & Send link will only be shown for documents which are not integral part of the Object and after at least one attachment was added. If more than one file are uploaded from the same document table, when clicking the Update & Send link, will send all the files and not only the one(s) for which the check-box has been ticked. |
Deletion of an unsent document
Select a row (1) of a previously uploaded document and click on the REMOVE button
(2) to delete the document and associated attachments.
A confirmation window appears:
Click on Yes to confirm deletion. Click on No to return to the RDP documents.
Hiding a sent document
Note |
Sent Documents can never be deleted, but the sender can decide to hide the content for the receivers in case of an erroneous and/or accidental send. |
Select a row (1) of a previously sent document and click on the Edit button
(2) to hide the document and associated attachments.
Select the Hide Content (1) option and click on Update (2) to hide the document.
This section is to provide any relevant information for the RDP. It can be used as a type of 'chat' between the Member State and Commission.
Enter the following information:
Enter an observation.
All users who have Read and Observation permission on the RDP will be able to send an Observation and participate in the conversation.
Click on the Add to save the information.
All Observations are kept against the specific version of the RDP.
Additional focus area
This section is to provide the option of adding a new focus area to the programme.
Clicking on the Add button
will open a pop up window allowing you to add a new focus area.
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter a name for the new focus area
(2) Select the priority
(3) Select the thematic objective
(4) Click on 'Update' to add the new focus area related to a certain priority.
To delete a recorded focus area, highlight the row, and click on the Remove button
Confirmation messages will pop-up.
All Financial Information, indicators linked to the deleted additional focus area will be deleted. |
To edit an existing focus area, select the row, in the list and click on the Edit button
A pop-up window for editing details opens:
1 Title of the rural development programme
This section displays the title of the RDP. If you want to edit the Title go to the section: Error! Reference source not found. > Version Information
To add the Member State's Logo in the cover page report:
(1) Click on Choose File.
(2) Select the File (must be smaller than 128K).
(3) Click Open.
The Logo will be uploaded:
→ The logo is now displayed in the cover page report.
2 Member state and administrative region
2.1 Geographical area covered by the programme
To specify the geographical area covered by the programme click on the Edit button
A drop-down list will be displayed to choose the correct data.
For National programme, the Geographical Area is automatically selected |
(1) Select the geographical area
(2) Click on Update.
To add a description or extra information (word count limited text), including uploading related figures about the programme, click on the Edit button
A pop-up window will open.
(1) Enter the description.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click on Upload to add the picture.
(4) Click on Remove to remove a picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
Context indicators related to this Geographical Area will be displayed in section 4.1.6. |
Limitation of number of characters
[A maximum of 14000 characters = approx. 4 pages] For each textual field that exceeds this limit, SFC2014 will display a "warning". Text exceeding 115% of the limit set for each individual field will not be accepted by SFC2014 (application and web-services); Spaces are not taken into account for the calculation.
Upload of Figures (illustration)
2.2 Classification of the region
Click on the Edit button
to enter a description for the classification of the region.
The description pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the description.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add a picture.
(4) Click on Remove to remove a picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
3 Ex-ante evaluation
3.1 Description of the process
3.1 Description of the process, including timing of main events, intermediate reports, in relation to the key stages of RDP development.
Clicking on the Edit button
of the description of the process will open a pop-up window allowing you to enter an explanation.
The Description pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the description of the process.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add a picture.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
3.2 Overview of the recommendations
3.2 Structured table containing the recommendations of the ex-ante evaluation and how they have been addressed.
Clicking on the Add button
will open a pop up window allowing you to add a new recommendation.
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the title or reference of the recommendation.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
→ The newly created recommendation appears in the left panel.
To edit an existing Recommendation, first click on it in the left panel.
→ The details screen for this recommendation is displayed in the right panel
Click on the Edit button
to edit the details.
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the Title.
(2) Enter the Topic.
(3) Select the Date.
(4) Select the Category of recommendation.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
To edit information on the "Description of the recommendation" & "How recommendation has been addressed or justification as to why not taken into account", click on the appropriate Edit button
→ A pop-up window for editing details opens:
Enter the following information for the description of the recommendation:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add a picture.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
Enter the following information on how recommendation has been addressed:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the Figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add a picture..
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
3.3 Ex-ante Evaluation Report
3.3 The complete ex-ante evaluation report (including the Strategic Environmental Assessment - SEA - requirements) shall be annexed to the Rural Development Programme.
Click on the General/Documents link to upload the documents related to this section.
The documents details pop-up window appears:
Enter or select the following information:
(1) Select a Document Type
(2) Enter a Title for your Document
(3) Enter a Document Date
(4) Click on the Add button to add a new attachment
You can add multiple attachments by clicking on the Add button
You can remove unwanted attachments by selecting the attachment and clicking on the Remove button
(5) Enter a Title for your attachment.
(6) Select the Language of the document.
(7) Select the file to upload.
(8) Click on Update to save the information or Update & Send to send a non-integral document to the Commission.
4 SWOT and Identifications of needs
4.1 SWOT
4.1.1 Overall description
Comprehensive overall description of the current situation of the programming area, based on common and programme-specific context indicators and qualitative information.
To insert information, click on the Edit button
A pop-up window for editing details opens:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) click on the figures link and enter the Figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add a picture.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
4.1.2 Strengths
Strengths identified in the programming area
To insert information, click on the Edit button
A pop-up window for editing details opens:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Click on the figures link and enter the Figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add a picture.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
4.1.3 Weaknesses
Weaknesses identified in the programming area.
To insert information, click on the Edit button
A pop-up window for editing details opens:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Click on the figures link and enter the Figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add a picture.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
4.1.4 Opportunities
Opportunities identified in the programming area
To insert information, click on the Edit button
A pop-up window for editing details opens:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Click on the figures link and enter the Figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add a picture.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
4.1.5 Threats
Threats identified in the programming area.
To insert information, click on the Edit button
A pop-up window for editing details opens:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Click on the figures link and enter the Figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add a picture.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
4.1.6 Common Context Indicators
I. Socio-economic and rural situation
1. Population
To insert or modify any information in any table, highlight the row and click on the Edit button
A pop-up window for editing details opens:
Enter the following information:
Enter the Indicator Value OR select the N.A. option.
If you select N.A. the indicator value field will be frozen and you wont be able to enter any value.
Enter the Indicator Year.
You can select instead of the indicator year the option period and then you have to enter the Start Year and the End Year.
Select the indicator status.
e: estimated
p: provisional
Enter the indicator updated value.
Enter the updated year OR the Period.
Enter the comments.
Click on Update to save the information.
2 Age Structure
To insert or modify any information in any table, highlight the row (1) and click on the Edit button
A pop-up window for editing details opens:
Enter the following information:
Enter the Indicator Value OR select the N.A. option.
If you select N.A. the indicator value field will be frozen and you wont be able to enter any value.
Enter the Indicator Year.
You can select instead of the indicator year the option period and then you have to enter the Start Year and the End Year.
Select the indicator status.
e: estimated
p: provisional
Enter the indicator updated value.
Enter the updated year OR the Period.
Enter the comments.
Click on Update to save the information.
3 Territory
To insert or modify any information in any table, highlight the row (1) and click on the Edit button
A pop-up window for editing details opens:
Enter the following information:
Enter the Indicator Value OR select the N.A. option.
If you select N.A. the indicator value field will be frozen and you wont be able to enter any value.
Enter the Indicator Year.
You can select instead of the indicator year the option period and then you have to enter the Start Year and the End Year.
Select the indicator status.
e: estimated
p: provisional
Enter the indicator updated value.
Enter the updated year OR the Period.
Enter the comments.
Click on Update to save the information.
4 Population Density
To insert or modify any information in any table, highlight the row (1) and click on the Edit button
A pop-up window for editing details opens:
Enter the following information:
Enter the Indicator Value OR select the N.A. option.
If you select N.A. the indicator value field will be frozen and you wont be able to enter any value.
Enter the Indicator Year.
You can select instead of the indicator year the option period and then you have to enter the Start Year and the End Year.
Select the indicator status.
e: estimated
p: provisional
Enter the indicator updated value.
Enter the updated year OR the Period.
Enter the comments.
Click on Update to save the information.
5 Employment Rate
To insert or modify any information in any table, highlight the row (1) and click on the Edit button
A pop-up window for editing details opens:
Enter the following information:
Enter the Indicator Value OR select the N.A. option.
If you select N.A. the indicator value field will be frozen and you wont be able to enter any value.
Enter the Indicator Year.
You can select instead of the indicator year the option period and then you have to enter the Start Year and the End Year.
Select the indicator status.
e: estimated
p: provisional
Enter the indicator updated value.
Enter the updated year OR the Period.
Enter the comments.
Click on Update to save the information.
6 Self-employment rate
To insert or modify any information in any table, highlight the row (1) and click on the Edit button
A pop-up window for editing details opens:
Enter the following information:
Enter the Indicator Value OR select the N.A. option.
If you select N.A. the indicator value field will be frozen and you wont be able to enter any value.
Enter the Indicator Year.
You can select instead of the indicator year the option period and then you have to enter the Start Year and the End Year.
Select the indicator status.
e: estimated
p: provisional
Enter the indicator updated value.
Enter the updated year OR the Period.
Enter the comments.
Click on Update to save the information.
7 Unemployment rate
To insert or modify any information in any table, highlight the row (1) and click on the Edit button
A pop-up window for editing details opens:
Enter the following information:
Enter the Indicator Value OR select the N.A. option.
If you select N.A. the indicator value field will be frozen and you wont be able to enter any value.
Enter the Indicator Year.
You can select instead of the indicator year the option period and then you have to enter the Start Year and the End Year.
Select the indicator status.
e: estimated
p: provisional
Enter the indicator updated value.
Enter the updated year OR the Period.
Enter the comments.
Click on Update to save the information.
8 GDP per capita
To insert or modify any information in any table, highlight the row (1) and click on the Edit button
A pop-up window for editing details opens:
Enter the following information:
Enter the Indicator Value OR select the N.A. option.
If you select N.A. the indicator value field will be frozen and you wont be able to enter any value.
Enter the Indicator Year.
You can select instead of the indicator year the option period and then you have to enter the Start Year and the End Year.
Select the indicator status.
e: estimated
p: provisional
Enter the indicator updated value.
Enter the updated year OR the Period.
Enter the comments.
Click on Update to save the information.
9 Poverty rate
To insert or modify any information in any table, highlight the row (1) and click on the Edit button
A pop-up window for editing details opens:
Enter the following information:
Enter the Indicator Value OR select the N.A. option.
If you select N.A. the indicator value field will be frozen and you wont be able to enter any value.
Enter the Indicator Year.
You can select instead of the indicator year the option period and then you have to enter the Start Year and the End Year.
Select the indicator status.
e: estimated
p: provisional
Enter the indicator updated value.
Enter the updated year OR the Period.
Enter the comments.
Click on Update to save the information.
10 Structure of the economy (GVA)
To insert or modify any information in any table, highlight the row (1) and click on the Edit button
A pop-up window for editing details opens:
Enter the following information:
Enter the Indicator Value OR select the N.A. option.
If you select N.A. the indicator value field will be frozen and you wont be able to enter any value.
Enter the Indicator Year.
You can select instead of the indicator year the option period and then you have to enter the Start Year and the End Year.
Select the indicator status.
e: estimated
p: provisional
Enter the indicator updated value.
Enter the updated year OR the Period.
Enter the comments.
Click on Update to save the information.
11 Structure of Employment
To insert or modify any information in any table, highlight the row (1) and click on the Edit button
A pop-up window for editing details opens:
Enter the following information:
Enter the Indicator Value OR select the N.A. option.
If you select N.A. the indicator value field will be frozen and you wont be able to enter any value.
Enter the Indicator Year.
You can select instead of the indicator year the option period and then you have to enter the Start Year and the End Year.
Select the indicator status.
e: estimated
p: provisional
Enter the indicator updated value.
Enter the updated year OR the Period.
Enter the comments.
Click on Update to save the information.
12 Labour productivity by economic sector
To insert or modify any information in any table, highlight the row (1) and click on the Edit button
A pop-up window for editing details opens:
Enter the following information:
Enter the Indicator Value OR select the N.A. option.
If you select N.A. the indicator value field will be frozen and you wont be able to enter any value.
Enter the Indicator Year.
You can select instead of the indicator year the option period and then you have to enter the Start Year and the End Year.
Select the indicator status.
e: estimated
p: provisional
Enter the indicator updated value.
Enter the updated year OR the Period.
Enter the comments.
Click on Update to save the information.
II Agriculture/Sectorial analysis
13 Employment by economic activity
14 Labour productivity in agriculture
15 Labour productivity in forestry
16 Labour productivity in the food industry
17 Agricultural holdings (farms)
18 Agricultural Area
19 Agricultural area under organic Farming
20 Irrigated Land
21 Livestock units
22 Farm labour force
23 Age structure of farm managers
24 Agricultural training of farm managers
25 Agricultural factor income
26 Agricultural Entrepreneurial Income
27 Total factor productivity in agriculture
28 Gross fixed capital formation in agriculture
29 Forest and other wooded land (FOWL) (000)
30 Tourism infrastructure
To insert or modify any information in any table from 13 to 30, highlight the row (1) and click on the Edit button
A pop-up window for editing details opens:
Enter the following information:
Enter the Indicator Value OR select the N.A. option.
If you select N.A. the indicator value field will be frozen and you wont be able to enter any value.
Enter the Indicator Year.
You can select instead of the indicator year the option period and then you have to enter the Start Year and the End Year.
Select the indicator status.
e: estimated
p: provisional
Enter the indicator updated value.
Enter the updated year OR the Period.
Enter the comments.
Click on Update to save the information.
III Environment/climate
31 Land Cover
32 Areas with Natural Constraints
33 Farming intensity
34 Natura 2000 areas
35 Farmland Birds index (FBI)
36 Conservation status of agricultural habitats (grassland)
37 HNV Farming
38 Protected Forest
39 Water Abstraction in Agriculture
40 Water Quality
41 Soil organic matter in arable land
42 Soil Erosion by water
43 Production of renewable Energy from agriculture and forestry
44 Energy use in agriculture, forestry and food industry
45 GHG emissions form agriculture
To insert or modify any information in any table from 31 to 45, highlight the row (1) and click on the Edit button
A pop-up window for editing details opens:
Enter the following information:
Enter the Indicator Value OR select the N.A. option.
If you select N.A. the indicator value field will be frozen and you wont be able to enter any value.
Enter the Indicator Year.
You can select instead of the indicator year the option period and then you have to enter the Start Year and the End Year.
Select the indicator status.
e: estimated
p: provisional
Enter the indicator updated value.
Enter the updated year OR the Period.
Enter the comments.
Click on Update to save the information.
4.1.7 Programme-Specific Context Indicators
Clicking on the Add button
will allow you to add the indicators.
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
Select the Sector
Enter the code
Enter the name
Enter the indicator value
Enter the indicator unit
Enter the indicator Year
Enter the comments
Click on Update to save the information.
4.2 Needs assessment
Needs assessment, based on evidence from the SWOT analysis, for each Union priority for rural development (hereafter "priority") and focus area and the three cross-cutting objectives (environment, including the specific needs of Natura 2000 areas according to the Prioritized Action Framework , climate change mitigation and adaptation, innovation).
The added needs will be visible in the left panel under the chosen Priority/Focus Area and in table 4.2 Identification of the needs which centralises all the information. |
Priority 1
1A) Fostering innovation, cooperation and the development of the knowledge base in rural areas
One need is identified for one or several focus area within the same or different priorities All the priorities and Focus Areas, as well as the three Cross-Cutting Objectives, shall be covered by the needs assessment. In case there is no need identified for certain FA it shall also be mentioned in this section (for instance, you can create a "No need"). Specific needs concerning the environment, climate change mitigation and adaptation and innovation should be assessed across Union priorities for rural development, in view of identifying relevant responses in these three areas at the level of each priority. Article 9(1)(b) COM(2011)627 final/2 (EAFRD) |
Select the Priority / Focus Area to which a need has to be added by clicking on the Add button
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
If it is a new need, do not change the radio button – it is by default selected for "Identify a new need":
(1) Enter the New title (or reference).
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
If it is an existing need select the "Select an already existing need".
(1) Select the Existing need name from the drop-down list.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
The added needs will be visible in the left panel under the chosen Priority/Focus Area and in table 4.2 Identification of the needs which centralises all the information. Specific needs concerning the environment, climate change mitigation and adaptation and innovation should be assessed across Union priorities for rural development, in view of identifying relevant responses in these three areas at the level of each priority. |
To edit any information related to a specific need, select the need in the left panel and the edit page will appear on the right panel.
To edit the title of the need, click on the Edit button
The title field will become editable.
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the new title.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
To edit the description of the need, click on the Edit button
A pop-up window will open.
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the Figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add a picture.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
To assign the need to other Priorities / Focus Areas, click on the Edit button
The check boxes coresponding to the Focus area become editable.
Enter or select the following information:
(1) Select the focus area the need has to be assigned to.
(2) Click on 'Update' to save the information.
The changes in Priority/Focus Area will be visible in the right panel and in the table 4.2 Identification of the needs which centralises all the information. |
To assign the need to Cross Cutting Objectives, click on the Edit button
The check boxes corresponding to the Cross Cutting Objectives become editable.
(1) Select the Cross Cutting Objectives the need has to be assigned to.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
All the changes will be also visible in 4.2 page, the Identification of needs table.
It is exactly the same table for all needs under all Priorities. |
5 Description of Strategy
Description of the programme strategy. Will be used to introduce the strategy chapter in the Decision annex. It is not obligatory for MS/region to programme interventions under all 6 priorities or all 18 focus areas: however, sound justification for excluding any priority/focus area from the RDP must be provided. In any case, at least 4 priorities shall be addressed by each programme. Article 9(1)(c) COM(2011)627 final/2 (EAFRD) |
5.1 Justification
A justification of the needs selected to be addressed by the RDP, and the choice of objectives, priorities, focus areas and the target setting based on evidence from the SWOT and the needs assessment. Where relevant, a justification of thematic sub-programmes included in the programme. The justification shall in particular demonstrate the requirements referred to in Article 8(1)(c)(i) and (iv) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013.
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to add a description text.
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the Figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add a picture.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
5.2 Measures
The combination and justification of the rural development measures for each focus area including the justification of the financial allocations to the measures and the adequacy of the financial resources with the targets set as referred to in Article 8(1)(c)(ii) and (iii) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013. The combination of measures included in the intervention logic shall be based on the evidence from the SWOT analysis and justification and prioritisation of needs referred to in point 5.1
Priority 1
For each of the Focus Areas (FA) under priorities P2 to P6 selected, the choice and combination of measures to address the need identified have to be explained and justified. As priorities and targets cannot, in principle, be met through the use of one measure alone, the Managing Authority should set out a clear intervention logic illustrating how measures will work together and should establish the relevant combinations of measures in relation to each of the priorities and the focus areas in order to achive the policy goals. The selection and combination of measures shall be based on sound intervention logic supported by the ex ante evaluation and the SWOT analysis/needs identification. As regards P1, this priority should be supported by measures 1, 2 and 16, which are programmed under P2 to P6. In SFC2014, MS/regions will only be asked to describe how those – and, if necessay other – measures also contributed to P1. For P4, the selection of measures is made at Priority level with a distinction between agriculture and forestry. It is also proposed to programme LEADER entirely under the FA 6B for simplification purposes. |
Focus Areas
All Focus Areas (FA) 1A, 1B & 1C have the same steps in order to choice the combination and justification of the measures. |
1A) Fostering innovation, cooperation, and the development of the knowledge base in rural areas
Choice, combination and justification of rural development measures for each focus area of Priority 1
P1: Fostering knowledge transfer and innovation in agriculture, forestry and rural areas
1A) Fostering innovation, cooperation, and the development of the knowledge base in rural areas
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to add a description text.
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the Figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add a picture.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
Priorities 2, 3, 5 & 6
Choice, combination and justification of rural development measures for each focus area of Priority 2; 3; 5 and 6.
For each of the Focus Areas (FA) under priorities P2 to P6 selected, the choice and combination of measures to address the need identified have to be explained and justified. As priorities and targets cannot, in principle, be met through the use of one measure alone, the Managing Authority should set out a clear intervention logic illustrating how measures will work together and should establish the relevant combinations of measures in relation to each of the priorities and the focus areas in order to achive the policy goals. The selection and combination of measures shall be based on sound intervention logic supported by the ex ante evaluation and the SWOT analysis/needs identification. |
2A) Improving the economic performance of all farms and facilitating farm restructuring and modernisation, notably with a view to increasing market participation and orientation as well as agricultural diversification & 2B) Facilitating the entry of adequately skilled farmers into the agricultural sector and, in particular, generational renewal
Clicking on the Edit button
after selecting the correspondent Focus Area, will allow adding measures to the selected Focus Area. This is the case only for Focus Areas of Priorities 2, 3, 5, and 6.
Enter the following information:
(1) Select the Measure(s).
(2) Click on the ">>" button to add the selected measures to the right panel.
(3) Click Update.
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to add the description's text.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the Figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add a picture.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
Priority 4: Restoring, preserving and enhancing ecosystems related to agriculture and forestry
Choice, combination and justification of rural development measures for each focus area of Priority 4
For P4, the selection of measures is made at Priority level with a distinction between agriculture and forestry. It is also proposed to programme LEADER entirely under the FA 6B for simplification purposes |
Measures for agricultural land
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow adding measures to all the Focus Areas 4A, 4B, and 4C. This is the case only for Priority 4.
Enter the following information:
(1) Select the Measure(s).
(2) Click on the ">>" button to add the selected measures to the right panel.
(3) Click Update.
Measures for forestry land
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow adding measures to all the Focus Areas 4A, 4B, and 4C. This is the case only for Priority 4.
(1) Select the Measure(s).
(2) Click on the ">>" button to add the selected measures to the right panel.
(3) Click Update.
Clicking on the Edit button
will also allow deleting measures from the priorities/Focus Areas
Select the Measure(s).
Click on the ">>" button to add the selected measures to the right panel.
Click Update.
A warning pop-up is displayed (only if the measure is removed from all Priorities/Focus Areas)
Click Continue to confirm removal of the measure or Cancel to keep it.
5.3 Cross-cutting objectives
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to add the description's text.
The Description pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the Figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add a picture.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
5.4 Summary table
Based on the combination of measures selected under each FA and the targets set in the indicator plan (section 11 of the RDP), SFC2014 will generate a summary table for the intervention logic.
5.5 Advisory capacity
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to add the description's text for the advisory capacity.
The Description pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the Figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add a picture.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
6 Assesment of the ex-ante conditionnalities
6.1 Ex-ante conditionalities
Applicable ex-ante conditionalities and assessment of their fulfilment
Clicking on the Add button
will open a pop up window allowing you to add a new ex-ante conditionality.
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Select the Ex-ante conditionality from the drop-down list.
Assign 'Priorities/Focus Areas and/or Measures to which the conditionalities applies, and 'Assessment of its fulfilment'.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
6.2 Criteria
Applicable ex-ante conditionalities and assessment of their fulfilment (Criteria)
Clicking on the Add button
will open a pop up window allowing you to indicate the criteria for the fulfillment of the conditionality.
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Select the Fulfilled (Yes/no option) from the drop-down list.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
6.3 Actions to be taken
Actions to fulfil applicable general ex-ante conditionalities.
Describes one of the actions to be taken for fulfilment of the criteria the referred of the conditionality. Action number is a number starting at 1 to the number of actions for the referred conditionality. At least one action should be defined by conditionality. |
Selecting the row and clicking on the Add button
will open a pop up window allowing adding a new action.
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Add the text.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
(3) Optional - in this step - to select a deadline date and add information about the Responsible Bodies.
Selecting and clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window to edit an existing Ex-ante conditionality
Selecting and clicking on the Remove button
will delete an existing Ex-ante conditionality.
6.4 Additional information
Where necessary, Explanations or additional information to complement the tables above.
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to add the description's text.
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the Figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add a picture.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
7 Performance framework
Description of the performance framework for each target indicator defined in the contributed focus areas.
Article 9(1)(e) COM(2011)627 final/2 (EAFRD)
Priority list & Focus Area list is generated by the system based on the priority addressed in the Error! Reference source not found. |
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to update the indicators.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the adjustment top ups (B).
(2) Enter the Milestone 2018% (C).
(3) Enter a justification.
(4) Click on Update to save the information.
Clicking on the Edit button
on the alternative indicators will allow you to enter them.
The Table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
Select if it is applicable.
Select the priority.
Enter the indicator and measurement.
Enter the target 2023.
Enter the Milestone 2018% (C).
Enter a justification.
Click on Update to save the information.
The Reserve table is no longer editable and it displays the reserve amounts as they have been allocated (in last adopted RDP). See validation rule 404. |
8 Measures selected
Description of the Measures selected.
8.1 General conditions
Clicking on the Edit button
on the link to the National Framework and on the description of the general conditions will allow you to select if the text from the National Framwork is applicable and enter a description.
The table becomes editable:
Select is the text from National Framework is applicable.
Click on Update to save the information.
Enter the description of conditions applying to more than one sub-measure, e.g. definition of rural area, baselines, cross-compliance, intended use of financial instruments, intended use of advances, etc.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on 'Remove' to remove the picture.
(5) Click on 'Update' to save the information.
8.2 Description by measure
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to select if the text from the National Programme is applicable and to add the description's text.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information for both tables:
Select is the text from National Framework is applicable.
Click on Update to save the information.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on 'Remove' to remove the picture.
(5) Click on 'Update' to save the information.
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to select if the text from the National Programme is applicable and to add the description's text.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information for both tables:
Select is the text from National Framework is applicable.
Click on Update to save the information.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
c. Scope, level of support, eleigible beneficiaries, and where relevant, methodology for calculation.
Scope, level of support, eligible beneficiaries, and where relevant, methodology for calculation of the amount or support rate broken down by sub-measure and/or type of operation where necessary. For each type of operation specification of eligible costs, eligibility conditions, applicable amounts and support rates and principles with regard to the setting of selection criteria.
Click on the Add button
to add a code of the titleof the type of operation.
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter the title of the type of operation.
Click on Update to save the information.
Type of operation
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to update the title of the type of operation and the sub-measure.
The tables become editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the Title.
(2) Click on the Update link to save the information.
(3) Select the sub-measure.
(4) Click on the Update link to save the information.
Description of the type of operation
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to select if the text from the National Programme is applicable and to add the description's text.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information for both tables:
Select is the text from National Framework is applicable.
Click on Update to save the information.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
2. Type of support
Now you can select ‘Grants’, ‘Financial Instruments’ or ‘Grants & Financial Instruments’. Thus, it is possible to select both for each type of operation.
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to select the type of support, if the text from the National Programme is applicable and to add the description's text.
The tables become editable:
Enter the following information for all tables:
Select the type: ‘Grants’, ‘Financial Instruments’ or ‘Grants & Financial Instruments’.
Click on Update to save the information.
Select if the text from National Framework is applicable.
Click on Update to save the information.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
Grants, Financial Instruments or Grants and Financial Instruments
If you decide to change from/to ‘Grants’ to/from ‘Financial Instruments’ or from ‘Grants and Financial Instruments’ to ‘Grants’:
A confirmation pop-up window will appear to inform you that non-relevant ‘Grants’ sections are going to be deleted (just in case you changed the type of support by mistake):
The new structure for ‘Financial Instruments’ is created:
3. Links to other legislation
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to select if the text from the National Programme is applicable and to add the description's text.
The tables become editable:
Enter the following information for all tables:
Select if the text from National Framework is applicable.
Click on Update to save the information.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
4. Beneficiaries
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to select if the text from the National Programme is applicable and to add the description's text.
The tables become editable:
Enter the following information for all tables:
Select if the text from National Framework is applicable.
Click on Update to save the information.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
5. Eligible Costs
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to select if the text from the National Programme is applicable and to add the description's text.
The tables become editable:
Enter the following information for all tables:
Select if the text from National Framework is applicable.
Click on Update to save the information.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
6. Eligibility conditions
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to select if the text from the National Programme is applicable and to add the description's text.
The tables become editable:
Enter the following information for all tables:
Select if the text from National Framework is applicable.
Click on Update to save the information.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
7. Principles with regards to the setting of selection criteria
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to select if the text from the National Programme is applicable and to add the description's text.
The tables become editable:
Enter the following information for all tables:
Select if the text from National Framework is applicable.
Click on Update to save the information.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
8. (Applicable) amounts and support rates
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to select if the text from the National Programme is applicable and to add the description's text.
The tables become editable:
Enter the following information for both tables:
Select if the text from National Framework is applicable.
Click on Update to save the information.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
9. Verifiability and controllability of the types of operations
1. Risk(s) in the implementation of the measures
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to select if the text from the National Programme is applicable and to add the description's text.
The tables become editable:
Enter the following information for both tables:
Select if the text from National Framework is applicable.
Click on Update to save the information.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
2. Mitigating actions
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to select if the text from the National Programme is applicable and to add the description's text.
The tables become editable:
Enter the following information for both tables:
Select if the text from National Framework is applicable.
Click on Update to save the information.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
3. Overall assessment of the measure
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to select if the text from the National Programme is applicable and to add the description's text.
The tables become editable:
Enter the following information for both tables:
Select if the text from National Framework is applicable.
Click on Update to save the information.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
10. Methodology for calculation of the amount or support rate
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to select if the text from the National Programme is applicable and to add the description's text.
The tables become editable:
Enter the following information for both tables:
Select if the text from National Framework is applicable.
Click on Update to save the information.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
11. Information specific to the operation
Definition of appropriate capacities of bodies providing knowledge transfer services.
Definition of appropriate capacities of bodies providing knowledge transfer services to carry out their tasks in the form of staff qualifications and regular training.
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to select if the text from the National Programme is applicable and to add the description's text.
The tables become editable:
Enter the following information for both tables:
Select if the text from National Framework is applicable.
Click on Update to save the information.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
Definition of the duration and content of farm and forest exchange schemes
Definition of the duration and content of farm and forest exchange schemes and visits as referred to in Article 3 of Delegated Regulation (EU) No 807/2014.
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to select if the text from the National Programme is applicable and to add the description's text.
The tables become editable:
Enter the following information for both tables:
Select if the text from National Framework is applicable.
Click on Update to save the information.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
d. Verifiability and controllability of the measures
1. Risk(s) in the implementation of the measures
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to select if the text from the National Programme is applicable and to add the description's text.
The tables become editable:
Enter the following information for both tables:
Select if the text from National Framework is applicable.
Click on Update to save the information.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
2. Mitigating actions
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to select if the text from the National Programme is applicable and to add the description's text.
The tables become editable:
Enter the following information for both tables:
Select if the text from National Framework is applicable.
Click on Update to save the information.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
3. Overall assessment of the measure
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to select if the text from the National Programme is applicable and to add the description's text.
The tables become editable:
Enter the following information for both tables:
Select if the text from National Framework is applicable.
Click on Update to save the information.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
e. Methodology for calculation of the amount or support rate
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to select if the text from the National Programme is applicable and to add the description's text.
The tables become editable:
Enter the following information for both tables:
Select if the text from National Framework is applicable.
Click on Update to save the information.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
f. Information specific to the measure
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to select if the text from the National Programme is applicable and to add the description's text.
The tables become editable:
Enter the following information for both tables:
Select if the text from National Framework is applicable.
Click on Update to save the information.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
g. Other important remarks relevant to understand and implement the measure
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to select if the text from the National Programme is applicable and to add the description's text.
The tables become editable:
Enter the following information for both tables:
Select if the text from National Framework is applicable.
Click on Update to save the information.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
9 Evaluation Plan
9.1 Objectives and purpose
A statement of the objectives and purpose of the evaluation plan, based on ensuring that sufficient and appropriate evaluation activities are undertaken, in particular to provide information needed for programme steering, for the annual implementation reports in 2017 and 2019 and the ex-post evaluation, and to ensure that data needed for RDP evaluation are available.
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to add the description's text.
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
9.2 Governance and coordination
Brief description of the monitoring and evaluation arrangements for the RDP, identifying the main bodies involved and their responsibilities. Explanation of how evaluation activities are linked with RDP implementation in terms of content and timing.
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to add the description's text.
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
9.3 Evaluation topics and activities
Indicative description of evaluation topics and activities anticipated, including, but not limited to, fulfilment of evaluation requirements provided for in Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 and Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013.
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to add the description's text.
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
9.4 Data and information
Brief description of the system to record, maintain, manage and report statistical information on RDP implementation and provision of monitoring data for evaluation.
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to add the description's text.
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
9.5 Timeline
Major milestones of the programming period, and indicative outline of the timing needed to ensure that results are available at the appropriate time.
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to add the description's text.
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
9.6 Communication
Description of how evaluation findings will be disseminated to target recipients, including a description of the mechanisms established to follow-up on the use of evaluation results.
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to add the description's text.
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
9.7 Resources
Description of the resources needed and foreseen to implement the plan, including an indication of administrative capacity, data, financial resources, IT needs. Description of capacity building activities foreseen to ensure that the evaluation plan can be fully implemented.
Clicking on the Edit button
will open a pop up window allowing you to add the description's text.
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
10 Financing Plan
A table setting out the total EAFRD contribution planned for each year. When applicable this table should indicate separately within the total EAFRD contribution the appropriations provided for the less developed regions and the funds transferred to the EAFRD from the direct payments envelope (capping). The planned annual EAFRD contribution shall be compatible with the Multi-annual Financial Framework.
Article 9(1)(h)(i) COM(2011)627 final/2 (EAFRD).
10.0 Contribution rates
Note |
This section allows the selection of article(s) 'Categories of contribution rates / Derogations / Other Allocations' that apply to a programme. The Combinations of some of these selected articles establish the different maximum contribution rates that can be used within a measure. |
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to select Categories of contribution rates / Derogations / Other Allocations.
The Table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Select the different article(s) that apply to the programme.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
The selection of '51(2) – Technical Assistance' triggers the creation of 'M20' in sections 10.3; 10.4 ; 12; 13 and 19.2 The selection of 'TR – Discontinued Measure' triggers the creation of the 'M113'; M'131' and M'341' in sections 10.3; 10.4; 12; 13 and 19.2 The selection of article 59(4)(g) after 2 years of RDP implementation is still available but,
10.1 Annual EAFRD contributions in (€)
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to edit the Annual EAFRD contributions, for a subset of articles (Types of regions (art.59(3)) and Additional Allocations) selected in section 10.0. Annual contributions for Performance reserve has to be defined as well.
The Table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Type in the input box the amount corresponding to each year, for each selected articles.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
10.2 Single EAFRD contribution rate for all measures broken down by type of region as referred to in Article 59(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to change the applicable EAFRD Contribution Rate for all article(s) 59(3) defined in section 10.2.
The Table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Type in the input box the amount.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
10.3 Breakdown by measure
Click on the Add button
to add a new allocation line.
It will open the following pop-up for edition:
Enter the following information:
(1) Select one of the available combinations of articles for this measure (defined in section 10.0).
(2) Min and Max applicable rate are automatically displayed depending on the selection made in (1) .
(3) Fill the contribution rate (in case of 'article 59(3)(x) – Mainstream' is selected in (1), this rate is automatically retrieves from section 10.2)
(4) The contribution rate in case of article 59(4)(g) applies is automatically calculated (+10% up-to 95%) (this line is displayed only if article 59(4)(g) has been selected in section 10.0)
(5) Fill the Total Union Contribution planned for each of the Priority/Focus Area for which the measure has been programmed in section 5.2
(6) This block is displayed only if article 59(4)(d) ('Financial Instruments under Managing Authority responsibility' ) has been selected in section 10.0
(7)(8) Min and Max applicable rate for 'Financial Instruments under MA responsibility' are automatically displayed
(9) Fill the contribution rate for 'Financial Instruments under MA responsibility'
(10) The contribution rate for 'Financial Instruments under MA responsibility' in case of article 59(4)(g) applies is automatically calculated (+10% up-to 95%) (this line is displayed only if articles 59(4)(g) has been selected in section 10.0)
(11) Fill the 'Financial Instruments Indicative EAFRD amount 2014-2022'
(12) Click on Update to save the information or Cancel
Select an allocation line and click in the Edit button
to modify it.
Select an allocation line and click on the Remove button
to delete it.
10.4 Indicative breakdown by measure for each sub-programme
Note |
Thematic Sub – Programme can be added from section 20, thus you have to go first to section 20 and add Thematic sub-programmes. Measures displayed in the table are those selected in section 5.2 'Strategy' |
Thematic sub-programme
After having selected a Thematic-Sub-Programme on the left panel in section 20, select a measure and click in the Edit button
to modify the 'Total Union Contribution 2014-2022' planned.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the total Union contribution.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
11 Indicator Plan
11.1 Indicator Plan
Priority 1
Fostering knowledge transfer and innovation in agriculture, forestry and rural areas.
Fostering innovation, cooperation, and the development of the knowledge base in rural areas
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to change the indicators values.
The Table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Type in the input box the amount.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
Strengthening the links between agriculture, food production and forestry and research and innovation, including for the purpose of improved environmental management and performance
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to change the target values.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the value.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
Fostering lifelong learning and vocational training in the agricultural and forestry sectors
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to change the target values.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the value.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
Priority 2
Enhancing farm viability and competitiveness of all types of agriculture in all regions and promoting innovative farm technologies and the sustainable management of forests.
Improving the economic performance of all farms and facilitating farm restructuring and modernisation, notably with a view to increasing market participation and orientation as well as agricultural diversification
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to change the indicators values and the planned output indicator(s).
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the value.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
Facilitating the entry of adequately skilled farmers into the agricultural sector and, in particular, generational renewal
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to change the indicators values and the planned output indicator(s).
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the value.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
Priority 3
Promoting food chain organisation, including processing and marketing of agricultural products, animal welfare and risk management in agriculture.
Improving competitiveness of primary producers by better integrating them into the agri-food chain through quality schemes, adding value to agricultural products, promotion in local markets and short supply circuits, producer groups and inter-branch organisations.
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to change the indicators values and the planned output indicator(s).
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the value.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
Supporting farm risk prevention and management
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to change the indicators values and the planned output indicator(s).
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the value.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
Priority 4
Restoring, preserving and enhancing ecosystems related to agriculture and forestry.
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to change the output indicators values for agriculture and forest.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the values for the Agriculture and for the Forest.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
Restoring, preserving and enhancing biodiversity, including in Natura 2000 areas, and in areas facing natural or other specific constraints and high nature value farming, as well as the state of European landscapes.
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to change the output indicators values for agriculture and forest.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the values for Agriculture and for Forest.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
Improving water management, including fertiliser and pesticide management
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to change the output indicators values for agriculture and forest.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the values for Agriculture and for Forest.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
Preventing soil erosion and improving soil management.
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to change the output indicators values for agriculture and forest.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the values for Agriculture and for Forest.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
Priority 5
Promoting resource efficiency and supporting the shift towards a low carbon and climate resilient economy in agriculture, food and forestry sectors.
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to change the target values and the planned output indicators.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the values.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
Increasing efficiency in water use by agriculture.
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to change the target values and the planned output indicators.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the values.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
Increasing efficiency in energy use in agriculture and food processing.
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to change the target values and the planned output indicators.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the values.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
Facilitating the supply and use of renewable sources of energy, of by products, wastes, residues and other non food raw material for the purposes of the bio-economy.
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to change the target values and the planned output indicators.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the values.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
Reducing green house gas and ammonia emissions from agriculture.
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to change the target values and the planned output indicators.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the values.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
Fostering carbon conservation and sequestration in agriculture and forestry.
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to change the target values and the planned output indicators.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the values.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
Priority 6
Promoting social inclusion, poverty reduction and economic development in rural areas.
Facilitating diversification, creation and development of small enterprises, as well as job creation.
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to change the target values and the planned output indicators.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the values.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
Fostering local development in rural areas.
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to change the target values and the planned output indicators.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the values.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
Enhancing the accessibility, use and quality of information and communication technologies (ICT) in rural areas.
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to change the target values and the planned output indicators.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the values.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
11.2 Overview
Overview of the planned output and planned expenditure by measure and by focus area.
You can see the overview in the report.
11.3 Secondary effects
Secondary effects: identification of potential contributions of RD measures/sub-measures programmed under a given focus area to other focus areas / targets.
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to select the focus area and the potential contribution.
The edit table pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Select the focus area or the potencial contribution.
(2) Click on the arrow.
(3) Click on Update to save the information.
11.4 Support table
Support table to show how environmental measure/schemes are programmed to achieve one (or more) environment/climate targets.
11.4.1 Agricultural land
Clicking on the Add button
will allow you to enter how the measure/schemes are programmed.
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the type of operation.
(2) Select from the list the AECM typology.
(3) Enter the total expenditure (EUR).
(4) Enter the total area by measure or type of operations.
(5) Select the focus areas.
(6) Click on Update to save the information.
11.4.2 Forest areas
Clicking on the Add button
will allow you to enter how the measure/schemes are programmed for the forest areas.
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the type of operation.
(2) Enter the total expenditure (EUR).
(3) Enter the total area by measure or type of operations.
(4) Select the focus areas.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
11.5 Programme-Specific Target and Output
Clicking on the Add button
will allow you to enter the programme-specific and output indicators.
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the code.
(2) Enter the target indicator name.
(3) Select the focus area.
(4) Enter the target value 2023
(5) Enter the unit.
(6) Enter the comments.
(7) Click on Update to save the information.
12 Additional national financing
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to enter the additional national financing for the measures.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the amounts.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
Measure 01-21
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to enter/update the Additional National Financing and the indication of compliance’s description.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the amount.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
13 Elements needed for state aid assessment
For the measures and operations which fall outside the scope of Article 42 of the Treaty, the table of aid schemes falling under Article 81(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 to be used for the implementation of the programmes, including the title of the aid scheme, as well as the EAFRD contribution, national cofinancing and additional national funding. Compatibility with Union State aid rules must be ensured over the entire duration of the programme.
The table shall be accompanied by a commitment from the Member State that, where required under State aid rules or under specific conditions in a State aid approval decision, such measures will be notified individually pursuant to Article 108(3) of the Treaty.
Clicking on the Add button
will allow you to enter the measures.
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the Title.
(2) Select the Measure from the list.
(3) Enter the amount EAFRD (Eur)
(4) Enter the National Cofinancing.
(5) Enter the Additional National Funding.
(6) Click on Update to save the information.
M01 – M21
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to update any measure for the title, amounts, if it is applicable to link it to the National Framwork and enter a description.
The Table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the Title.
(2) Enter the amounts
(3) Select if it is applicable the text from the National Framework.
(4) Click on Update to save the information.
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
14 Information on complementarity
14.1 Description of means for the complementarity/coherence with:
14.1.1 Other Union instruments
Other Union instruments and, in particular with ESI Funds and Pillar 1, including greening, and other instruments of the common agricultural policy;
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to enter the description.
The Description pop-up window appears:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
14.1.2 Regional programmes as referred to in Article 6(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013
Where a Member State has opted to submit a national programme and a set of regional programmes as referred to in Article 6(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013, information on complementarity between them.
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to enter the description.
The Description pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
14.2 Information on the complementarity with other Union instruments
Where relevant, information on the complementarity with other Union instruments, including LIFE.
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to enter the description.
The Description pop-up window appears:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
15 Programme implementing arrangements
15.1 The designation by the Member State of all authorities
The designation by the Member State of all authorities referred to in Article 65(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 and a summary description of the management and control structure of the programme referred to in Article 8(1)(m)(i) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 and arrangements under Article 74(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013.
15.1.1 Authorities
Click on the Add button
to add a new authority.
Select an official and click in the Edit button
to modify the information of this authority.
Select an official and click on the Delete button
to delete the authority selected.
Clicking on the Add button
will allow you to enter a new Authority.
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the Name.
(2) Select the Authority from the list.
(3) Enter the name of the person responsible.
(4) Enter the address.
(5) Enter the Email.
(6) Click on Update to save the information.
15.1.2 Summary description
Summary description of the management and control structure of the programme and arrangements for the examination of complaints. Management and control structure
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to enter the description.
The Description pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information. Arrangements for the independent examination of complaints
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to enter the description.
The Description pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
15.2 The envisaged composition of the Monitoring Committee
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to enter the description.
The Description pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
15.3 Publicity arrangements for the programme
Provisions to ensure that the programme is publicised, including through the national rural network, making reference to the information and publicity strategy referred to in Article 13 of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 808/2014.
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to enter the description.
The Description pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
15.4 Description of mechanisms of how to ensure coherence with regard to local development strategies
Description of mechanisms of how to ensure coherence with regard to local development strategies implemented under LEADER, activities envisaged under the "Cooperation" measure referred to in Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 Article 35, the "Basic services and village renewal in rural areas" measure referred to in Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 Article 20, and other ESI funds.
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to enter the description.
The Description pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
15.5 Description of actions to achieve a reduction of administrative burden for beneficiaries under Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 Article 27(1)
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to enter the description.
The Description pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
15.6 Description of the use of technical assistance
Description of the use of technical assistance including actions related to the preparation, management, monitoring, evaluation, information and control of the programme and its implementation, as well as the activities concerning previous or subsequent programming periods as referred to in Article 59(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to enter the description.
The Description pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
16 Actions taken to involve partners
16.1 List of actions to involve partners
Selecting a row of a previously entered action and click on the Remove button
to delete the action.
Click on the Add button
to add an action.
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the action.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to update the title and enter a description for the subject of the corresponding consultation and the summary of the results.
The tables becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the title.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
Enter the descriptions:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
16.2 (Optional) explanations or additional information to complement the list of actions
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to enter the explanations.
The Description pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
17 National Rural Network
17.1 The procedure and the timetable for establishing the National Rural Network (hereinafter NRN)
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to enter the description.
The Description pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
17.2 Organisation of the network
The planned organisation of the network, namely the way organisations and administrations involved in rural development, including the partners, as referred to in Article 54(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 will be involved and how the networking activities will be facilitated.
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to enter the description.
The Description pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
17.3 A summary description of the main categories of activity to be undertaken by the NRN in accordance with the objectives of the programme
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to enter the description.
The Description pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
17.4 Resources available for establishing and operating the NRN
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to enter the description.
The Description pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
18 Ex-ante assessment of verifiability, controllability and error risk
18.1 Statement by the Managing Authority and the Paying Agency
Statement by the Managing Authority and the Paying Agency on the verifiability and controllability of the measures supported under the RDP.
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to enter the description.
The Description pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
18.2 Statement by the functionally independent body from the authorities responsible
Statement by the functionally independent body from the authorities responsible for the programme implementation confirming the adequacy and accuracy of the calculations of standard costs, additional costs and income forgone.
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to enter the description.
The Description pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
19 Transitional arrangements
19.1 Description of the transitional conditions by measure
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to enter the description.
The Description pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the text.
(2) Enter the figure name.
(3) Click Upload to add the figures.
(4) Click on Remove to remove the picture.
(5) Click on Update to save the information.
19.2 Indicative carry-over table
Clicking on the Edit button
will allow you to enter the amounts for the total union contribution planned.
The table becomes editable:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the amounts for all measures (M01 – M20)
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
20 Thematic sub-programmes
Clicking on the Add button
will open a pop-up window allowing you to add a new name for a thematic sub-programme.
Selecting a name row and click on the Edit button
will allow you to modify the name.
Selecting a row of a previously entered name and click on the Remove button
to delete the name of the thematic sub-programme.
Clicking on the Add button
will allow you to enter the name for the thematic-sub-programmes.
The Edit Details pop-up window appears:
Enter the following information:
(1) Enter the name of the thematic sub-programme.
(2) Click on Update to save the information.
You can upload the documents related to this section from the General/Documents section:
Validate the Rural Development Programme (RDP)
An RDP Programme can be validated only if its status is Open or Returned for modification by MS. |
Click on the Validate link to validate the RDP
An Error will block you from sending the OP. The error(s) should be resolved and the OP must be revalidated. Note that a Warning does not block you from sending the OP. |
The system validates the following information:
After all errors have been resolved the status of the RDP becomes 'Ready to send'.
An example of a validation window
Send a Rural Development Programme (RDP)
An RDP Programme can be send only if its status is Ready to send, Sent or Returned for modifications by MS. For web users, "the 4 eye principle" must be respected. Therefore, the user sending must be different from the user who last validated. The Sending of information by a Member State to the Commission should be electronically signed in accordance with Directive 1999/93/EC. Sending of the different objects is generating a snapshot document and after the sending an acknowledge document is generated by the European Commission. |
Click on the Send link to send the RDP.
The system will ask you to confirm the send action:
Click on Yes to confirm. → The status of the RDP become 'Sent' or click on No to return to the RDP → The status of the RDP is still 'Ready to send'.
The Sending of information by a Member State to the Commission should be electronically signed in accordance with Directive 1999/93/EC.
Sending of the different objects is generating a snapshot document and after the sending an acknowledge document is generated by the European Commission.
This acknowledge document is signed but the Member State was not signing the snapshot document. The EU Login now provides a functionality of signing without forcing the user to have a certificate. The action to sign will only be triggered when sending to the European Commission.
Enter your SFC2014 Password and click on the 'Sign' button.
Delete the Rural Development Programme (RDP)
An RDP can be deleted only if its status is Open, Ready to send or Returned for modification by MS and has never been sent to the Commission before and has no sent documents attached. |
Click on the Delete link to remove the RDP from the system.
The system will ask you to confirm the delete action:
Click on Yes to confirm. → The RDP is physically deleted. All data of this RDP are lost.
Click on No to return to the RDP → The status of the RDP doesn't change.
Cancel a Rural Development Programme (RDP)
A RDP can be cancelled only if its status is 'Open', 'Ready to send' or 'Returned for modification by MS' and has never been adopted by the Commission before. |
Click on the Cancel link to remove the RDP from the system.
The system will ask you to confirm the cancel action:
Click on Yes to confirm. → The status of the RDP becomes 'Cancelled'. Data of this RDP version are not lost. It is still possible to create a new version based on a 'Cancelled' version. It is not possible to send a 'Cancelled' version or click on No to return to the RDP → The status of the RDP doesn’t' change.
Create a new version of a Rural Development Programme (RDP)
A New Version of the RDP can only be created when the current RDP version status is, Returned for modification by EC, Cancelled, Sent to EC or Adopted by EC. It is a must to have the role of MS Managing Authority Update. |
Click on the Create new version link to create a new version of the RDP
The system will ask you to confirm the create a new version action:
Click on Yes to confirm.
→ If the status of previous RDP version was 'Adopted by EC/MS'
then the new RDP version has its first version digit incremented (+1).
→ If the status of previous RDP version was 'Cancelled' or 'Sent to EC' or 'Returned for modification by EC'.
then new RDP version has its second digit incremented (+1).
Click on No to return to the RDP
→ The status and the version of the RDP doesn't change.
You have the possibility to prepare a new RDP version (for instance 1.1) while the previous one (1.0) is submitted to EC. However, you can't send this new version to the EC until the previous one is 'Returned for modification by EC' or 'Adopted'. If the previous one 1.0 is 'Returned fo modification by EC', then you can send this prepared version 1.1. If the previous one 1.0 is 'Adopted', then you have to: 1) Cancel version 1.1 2) Create new version 2.0 based on either 1.1 or on 1.0 (by opening the desired version and by clicking on 'Create new version'). |